These 3 Zodiac Signs are at Risk of Experiencing Life-altering Changes in the Coming Days

The last season of the zodiac is finally here, if you've been putting off getting some rest, now is the time to get all the rest you need.

On the other hand, despite the ethereal quality of the Sun's transit through Pisces, there is a possibility that 3 zodiac signs will undergo significant changes soon.

However, this depends on their ability to surrender to the changes at play (especially with Saturn in Pisces), and Pluto entering Aquarius in March.

It can be extremely difficult to get out of your comfort zone because it's what you're used to, it's only natural for you to cling to it.

Nevertheless, there are energies that will push us to take risks, you will engage in a new plan of self-mastery. Just days before Saturn enters Pisces, you're encouraged to focus on your long-term dreams and really decide what's best for you.

Even though the Sun is currently in Pisces, it is necessary for all of us to occasionally become down to earth.

If one of your technological devices suddenly stops working, you will now understand why. It is because conveying information, particularly concerning something of value, your future, or your relationships is important.

Even if it is not necessarily something negative, it will still come as a surprise and possibly even upset you.

If your Sun sign And Or Ascendant falls under one of these zodiac signs, here's why you might be caught off guard in the coming days:




Taurus 1

You rose above the petty superficialities that might once have dominated the affairs of those around you.

On the other hand, over the next few days, you won't have a choice but to make it clear what your hopes, future visions, and long-term goals are in order to determine your next steps.

And despite the fact that you are typically recognized for your innate capacity to prefer taking things slowly, there will be no room for slowness in this endeavor.

Your ruling planet, Venus, will also reach the end of its journey through Pisces, the sign in which it is most prosperous and flourishes, before entering Aries via your 12th house of your horoscope, which is concerned with unconscious patterns.

Your understanding of what constitutes safety will also shift over time, but Mars' passage through this part of your map will always be able to provide some perspective on the matter.

There is a good chance that you will learn unexpected information regarding a professional endeavor, your job, or even your future.

Take a few deep breaths and try to maintain your composure despite the chaos. Additionally, it's likely that you'll be more in touch with your emotions, so try to take it easy.




Leo 1

A new Moon is always exciting because it ushers in an entirely new lunar cycle; however, there is something a little bit strange about the lunation that will occur on February 20.

You have a blank sheet of paper in front of you… However, because Saturn is so close, there is a deep, gloomy darkness that lingers within your psyche.

Given the square that formed between Mercury and Uranus, it's possible that it will involve some sort of collaboration in your professional life.

Give yourself time to figure it all out and find the best solution to your problem; don't react on a whim if you feel as though you can't even put words to what's going on!

So if you feel as though you can't even think about what's going on, give yourself time!




There is activity going on in the second house of your chart, which is in charge of your comfort, finances, and values. In addition, as Saturn completes its long transit through your sign in an increasingly gradual manner, you may feel a sense of both relief and pressure.

This tension, on the other hand, could be the result of a lack of clarity regarding your financial security or even your own sense of self-worth.

At this time, you may want to place a greater emphasis on whether the activities or investments you are considering are worth the investment of your time and effort.

Mercury will come into conflict with Uranus, the planet that rules your sign, as it travels through your fourth house of family and emotional foundations. This is an ironic occurrence that will take place while Mercury is in your sign.

In other words, there is a good chance that the situation at home will undergo significant shifts, but you will, in the end, figure out how to solve the issue.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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