The New Moon In Virgo In September 2023 Will Be Very Lucky For These 4 Zodiac Signs

As summer fades and the days shorten, we find ourselves on the cusp of fall. With the sun traveling through the meticulous sign of Virgo, its illuminating rays cast a spotlight on various aspects of our lives, ranging from our personal habits to our daily chores.

As this transformative season approaches, it is an opportune time to think about the things we wish to create and nurture. Do you have any aspirations for personal growth?

If you're curious about how the September 2023 New Moon in Virgo will affect your zodiac sign, get ready to welcome one of the most dynamic and supportive moon phases we've seen in a long time.

The significance of the new moon extends beyond the beginning of a new lunar cycle; it also serves as a moment of pause, reflection, and realignment. Each month, when the sun and moon come together in the same astrological sign, a unique connection is created.

While the sun personifies our ego and physical reality, the moon embodies our deep emotions and inner world.

The dissolution of these celestial entities presents us with a blank celestial canvas, emphasizing the importance of purposefully embarking on this new chapter.

As an earth sign known for its punctuality, Virgo brings themes centered around health, mindfulness, organization, and daily routines, among other things.

Even if these areas are not one's natural strengths, they require special attention to maximize productivity and unleash creativity.

To gain further insight into the influence of this new moon, it is advisable to investigate which astrological house the 21st degree of Virgo occupies in your natal chart.

This exact spot will serve as a focal point for the energy of this new beginning, allowing you to tap into its full potential.




Aries 1

The new moon in September brings you a host of benefits, Aries. It offers you the opportunity to reset your daily routines and gain new perspectives that can lead to unexpected discoveries.

Whether in your personal or professional life, take this opportunity to reorganize and renew both mentally and physically.

The New Moon forms a harmonious aspect, known as a trine, to Uranus, the planet of freedom, in your astrological second house, which rules comfort, finances, and the search for stability.

This alignment encourages you to reflect on your current habits – are they aligned with your personal values? How can you balance productivity with enjoying life's pleasures?




Cancer 1

Dear Cancer, if you find your mind cluttered, the new moon in Virgo is here to offer a solution.

Taking place in your third house, which rules communication and your immediate environment, this lunar event offers you an opportunity to organize, structure, and simplify things in this area of your life.

This also applies to those looking to acquire new skills or strategize for their future career plans.

In addition, the new moon forms a harmonious aspect with rebellious Uranus in your eleventh house, which relates to associations, community activities, and future aspirations.

Embrace new ideas and collaborations, as they have the potential to bring unexpected breakthroughs.




Virgo 1

Happy New Moon, dear Virgo natives! This is a very promising opportunity for you, especially with Mercury, your ruling planet, turning direct again.

The convergence of the sun and the moon in your sign is a rare occurrence, so make the most of it by making wishes and setting goals – be they with your mental, physical, or spiritual well-being.

You have a fresh start and a clean slate to work with. Maybe you are thinking about a big transformation.

Despite this, this new moon also forms a harmonious aspect to revolutionary Uranus in your ninth house, which is associated with expansion and belief systems.

If you feel a call to take a calculated risk, don't hesitate. Some of you may even find yourself questioning traditional beliefs as an unconventional approach can yield unexpected benefits.




During this new moon, the focus falls on partnerships, joint ventures, and shared resources.

It affects your eighth house, which deals with matters such as debts, taxes, and mutual agreements, and offers an opportunity to simplify and improve processes for the future.

This is also a time to reflect on the dynamics of your intimate relationships, with the aim of strengthening your sense of security.

Additionally, the Moon forms a harmonious aspect with Uranus, the protector of freedom and your modern ruling planet, in your fourth house, which is related to family foundations, emotions, and the concept of home.

This alignment opens the door for unexpected and exciting changes in your personal life.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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