The Personality Disorder You Are Most Likely To Have Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Each zodiac sign has its own set of positive traits that always remind us of how imaginative, attractive, courageous, or organized we can be.

However, just like the positive traits, each zodiac sign also has a set of negative and dark traits.

Aries, for example, is known to be one of the most courageous and determined of the zodiac, but this courage can easily turn into aggression at times.

There is a drawback corresponding to every positive aspect. However, there are times when the negative traits outweigh the positive ones and start to have an impact on our day-to-day lives.

A personality disorder can be defined as what happens when our negative personality traits start getting in the way of living a normal life.

There is a certain risk that anyone, no matter their zodiac sign, will develop a particular personality disorder. When you think of personality disorders, extremes or generalizations come to mind first.

This is because we're not as familiar with the various disorders that fall under the category of personality disorders as we are with disorders such as anxiety and depression.

And while things like your preferences, occupation, zodiac sign, or even certain personality traits cannot guarantee whether or not you will develop a personality disorder, you may be wondering what your zodiac sign could say about your mental health.

Having a personality disorder, on the other hand, is not something to be ashamed of, it's like having any other disorder, whether mental or physical.

A personality disorder can only be diagnosed and treated by a doctor or another appropriately trained mental health professional.

However, because of your zodiac sign, you are more likely to have certain bad personality traits.

Pisces are known to be extremely compassionate and kind people, but they can also quickly burst into tears if they are not too aware of their emotions.

These characteristics are sometimes the result of certain personality disorders, which get in the way of a normal, healthy life. There may also be a biological component behind it.

Even though personality disorders can manifest in people of any zodiac sign, certain personality disorders fit naturally with some signs' energy.

Read on if you are curious as to which personality disorder you're likely to develop, according to astrology.



Aries – Temporary Explosive Disorder

Aries 1

Aries radiates confidence, valor, and passion. On the other hand, the sign of Aries is known for being one of the most rash, impatient, stubborn, and aggressive zodiac signs.

People born under this sign tend to have personalities that are powerful but explosive, making them challenging to deal with.

Intermittent Explosive Personality Disorder is commonly associated with Aries. The explosive outbursts of anger and violence that are characteristic of this behavioral disorder are its defining feature.



Taurus – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Taurus 1

It is common knowledge that those born under Taurus are known for their warmheartedness, generosity, and grounded nature.

On the other hand, they can be extremely possessive and stubborn, becoming angry and panicking when things do not go according to their plan.

This kind of behavior often results in obsessive-compulsive disorder, more commonly referred to as OCD.

OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by people having unwanted thoughts, feelings, or ideas drive them to do something over and over again.



Gemini – Dependency

Gemini 1

People born under Gemini are known for their wit, intelligence, ability for change, and adaptability; however, they can't stay alone for a long time.

Geminis have a constant need for reassurance and love, which frequently leads them to enter into relationships in which they are dependent on another person.

These people are capable of neglecting their obligations and responsibilities, which, if fulfilled, would make them live lives of independence.

As a consequence, Geminis are more prone to dependency personality disorders, manifested by clingy behavior and difficulty making everyday decisions without reassurance from others.



Cancer – Paranoia Personality Disorder

Cancer 1

Cancer is known for their strong feelings, ability to care for others, love, and loyalty. Those born under this sign, on the other hand, live in constant terror of being hurt or rejected by others, which drives them toward self-isolation and they build walls around themselves.

As a consequence, people born under Cancer are more likely to suffer from Paranoid personality disorder, which is characterized by feelings of paranoia, suspicion, and distrust of other people.



Leo – Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Leo 1

Creativity, optimism, loyalty, confidence, ambition, and a strong sense of purpose drive Leos in everything they do in life.

These characteristics are extremely beneficial, particularly in terms of securing the job of their dreams.

However, Leos have a tendency to be extremely self-centered, arrogant, and proud of themselves. They enjoy being the center of attention and constantly believe that they are superior to everyone else.

They have a tendency to fall in love with themselves to such an extreme that it is easy for them to develop Narcissistic personality disorder, which is characterized by intense attention or admiration and a lack of empathy.



Virgo – Borderline Personality Disorder

Virgo 1

Virgo is one who is extremely detail-oriented, intelligent, analytical, and a great perfectionist. They tend to overthink situations and feel stressed when events do not unfold as planned.

Nevertheless, after experiencing a negative situation (for example, someone wanting to leave her, Virgos can become mean, manipulative, and bitter.

This phenomenon is characterized by an unstable sense of self as well as emotionally unstable relationships with others.



Libra – Self Destruction

Libra 1

Those born under Libra have a magnetic personality, are generous, loving, and can be very romantic.

Since they are generous to a fault and so accustomed to giving to others, they often forget about themselves, which can result in a personality disorder known as self-destructive behavior.

They are very humble, which makes it hard for them to accept praise, and they may believe that they are not deserving of happiness or love.

These kind people constantly sacrifice themselves for others, but they find it hard to accept praise.



Scorpio – Anxiety

Scorpio is a sign known for being bold, loyal, intuitive, and passionate, but also for being very mysterious and secretive.

These enigmatic people do not like to share much with others and tend to avoid social situations and build walls around themselves, even though they have a strong desire for intimacy.



Sagittarius – Anti-social

Sagittarius 1

People born under Sagittarius are known for their straightforwardness, generosity, and philosophical outlook, not to mention their lack of fear of taking chances.

Sagittarians also tend to be tactless, careless, impatient, and rebellious, so they are more prone to antisocial personality disorder.

This personality disorder is usually characterized by a disregard for the rights of others.



Capricorn – Perfectionism

Capricorn 1

People born under Capricorn are known for being ambitious, hardworking, careful, and disciplined. They also have big goals and dreams.

On the other hand, they have a reputation for being stubborn workers who insist on accomplishing every task in the most efficient way.

This indicates that they experience high levels of anxiety and frustration whenever the work they are doing is not up to their standards.

This kind of inflexible behavior can develop into perfectionism disorder, which is a risk factor for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).



Aquarius – Schizotypal

Aquarius is one of the most sociable and outgoing zodiac signs. This sign is also intelligent and creative.

On the other hand, this strange and eccentric sign often walks a fine line between sanity and insanity. When Aquarius is about to cross this fine line, it may become schizotypal.

People who suffer from schizotypal personality disorder suffer from severe social anxiety, go through periods of derealization and paranoia, and hold unconventional beliefs.



Pisces – Histrionic

Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, is known for being very kind, compassionate, and selfless, in addition to having a strong intuition.

Those born under Pisces, on the other hand, tend to be overly sensitive, particularly when it comes to what others think about them.

As a result, they may become needy for affection and approval and addicted to attention from others.

This attention-seeking behavior is known as a histrionic personality disorder.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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