These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Never Happy

In philosophy, happiness is defined as a state of complete satisfaction. Since this is the case, who can complain about being dissatisfied when they have fulfilled their deepest desires?

Astrologers believe that for certain signs of the zodiac, absolute satisfaction is only a pipe dream.

Some people don't know how to appreciate happiness when it comes their way and they tend to complain and crave more.

The stars have designated three signs that seem to be the most dissatisfied and grumpy with whom communication is difficult.




Taurus 1

If there is a Taurus in your circle, you are certainly no stranger to this statement. Taurus is hard to please. Grumpy by nature, with Taurus, old habits die hard.

If you were raised by a Taurus mom, you must have been subjected to her eternal dissatisfaction.

If, in addition, you were not very demanding of yourself, there have certainly been disagreements because of your lack of discipline, cleanliness, and rigor.

She wants the house to be kept in a certain way and not in any other way, she wants your clothes to be folded the way she wants them and she wants everything around her to be perfect.

It is difficult to communicate with such a stubborn person. This is how Taurus reacts when his world goes wrong. His life will either be perfect or it won't be!




Virgo 1

Perfectionist, Virgo is the very archetype of being eternally dissatisfied. Hard on themselves, this sign seeks an ideal in everything they do and demands it from their peers.

If a project displeases her by not being perfect, Virgo is capable of ruining it and starting it all over.




Capricorn 1

Capricorns are stubborn, demanding, and difficult to please. But if you manage to break through their shell, you will discover a loving and devoted person.

Capricorn often feels misunderstood. He seeks, like everyone else, happiness. But this happiness is often subject to very precise criteria. In their quest for perfection, Capricorns can sometimes hurt those around them.

To make Capricorn happy, you will have to make success your priority. Capricorn has a strong work ethic and likes to see the same values ​​in others. And remember that success is planned.

Capricorn likes to plan everything and leaves no room for improvisation and doubt in his life.

What about you? Would you say that you are eternally dissatisfied or, on the contrary, are you able to be satisfied with what life gives you?



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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