The Past Is Knocking At The Door Of These 3 Zodiac Signs On September 2023

Is the past knocking on your door in the coming weeks? September 2023 brings a visit from the past for those born under 3 zodiac signs.

These signs will be forced to confront their past, whether they like it or not. Even though we should put the past in the past so that we can focus on living in the here and now, it has a way of creeping into the present and surprising us when we least expect it.

When our memories come back to haunt us, it’s not always a terrible thing to face them head-on. There are occasions when it also delivers something positive.

It usually indicates that there is still a subject for us to cover, which is due to the fact that we haven’t truly completed dealing with it yet.

Or perhaps the universe is trying to guide us away from repeating our mistakes and toward living in the present. In September, the following zodiac signs will be visited by their past:





Some events from your past will come back to haunt and challenge you. Nevertheless, you will be brimming with energy and confidence, and you will feel like there's nothing you cannot do.

Sometimes you turn to your family and loved ones for support. Address issues where they don't always agree, as this can lead to conflict.

The important thing is to proceed independently and with caution. Flexibility is the way to your progress, and you are full of activity and determination to achieve your goals.

Be honest and sincere with yourself. There are times when we all feel as though we are being dragged down by a heavy melancholy and don't know how to deal with it.

This sadness may come for no reason, but there are also traumatic experiences that are hard to move on from, and the accompanying melancholy from the past is hard to ignore.

In times like these, we tend to wallow in our misery. It is completely normal to have days like this, in which we feel more melancholy on the inside than usual.

Being sad is a challenging emotion to experience, and this feeling often results from conflicting thoughts. However, we often begin to believe that there is something wrong with us when we don't live up to expectations.

When we fail to meet others' expectations of us, we start to think that there must be something wrong with us. Why don't you feel happy at this time?

The reason for this can be found in your past, which you must be let go of! Even though circumstances may seem different, understand that it is okay to feel sad.

It may take some time to make peace with the past and move on from it. Don't judge yourself if you don't always live up to expectations.





You have a hard time looking inside yourself because you are afraid of uncovering long-forgotten memories.

These are the kinds of memories that could help you understand how much you have lied to yourself.  However, during this month, you will be confronted with exactly that: the past.

You have a lot of things that you need to keep to yourself, and up until this point, you have done an excellent job of hiding it from the outside world.

You deflect people's attention away from yourself in an effort to hide the truth about what's going on. Still, those burning memories don't fade just because you've learned to charm others.

When you are alone, this turns into bitter loneliness and sad memories. It's a mess emotionally, but you've learned to control and repress your sadness, which is good.

This month, however, the cosmos will hit you with full force, like an avalanche of bricks, and everything will change.

You try desperately to suppress the sadness, but you can't. Those memories are persistent and you need to finally acknowledge and share your emotions.

There are a lot of worries that come along with these memories, and they strike terror into your heart.

Even though you have been here before and triumphed over your fears, you cannot ignore or dismiss this. The question is, why is all of this happening again?

Now is the time to take a step back and acknowledge that melancholy is a part of life, but it should not define who you are or how you live your life.

You are not defined by your sadness, and even though today may be difficult for you, know that it won't last forever. Stay calm and you'll make it through this without any problems.





There is a side of you that you don't like to let other people see very often. When sadness overcomes you, you like to retreat to your sanctuary.

In times like these, it is okay for you to feel sorry for yourself; however, you should remind yourself that you are not a burden to anyone.

You know this happens on occasion, and you are familiar with how to handle it; however, this does not make the mental anguish any less difficult.

As recent failures continue to haunt you, old memories have begun to resurface, and this has caused mental unease.

Although you recognize the difference between past and present, the sadness doesn't just go away. However, you know you can handle it and that it's only temporary.

Know that even the darkest of times will end eventually. In life, we all experience highs and lows, and the lows can sometimes be filled with nothing but pure sadness.

We go through many emotions, and days like these can feel even more challenging than we imagined. But keep in mind that this too shall pass!

When you are feeling down, it can be comforting to know that you are not alone. There are people who support you and who understand you.

Make sure you give yourself enough time to deal with your feelings and regain your equilibrium. It's okay if you want to retreat, but remember that you won't stay in that mood forever.

You can overcome this phase just as you have overcome others in the past. Depression is something natural that everyone experiences at some point in their lives, but it should not define who you are.

Keep your eye on the future and don't forget that things will get better.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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