The Holiday Season Might Not Be Bright And Cheerful For These 3 Zodiac Signs

Twinkling lights, presents, and holiday music are now the theme until the New Year. Some people will find this period exciting, while others will find it more stressful.

Some people prioritize last-minute tasks like buying gifts, getting out winter coats, and finalizing travel arrangements, leaving little time for relaxation, and some people simply don't have the choice to travel or to give gifts.

For 3 zodiac signs, December 2022 will be a challenging month because its energy clashes with their natural tendencies and behaviors.

Until December 21, the Sun will be in Sagittarius, inspiring all people to broaden their horizons through knowledge, understanding, and the sharing of their own truths. While this season is full of adventure, most endeavors can be quite fleeting due to Sagittarius's mutable nature.

One of the main reasons the next three signs might not enjoy the holiday spirit is that the Sagittarius season is all about enjoying what each moment has to offer, regardless of what the future may hold.



Aries 5

Aries, setting boundaries is what you should do this December, but do it in a way that will ultimately give you more freedom and room to develop. Mars, your planetary ruler, be retrograde and you'll be asked to consider how you relate to other people.

This season is the ideal time to set boundaries in your intimate relationships if you haven't already. Even though you're always eager to help, having too many dependent loved ones can occasionally cause more harm than good.

Make sure you don't engage in any unhealthy behavior this month when you interact with the people you love. Avoid miscommunication by being as clear as you can when you speak.

You will, however, be incredibly determined and focused. You will be re-energized with a renewed sense of hope and spirituality in addition to connecting with your higher self.

Your intuition will guide you to your destiny, and your dreams will be vivid. Think for a moment about your soul's purpose and your cultural background. How has your professional life changed during this year?

Fortunately, your self-assurance and faith in your future will be increasing by the end of December. But before starting any new endeavors, take a look back at all the previous ones.

On December 23, when the Capricorn New Moon occurs, cosmic energy will assist you in building new foundations for your career. Be patient and steady, and never forget that fortune favors the brave.




Cancer 5

Cancer, you'll need to concentrate on your tasks, routines, and habits. You must give yourself plenty of flexibility and freedom in your daily life because the Moon rules your zodiac sign, but you must also adhere to some sort of structure.

The smallest rituals you follow help you function at your best even though no day is ever the same. If you need to add more discipline, this is a good time to do so.

Just remember to be adaptable because some of your most daring and fruitful endeavors will occur at the most unexpected times. You'll have something to hope for in December.

Because direct Neptune will once more fill your imagination with color, it will also open new doors of opportunity. Part of you might feel the need to give up and get away from all the expectations and hustle and bustle if you've neglected your health and are overburdened at work.

The same holds true for those of you seeking assistance and spiritual guides, so don't be afraid to try your luck. Jupiter's influence in Aries will make you feel more confident and ambitious this month.

Have faith in your ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to. The best ally you can have is yourself.

As the month goes on, you'll concentrate more on your relationships by raising your standards and keeping reasonable boundaries. Hold yourself to the same standards you hold others.




Scorpio 5

Scorpio, the stars advise you to hide your credit card. Because you can do anything when you have money in your account, and risky behavior tends to increase around the holidays.

Remember, it will be crucial to be cautious when purchasing gifts this year. For the upcoming days, you'll need to keep a little of your money in reserve.

When it comes to concerns about your finances or your inner healing, don't discount the significance of consulting a professional.

Having someone to assist you in times of ambiguity and instability will be a priceless investment in your future. You might experience a significant mood change after the Capricorn New Moon on December 23 in which you feel more determined and serious.

Others may think you are overly pessimistic because of your brutal honesty. When expressing your feelings, pay close attention to your intonation.

It will also be the right time for you to recharge. As you give more than you receive at this time, you might experience a strong need for comfort and privacy.

To satisfy your need for intimacy without having to face your fears, you might have a tendency to look for casual relationships. You will be encouraged to reconsider your emotional boundaries and let the right people into your life.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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