These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Most Women’s Nightmare

Some zodiac signs are good at creating tension. Our personalities depend on our zodiac signs, so this is the reason why men born under these 3 signs might seem like a nightmare to women.

They are a nightmare because they can act like a toxic nerve gas to a woman's psyche. They bring drama and tears. Are you one of them? Read on to find out:




Cancer 4

Cancer thrives on emotions. The Cancer man, a water sign, feeds not only on his own emotions but also on others' emotions.

Sometimes he is so overwhelmed by his feelings that he might seem confused.

Since this sign is affected by the Moon, his sensitivity is heightened during the different phases of the lunar cycle.

This can sometimes result in emotional outbursts and drama in his personal life. Consider yourself lucky if this man is in love with you.

As long as he loves you with all of his heart, you can rest assured that he won't leave you no matter what.

If, on the other hand, he is unsure about his feelings about you, then it will be a negative emotional roller coaster ride not only for him but also for you.

If he can't get his emotional problems under control, you will have to play the substitute psychiatrist for most of your relationship.

In the long run, it will drain you mentally. Helping someone is a good thing to do, but devoting your entire life to resolving someone's emotional problems is too far.

If you are a woman who is unstable, sensitive, and not very mentally strong, then you should stay away from a Cancer man because he can become a nightmare for your psyche.




Capricorn 4

Capricorn, ruled by Satur, will keep you guessing for a long time. Since he is the type of guy who really thinks things over before making a decision, he will want to keep it “non-committal” for as long as possible.

In doing so, he forgets that you are getting your hopes up and may fall in love with him while he waits. If you love him, he will test your patience and your nerves more than anyone else.

He will not stop testing you until you have reached your limit. When you confront him, he will feel cornered and start overreacting. You then most likely break off contact while he cries after you.

Capricorn tends to jump from one extreme to the next. First, he makes you squirm, then he cries after you. If you are the type of woman who knows exactly what she wants, you should avoid Capricorn like the plague.

He will be a nightmare for your patience and your nerves.




Taurus 4

Even though this sign is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, don't be fooled. Since they are so stubborn, Taurus can drain your emotional power like no other sign.

This very practical zodiac sign is completely clueless when it comes to understanding how to deal with other people's emotions. He can be romantic, but only when he's in the mood.

If he is not in a good mood, he can cut your soul with his words, like with a knife. Taurus can be the most irritating person on the planet. For them, it's easier to insult you than confess his love to you.

In a long-term relationship with a Taurus, a woman who is sensitive to criticism and tends to take things personally is almost certain to experience traumatic events.

Only if you live by the motto “in one ear and out the other” will you be able to get along with Taurus, and if you don't let anything he says get too close to you, that's how you'll have a chance with him.

But who does this to himself voluntarily over a long time?

If you are currently dating or are about to meet a man born under one of these 3 zodiac signs, you should probably reconsider.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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