The Good and Bad About You as a Friend Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Forming and sustaining friendships in adulthood is not as easy as it was when you were young and trading lunchboxes with your playmates on the playground.

Even though it may seem a little bit strange to try and guess what kind of friend you are according to your zodiac sign, it is possible.

If you want to maximize your potential, take a look at the following list of what type of friend you are based on your zodiac sign:




Aries 1

An Aries friend is someone who is always up for new adventures and who will do their best to push you beyond your limits.

Their confidence and boundless energy may motivate others to follow in their footsteps, but they can wear them out.

As a friend, they tend to neglect the needs of others. Additionally, Aries is the only sign that can occasionally behave like a child.

They are unwilling to cooperate with others and always want to be number 1. Call an Aries if you need of some inspiration. Stay away from them if you're a slacker who never gets in the mood for “action.”




Taurus 1

If you are looking for someone who would be interested in spending a wellness day with you, Taurus is your best companion.

He is the right person to have by your side when it comes to massages, good food, and shopping because he appreciates the simple aspects of life.

However, Taurus is more than just their materialistic side, and they have a lot to offer. In addition to being a hard worker, he is surprisingly easygoing and likely the most loyal friend you have.




Gemini 1

If Gemini is your friend, you can count on always having a good time because they are the most spontaneous, witty, and storytellers of all the signs.

Nobody else is better at making people laugh. The only issue is that it takes a while before the date comes because Gemini is almost never on time and often cancels just a few minutes before.

If you can overlook their tendency to be late and unreliable, then Gemini is an excellent choice for a friend because they are always ready to defend their unpunctual and unreliable nature.




Cancer 1

If your idea of the perfect evening means going out with your friends, staying in, baking a cake, and watching movies late into the night while chatting, then you've found the right place with Cancer.

Being at home, taking care of friends, and talking about anything and everything, preferably until the wee hours of the morning, is what this water sign is all about.

When you've broken through Cancer's impenetrable barrier, you'll find that they continue to place a high value on your company even after you've left.

Cancers don't enjoy having many changes in their lives and look for stability in their relationships, be they platonic or romantic.




Leo 1

Fiery Leo fights as a lone soldier. Be ready to sit back and enjoy the show. She seems self-centered and can be aggressive toward strangers, but to those she calls friends, she is deep, courageous, and generous.

She has a kind nature and is a lot of fun to hang out with, but there are times when she can be hard to understand. Her enthusiasm and positive outlook are infectious, and she radiates an attraction that makes it impossible to ignore her.




Virgo 1

Virgo is the sign for you if you love it when people give you their honest opinion. She is extremely direct and honest and her friends appreciate that.

If you are looking for a partner who will encourage you to be the best version of yourself and who will be worried about your health, then you are in luck with this earth sign.




Libra 1

Friendly Libra rarely has a hard time making friends because they belong to the group of people who are well-balanced, uncomplicated, fashionable, and compassionate. She has an eye for beauty and a penchant for romance.

She is the ideal friend because she can offer advice on a variety of topics, including dating and shopping. You can also talk to her about anything, and she will always listen to what you have to say.




No matter what you think of them, Scorpios are the most dependable friends you could ever have. He will take your secrets to the grave and defend you even in your absence.

He will also defend you. Even if you are in the wrong, he will sacrifice himself for you. However, you will suffer terrible consequences if you deceive or betray a Scorpio.

After that, they release their venom, and nobody, and we mean nobody, wants a Scorpio for an adversary.




Sagittarius 1

Sagittarius is always honest with you. The unlucky thing is that she will tell you the truth regardless of whether or not you want to hear it from her.

This fire sign has little patience. But her fun-loving, cheerful nature makes up for her sometimes tactless and know-it-all nature. Sagittarius is an excellent friend and companion.




Capricorn 1

A Capricorn friend puts in a lot of effort and never loses sight of what she wants out of life. She is good at meeting new people and enjoys keeping herself busy, so it may be hard for her to find time to cultivate friendships.

However, once you have established a trustworthy connection with her, it is hard for anything to easily disrupt that connection.

Her unwavering commitment to those she calls friends is legendary. She never lets you down.




The Aquarius free-spirited friend usually has a big group of friends who come from a variety of different backgrounds. But essentially she is a loner, but makes it easy for others to be friends with her.

She is prone to experiencing erratic mood swings, but very few people notice this because the Aquarius friend is careful not to show her emotions.




The Pisces friend always seems to know exactly how you are feeling, even to the point where it almost seems crazy how well she can read your mind.

This water sign is sensitive, intuitive, and dreamy due to her romantic and sensitive nature. She spends a good portion of her day daydreaming, which may explain why she is so good at empathizing with others.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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