The Total Solar Eclipse April 2023 Will Be Life-Changing for These 4 Zodiac Signs

Eclipse season is without a doubt the most decisive and defining time of the year. This Season of Change arrives once every six months and occurs in pairs of two or more eclipses.

This event paves the way for the universe to adjust to your reality. If you were born under one of the zodiac signs that will be mostly affected by the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, then get ready for the journey of a lifetime.


Eclipses are much more than a bewitching and mysterious phenomenon

In fact, these interruptions to our regular schedule are always a warning that something new is going to take place. A Solar Eclipse happens during a New Moon, while a Lunar Eclipse happens during a Full Moon.

We have no control over anything, and all that we can do is sit back and let the pieces fall into their place. An eclipse forces you to confront the truth plunging you into the darkest part of your shadow self.

As soon as your eyes get used to the darkness, you'll notice that things start to make more sense.

When an eclipse occurs, it is almost always in the same zodiac sign as the North Node or the South Node. This allows you to access your full potential and frees you from limiting attachments.

In contrast to the South Node, which represents our past lives and past experiences, the North Node guides us in the future.

Since an eclipse brings you to a crossroads in your karmic journey, it guides you in the direction of your ultimate destiny, often when you don't expect it.

Even though the changes that occur during an eclipse can be extremely overwhelming, they can also be extremely exciting. You have no choice but to have faith that wherever you go, it'll be beautiful.

A total Solar Eclipse in Aries will take place on April 20/21, at 29 degrees. This will take place just over two months before the North Node officially enters Aries on July 17.

This eclipse may feel like an energetic push in an uncomfortable direction, away from our comfort zone since the North Node represents our energy as a collective.

Since this Solar Eclipse occurs at exactly 29 degrees, it can be extremely powerful and filled with defiant energy.

Aries is a zodiac sign known for being aggressive, passionate, and competitive, however, this means that the changes that are occurring during and around this Eclipse could add insult to injury.

Keep in mind that whatever you decide to let go of right now will make room for something that is both very important and absolutely necessary for your journey.

If you don't notice this change right away, just give it some time to work its way through your system. The opportunity for transformation is open before and after an eclipse!

This event could trigger a major transformation in your life, so check your Sun sign, Moon sign, North Node, South Node, and your rising sign




Aries 1

With your fiery and impatient nature, you can become one of the most hardworking and honest zodiac signs. And remember, even though things are about to get very busy for you, you are more than capable of managing it.

The Solar Eclipse in your first house of self can signify the start of a significant identity change. Your life may suddenly start to undergo unexpected shifts to awaken you from complacency and become the person you were always meant to be.

And despite the fact that a Solar Eclipse can have a significant and far-reaching impact, its impact can also be simple and subtle but profoundly personal.

Aries, you need to give yourself some time to get rid of some things. You need to try something different.




Cancer 1

Cancer, you'll become well-known for your accomplishments. But first and foremost, you have to be willing to give up things that you enjoy in order to achieve your goals.

This Solar Eclipse will take place in your tenth house of ambition and public image, and it will usher in a new phase in your professional journey.

Perhaps you're planning to leave your current job and look for other opportunities. Or you're getting ready to accept a promotion or even switch to a completely different line of work.

In either case, the time will come for you to accept the responsibilities offered to you and be ready to take them on.

You've put in a lot of effort to build up your personal life, and now you're about to get a taste of what it's like to struggle to achieve your goals.




Libra 1

Libra, you will get to learn a lot about what makes a healthy partnership. Since this Solar Eclipse takes place in Aries, your opposite sign, it will boost activity in your seventh house for those close to you.

Does a big change lead to the beginning of a relationship? Do you want to free yourself from a commitment you have made to someone?

This Solar Eclipse could mean that you are ready to cut ties with someone, but it could also mean that a relationship is moving towards something different; something stronger and more important.

In either case, the upcoming Solar Eclipse will open your eyes to what makes a relationship successful or unsuccessful. If there is someone who wants to be in your life, they will find a way.




Capricorn 1

Capricorn, as this Solar Eclipse approaches, you are getting ready for a great personal change.

Taking place in your fourth house of home and family, this celestial event can be a harbinger of change in your home life.

You might be ready to relocate, welcome a new member to the family, or you might simply be ready to rethink your living space.

It could even be a sign that you are ready to leave your hometown and move to a different location for exciting new opportunities.

However, because you will undoubtedly leave your home and venture into the unknown, you must keep in mind that it may take some time for your new life to take hold.

Even if all you're doing is getting rid of old belongings and giving your apartment a thorough cleaning, the process could certainly bring up complicated emotions.

In either case, you will realize that the idea of “home” is more a state of mind than a physical location.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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