The March 2023 New Moon Will be Very Transformative for These 4 Zodiac Signs

The arrival of Spring means that it won't be long before we move forward the clocks by one hour. If you're interested in astrology, you're going to be thrilled to find out more about how the Aries New Moon in March 2023 is going to influence your life.

In addition to the collective rebirth that is taking place after a protracted period of darkness, we are also preparing to welcome the astrological new year.

The Spring Equinox occurred this year on March 20. This event marked the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere as well as the beginning of the season of Aries.

There is an undeniable sense of renewal that enlivens and inspires us during this season, which equates to the first spark of life after a long, cold winter.

his season is a symbol of fertility and new beginnings, and there is an undeniable sense of renewal that energizes and inspires us during this season.


What does this have to do with the New Moon?

The energy will be even more fertile, auspicious, and heavenly powerful because the New Moon in Aries will take place less than 24 hours after the Equinox.

The Moon's next cycle will start at zero degrees of this cardinal fire sign, which is an important degree in astrology.

In other words, not only are we moving into an entirely new season, Moon phase, and astrological year but also via the oldest and most primitive degree of the first sign of the zodiac.

It would be a grave error on your part not to set any intentions during this lunation. This is not just any Equinox portal; rather, this one is special.

Saturn and Pluto will both be changing signs in March, so it's safe to say that this new beginning will be completely different from any other one you've experienced before.

It is not only a new adventure but also a new identity that will emerge from within. Consider the year 2008, when Pluto first moved into Capricorn, as a point of reference, because it will soon finish its journey through Capricorn and make its debut in Aquarius on March 24.

Wherever Capricorn lives in your natal chart, that is the area of your life in which you will have undergone profound self-renewal and metamorphosis.

Even though you might not be entirely sure what the outcome of this change will be, you can almost hear the voice of your intuition calling out to you from the depths of your soul, urging you to take some kind of action.


The Aries New Moon will rise on March 21

It is essential to take into account the most important planet during this lunation, which happens to be Mars. Mars will continue to highlight the duality of your sacred masculine and divine feminine energies while it is in Gemini.

When you think back to the beginning of this transit, which began in October 2022, in these areas of your life, what do you consider to be your greatest accomplishments?

Did it heal or activate your throat chakra? Have you faced the dark side of your internal dialogue and thinking?

On a brighter note, Venus, the planet of love, relationships, pleasure, and values, will transit through its home sign, Taurus, and will be in conjunction with the North Node of Destiny.

This will usher in a fresh sense of ease and empowerment, both of which will likely become more apparent during the New Moon. We will be divinely guided and supported in this new journey of self-mastery.

The upcoming New Moon will shake things up significantly in your life if your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign fall under any of the following zodiac signs.





Gemini, you are letting go of attachments that are no longer congruent with your future goals and dreams.

This is especially true when taking into consideration that Pluto will finish its 15-year journey through Capricorn and your eighth house of joint ventures on March 24.

The New Moon will take place during the middle of Mars' transit through your sign and via your 11th house of associations, community, and individual freedom.

You will immerse yourself in your main character's spirit, but at the same time, you will reflect on the duality of your relationships and friendships.

In addition, since Venus will be in Taurus at the same time as the North Node, you're encouraged to place a high priority on your values and your loyalty

Do not overlook the importance of articulating your goals and objectives, as doing so will give you a better opportunity to see them realized.





You are aware, on some level, that the future holds a lot of promise for you. This New Moon will bring you inspiration and momentum as it takes place in your sister fire sign and travels through your ninth house of adventure, wisdom, and uncharted territories.

Since Mars has been moving through your 11th house of future visions and community affairs, you are likely to be more aware of your beliefs, particularly as they relate to your friendships and ideals.

The most important detail to keep in mind? You will feel equally supported and confident moving forward with Venus and the North Node illuminating your 10th house of authority. This will allow you to make better decisions.





Scorpion, are you working on a new project right now? If you don't take the lead on your daily routine or a project, you could be bringing a new health regime into your world.

In either case, the New Moon will pass through your sixth solar house, while Mars will ignite your eighth house of close relationships and shared resources.

Since Mars is also your traditional ruler, it's important to think back on everything you've picked up since October 2022, when it first started retrograding through Gemini.

What new insights have you gained about your day-to-day life, particularly in regard to the things you give and receive? It will soon be time for you to reclaim your power and start taking decisive action.





During this time, the Moon will be traveling through Aries, via your fifth house of love, passion, authenticity, and self-expression.

At the same time, Mars will be nearing the end of its journey through Gemini and your seventh house of agreements, compromises, and significant others.

In light of this, take some time to think about the new information you gained about your loved ones, as well as the duality of your individual relationships, Sagittarius.

Not only will you enter an entirely new stage, but you will also become aware of the mental barriers that may have previously hampered your ability to have fulfilling relationships.

Pluto is also about to complete its transit in Capricorn, so it is also important to think about what can be transformed and regenerated, whether financially or in terms of values. The stars will support you.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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