The Spiritual and Astrological Meaning of Winter Solstice 2022

In the Northern hemisphere, the Winter Solstice marks the shortest day and the longest night. It also marks the beginning of the Winter season.

However, the Winter Solstice is significant for more than just being the coldest time of the year; it also has interesting astrological and spiritual meanings.

The majority of people, especially those who live in cities with extremely cold temperatures, have a tendency to stay inside their warm homes as much as possible during the Winter season.

As a result, this time of year is perfect for introspection and considering individual objectives. It's also a time to manifest our aspirations and visualize what we want to accomplish when the new year starts.


When is the Winter Solstice?

This mystical phenomenon will take place this Wednesday, December 21 at 4:47 pm EST. People believe that it marks the moment when the Sun comes to a stop and the beginning of a new season.

Additionally, it is believed that during the Solstice, the veil that separates our world from the higher dimensions becomes thinner. Because of this, we have a fantastic opportunity to make contact with the energies of the galaxy and the angelic realms.

During the Winter Solstice in December, the Sun will also enter the earth sign of Capricorn. After having just recently moved into Aries, Jupiter will also be in a highly active position during this year's Winter Solstice.

Because the planet is associated with growth, its presence at the solstice has the potential to magnify the sensation of the Winter Solstice's magical energies.



Spiritual Meaning of the Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice, like the beginning of every new season, brings with it the excitement of new beginnings. On the other hand, it has a distinct atmosphere because it ushers in the Wintertime months when it is darkest and coldest outside.

It's thought to symbolize a theme of celebration and merrymaking, as well as reuniting with loved ones and honoring the small amount of light that is still present.

This belief originates from cultures that are very old. One of the best examples of this is the stone monument at Stonehenge in England.

It is aligned with the sunset of both the Winter and Summer solstices. Another example is the Mayan pyramid, Chichén-Itzá, which is located in southern Mexico.

One way to commemorate the Winter Solstice is to express love to our nearest and dearest, such as family and friends. This is the sentiment behind the exchange of gifts during the holiday season as well as the custom of celebrating with tasty meals.



Astrological Meaning of the Winter Solstice

There is also significance in astrology attached to the Winter Solstice. This event always takes place at the same time as the start of the Capricorn season.

Because the energy of this sign is proactive, disciplined, and responsible, we may feel more compelled to adopt these qualities on this day.

Since Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign and Saturn is the ruler of the sign, our thoughts may focus primarily on financial and professional concerns.



The Northern Hemisphere – The Soul’s Dark Night

The Northern hemisphere is entering a period of retreat as the day is the shortest. We are required to pay attention to the more subtle shifts that occur within our existence.

It sometimes is the case that the only time we are able to thoroughly investigate the depths of our core and confront the new facets of our identity is when there is no spotlight on us and we are in complete darkness.

The Winter Solstice provides us with an opportunity to enter the darkness and be with our own individual truths without the interference of any other factors.

It is not necessary to provide an explanation for these truths, nor is it necessary to name, recognize, or even make a note of them. Just be with them and acknowledge their existence.

Labels and preconceived notions need to be cast aside. Instead, we need to allow ourselves to feel the emotions that are surging from the power of the heart.

In order to be able to discover new truths and the power that lies behind our identity, during the dark night of the soul, we need to locate this stillness.



Ritual For The Soul’s Dark Night

For this day, the single most important thing you can do for yourself is to simply sit in complete darkness. Put an end to any and all sources of illumination by switching them off.

Then, you should simply allow yourself to be in that place. While you are in that darkness, try to keep your eyes open and pay attention to how you are feeling.

Even if you can only spare a few minutes, make an effort to power through any feelings of agitation or restlessness that come up during that time.

After that, you should soak in a warm bath to calm your nerves and relax. Allow yourself to rid your mind of all the negative ideas and emotions that you do not want to be a part of your life.

The dark night of the soul is a time for introspection and getting some much-needed rest.



The Light’s Celebration – The Southern Hemisphere

The start of Summer, also known as the Light Season, has arrived in the Southern hemisphere. Now is the time to break free from your timidity and face the world. Allow your true self to shine.

During this time, make great strides forward while you celebrate all that you've accomplished this year. This day is a reminder from the Universe that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, even if the Sun does not always shine in life.

As the Capricorn Sun is directing us to attune our motivations and our soul's calling, we should conduct an internal examination of the factors that drive and motivate us. We will be prompted to reflect on the energies that fuel our spirit as well as those that replenish it.

On this day, you should make it a priority to spend a significant amount of time outside in nature. Experience the warmth of the Sun and be aware that it has the power to nurture, transform, and inspire you.



The Ritual Of Light’s Celebration

During the day, you should get out of the house and find someplace cool and comfortable to sit in. Bring a journal and a pen. After that, while seated, observe everything that is going on around you right now.

Try to pick out five different scenes that really stand out. Take a moment to appreciate them. After that, start writing or drawing. Allow your creativity to lead you in whatever direction it chooses.

Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and establish a purpose for the Universe, the planet, other people, and yourself. Do this after you get the sense that the feelings have been settled.

It is a time when you should celebrate every aspect of who you are. Use your imagination, take risks, and be audacious today.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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