These 3 Zodiac Signs Give Off Negative Energy

Every person we meet gives off a certain energy. Sometimes the negative energy surrounding someone's aura can affect us in some way.

You must have noticed it on a daily basis: after having communicated with such and such a person, you experience a feeling of calm, cheerfulness, and well-being.

Or on the contrary, you suddenly feel weak, depressed, and angry. No wonder, since your mood can change depending on the people around you.

And this, without even necessarily being empathetic. All this is due to the impact of the positive or negative energy emitted by people.

Let us now reveal these famous zodiac signs which give off bad energies without even being aware of it.




Capricorns are quite realistic. They do not practice esotericism and do not believe in the mystical field. Pragmatic and rational, they are totally guided by the facts around them.

As a result, these natives always have their own opinion and can hardly be influenced. Moreover, when Capricorns feel that communication with a person is unpleasant or tiresome, they minimize their contact with them as much as possible.

In truth, too selfish and plagued by negative feelings, they don't even have enough energy to listen to other people's problems.

Beware of Karma: if you envy a Capricorn or if your wishes are ominous, tell yourself that the wheel will inevitably turn against you.

Those who dislike or despise Capricorns tend to experience a variety of health problems and may not recover easily. Better to be on your guard!





Thanks to their talent for diplomacy, it is very easy for Geminis to find common ground, even with complete strangers. Orators and charismatic, they can talk for hours about anything and everything, because they really enjoy communication.

They have no problem accepting criticism and feedback. Except that precisely, their extroverted side makes it easier for them to spread their moods and their problems uncensored.

So much so that when communicating, Geminis unconsciously get rid of their negative energy, strongly affecting their surroundings. Others find themselves unwittingly carrying the burden that Gemini has just magically shed.





So sensitive and dreamy, it's hard to believe that Pisces would have a dark side. However, although they are not affected by others, they are very mysterious and quite closed in on themselves.

It is very difficult to make a Pisces talk when he jealously guards his secret garden. When communicating, they can be so distant that they will barely participate in the conversation.

We feel them elsewhere and disinterested. This can be very disturbing, even vexing at times. This puts us in a particularly annoying mood.

But you shouldn't blame them so much: when they are not at their best, Pisces prefer to isolate themselves in their corner to avoid appearing unpleasant during their interactions with others.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

1 Comment
  1. I,’ve never really enjoyed the experience of being a Pisces.

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