These 2 Zodiac Signs Might Have a Challenging December 2022

The Sagittarius season and, more importantly, the last retrograde of Neptune for the year are both indications that the end of the year is drawing ever closer.

December is going to be a particularly challenging one for those who were born under these zodiac signs. This month, Neptune finishes its retrograde motion and moves in Pisces, while Mercury moves in Capricorn and Jupiter moves in Aries.

They will be greatly impacted by the various planetary alignments that occur during the month of December. December marks the end of the year and the beginning of a time for celebrations and getting together with family and friends.

This time of year can bring a lot of happiness, but it can also bring a lot of sadness for some signs of the zodiac. They might have a bad time, especially with the Sun being in Sagittarius and Mercury being in retrograde.




Virgo 5

December will bring people born under the sign of Virgo times of happiness and joy, as well as times of sadness. The influence of Mercury, Virgo's ruling planet, will be felt by those born under this sign.

Mercury will leave Sagittarius on December 6 and enter Capricorn. Virgos will undoubtedly be challenged by this transition to improve their ability to communicate with others and to express themselves in a manner that is less rigid and more open to understanding.

They will be able to start a conversation with their partner, and like Capricorns, they will ensure that every word counts. Virgos are likely to experience contentment and joy when they are in a relationship.

During this month, those who are single will have a chance to find love or live an experience that will bring them a great deal of happiness. However, on December 25, Virgo may experience a significant slowdown in their love life as a result of Mercury's retrograde.

It's possible that those born under this earth sign will come to terms with the fact that their partner won't always do what they want, and they may also realize that in order to understand each other, they simply need to improve how they communicate their wants and needs.

It's possible that Virgos will have some second thoughts about a significant choice they need to make regarding their future. However, their loved ones will be able to provide support during this complicated and challenging period.

Virgos will never experience loneliness as they will constantly be surrounded by people who love them sincerely. In addition to this, they will have a very busy social life, with a lot of invitations throughout the month.

Virgos will be able to build their self-confidence through these exchanges, and they will start to believe in their capabilities.

Their lives will also be affected by the transit of Neptune through Pisces. They could be forced to deal with challenges brought on by the planet of dreams and illusions, and in response, they might try to escape reality by drowning in their own thoughts.

However, this period may be beneficial for them to reflect on who they are and regain their footing by questioning their beliefs. They may be able to move forward and transform as a result.

Virgos have a good chance of being able to make the right decisions by the end of the year, which will allow them to move in the right direction.

They will also have a difficult time succeeding in finally being at peace with their dreams and ideals, and should also have a difficult time fulfilling themselves.

This month of December will be a challenging one for Virgos, but it will set them up well to make a good start to the new year.




Cancer 5

During the month of December, Cancers should put more of their attention toward their work. Because Mercury is currently in retrograde, they will need to establish a new routine in order to keep their discipline.

Even if they have a strong desire for independence by the end of the year, they will need to adhere to a guideline in order to make sure that they accomplish all of their goals before the end of the year.

People born under the sign of Cancer need to keep their guard up so that they can maintain their self-confidence.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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