These 3 Zodiac Signs Can’t Keep Secrets

We all know someone that cannot keep a secret. Astrologers have determined that this particular personality trait is mostly associated with 3 zodiac signs.

People who are born under these signs are unable to restrain themselves from expressing their opinions on topics that are irrelevant to them and cannot keep their mouths shut.

Some people like to talk a lot and enjoy having conversations about topics that are relevant to them. Some, on the other side, purposefully interfere in the affairs of others so that they can brag about it to everyone else.

People who were born under these zodiac signs have very distinct personalities, but there is one trait that they all share in common: they are terrible at keeping a secret.

They cannot hold their tongue and often end up revealing others' deepest, most personal secrets. Even if you're born under one of these 3 signs, it doesn't necessarily mean you are like this, it's only a tendency.





When it comes to hearing what others have to say, Libra's compassionate nature shines through. They can be a shoulder to cry on, also because it's in their interest to do so.

They only bother to listen to other people in order to make themselves feel better. They have an ingrained desire to lead the way in every endeavor, and they do not hesitate to take an interest in the things that others are doing to feel better.

Often, Libras are going to repeat whatever they hear. People born under this sign have such a hazy understanding of what constitutes privacy that they end up in misunderstandings many times.

They will treat even the most private of your revelations as if they were just pieces of information. If you talk to a Libra and trust them with a secret, be sure to tell them not to tell anyone else about it.

On the other hand, if you want someone to gossip with, you know which sign to turn to.





Sagittarians are in second place, but they are potentially tied for first with Libra. Those born under this sign have a hard time holding their tongue.

They tend to repeat everything that is said to them without even realizing it because they are very talkative and enjoy communicating with others.

Sagittarians are known for being friendly and engaging conversationalists. Unfortunately, they are unable to empathize with the feelings of others, and as a result, they do not understand why others become upset when they reveal secrets.





It is common knowledge that those who were born under Gemini are great communicators. They never get sick of hearing the most recent rumors, whether it be about food or about the most recent news.

The meaning of the word “secret” is interpreted uniquely by those born under this air sign. They don't see its importance and are willing to reveal your secrets in order to initiate a conversation or keep the conversation interesting.

Geminis have a lot of compassion, but keeping a secret is one thing that they have a hard time understanding.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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