These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Most Often Betrayed By Their Partners: They’re Unlucky

Nothing hurts quite like betrayal, often leaving wounds that are hard to heal. According to astrologers, some zodiac signs are more likely than others to be betrayed by their partners.

This is often linked to their character traits and the types of relationships they establish with the person who shares their life.

Infidelity and lies can destroy the bond of trust, and the perception of the other person can change abruptly.

However, many reasons can push a person to betray his partner. Some zodiac signs can be victims of betrayal more than others. 

To avoid the worst, they will have to focus more on their relationship while remaining on their guard.




The prize for the most betrayed sign in a couple goes to… Leo! Indeed, this sign of Fire, woman or man, often displays a strong personality and an authoritarian character.

He likes to take on the role of leader in the couple. However, this attitude is not always accepted by the spouse or partner who may feel oppressed.

By trying to control everything, he often prevents the other from taking initiatives or decisions for the couple which can strongly discourage his partner and pushes them to flee the relationship.

So, if he wants to preserve a balance in his romantic relationships without risking betrayal, this zodiac profile will have to be softer and more flexible.

He will thus give the possibility to his other half to fully commit to the relationship.





The other sign that can easily be betrayed by their partner is Virgo. This is arguably one of the least self-confident signs of the zodiac. He remains very suspicious of others.

However, when reassured in the couple, this sign becomes very confident and even a little too naive! His kindness could thus be perceived as a weakness by his partner.

He will then never doubt his intentions and could easily let certain details escape him. However, his strong intuition pushes him to be more selective in his relationships with others.

Being very faithful, Virgo will not hesitate to wipe their partner off the map upon discovering a betrayal.

However, he should pay attention to the actions and not the words of the people who share his life so as not to fall into their traps.





Pisces is also one of the most vulnerable signs in a couple. Once in love, this water sign is gentle and faithful.

However, his dreamy spirit and strong attachment could be overwhelming for his partner.

The latter will not hesitate to move away at the slightest opportunity. Moreover, the naivety of this water sign very often attracts malicious people.

Before fully committing to a relationship, he will need to take the time to get to know his partner so as not to risk a painful breakup.

Indeed, Pisces is an astrological sign that can be strongly impacted by betrayal. He would even be ready to forgive everything to stay with the person he loves.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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