These 3 Zodiac Signs Have a Lot to Look Forward to This Capricorn Season 2022

Even though we are in the last week of the Sagittarius season, there are still plenty of opportunities for exciting new experiences!

In point of fact, three fortunate zodiac signs will have the best Capricorn Season, and this pertains to more than just the celebration of the holidays.

Nevertheless, as the winter season draws near, it is essential to take into account the spirituality and symbolism associated with it because winter is also a time for maturation, rest, and reflection.


How did last year go and what to expect this 2023?

At the beginning of the Capricorn Season, feelings are likely to become more intense, particularly because the Moon will be in Scorpio during this time, which will give off a sultry and seductive vibe.

On this day, December 19, the Moon will also form a harmonious sextile with pleasure-seeking Venus, which will increase our passion and loyalty to our traditions and value systems. This aspect will take place at 1:40 p.m. EST.

Naturally, this could coincide with the holiday season, which is typically characterized by a strong sense of melancholy and reflection on the past.

On a brighter note, if things have been feeling unmoving and/or sluggish for you recently, you are in for a pleasant surprise. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, abundance, and expansion, will re-enter Aries, the sign of the courageous, where it will remain until May of 2023. Jupiter is also known as the Great Beneficent.

Consider the months of May or October 2022 when you were born and check your birth chart to see where the cardinal fire sign is located. This will tell you how this dynamic transit may affect you.

This is when Jupiter first entered Aries, which means that we are more likely to experience a rush of adrenaline pushing us forward and see events that are similar to those that have already occurred.

The beginning of the Capricorn season, which will occur on December 21 and 22, is a signal to give your long-term goals a boost of momentum. On the 22nd of December, charming and romantic Venus will form a trine with rebellious Uranus in an uplifting trine.

This will take place while Venus is dazzling sophisticated Capricorn.

This ingenious synergy has the potential to be productive and innovative provided that you are willing to experiment with both new and old ways of doing things.

Additionally, the arrival of the New Moon in Capricorn on December 23 will encourage us to let go of the past in order to better prepare ourselves for a prosperous New Year.

You are going to shine this Capricorn Season for one of the following reasons if your sun sign and/or ascendant fall under one of the zodiac signs listed below:

The coming Capricorn Season will be the best for those born under these three zodiac signs.




Taurus 4

Confidence is something that can be gained through clarity. You will acquire knowledge not only from the intimate unions you have, but also from the dynamics of the relationships you have.

The Moon will be in Scorpio, putting an emphasis on the emotional undercurrents of your individual relationships. However, there is more to keep in mind about this Capricorn Season.

Because the Moon will form a diligent sextile to Venus, the celestial ruler of your sign, through your expansive ninth house of religion, philosophy, and views, this is an excellent opportunity for a conversation that you have been looking forward to having with a loved one or someone who is close to you and whom you trust.

It is possible that the following day, when Jupiter enters Aries, you will make a spur-of-the-moment decision to embark on an unexpected and unplanned journey. This can be both enlightening and fruitful.

You will also place a high level of importance on your own personal philosophies, and this Capricorn Season will be an excellent opportunity for you to set new objectives in this domain.

Capricorn season is a time when you will be able to imagine what your future might look like and feel more expansive in spirit. This is true whether you are beginning a new spiritual routine or beginning a new field of study during this time.

The Sun will enter Capricorn for the first time on December 21 and 22, thereby energizing your expansive ninth house of self-discovery. This can be an ambitious and motivating time for you.

Moreover, when you take into account the trine that Venus is making to Uranus in your sign, anything can happen. The results of your experiments may come back to surprise you in a positive way.




Virgo 4

Honoring your inner child is the first step toward bringing something significant to light, and it will begin with this. On December 19, the Moon will harmonize with Venus through your fifth house of love, pleasure, and heart-centered self-expression.

This will take place as the Moon moves into Scorpio, which is your sector of communication.

Whether it's a conversation you've been looking forward to for a long time with someone you love or a creative epiphany that propels you into an entirely new chapter, a deep passion will make itself known to you.

Jupiter will make its debut in the sign of Aries on December 20. This will bring prosperity, growth, and blessings to your eighth house, which is responsible for intimate unions, shared resources, and soulmate connections.

It is possible that this new beginning will be centered around love. However, some of you may choose to participate in professional collaborations that highlight your individual skills, qualities, and gifts.

Are you prepared to take on a significant challenge?

The next day, the Sun will join Venus and Mercury in the sign of Capricorn, which will likely help you reconnect with your inner child or provide you with additional inspiration. The new moon on December 23 is the perfect time to plant the seeds of your intentions.




Capricorn 4

On December 19, a revealing Scorpio Moon will meet Venus seeking harmony in your sign while shining in your 11th house of community affairs and visions of the future. This will take place just days before you begin basking in the glow of your solar season.

You will usher in an entirely new era, during which you will finally be self-assured enough to put all of your charm and brilliance to good use and celebrate them. You will regain control of the situation if a particular issue or social network causes you to feel any kind of resentment at any time.

It may center on a family dynamic, but with Jupiter moving into Aries the following day, the cosmos will encourage you to lean on the love and support of your loved ones.

You will experience growth and fulfillment up until May 2023 thanks to Jupiter, the great planet of luck and abundance; therefore, you should not forget to count your blessings during this time.

Apropos of this, your birthday season will officially begin on December 21 and 22, close to the mysterious winter solstice, where you'll begin a brand-new journey around the Sun as you celebrate another year of life.

Before the Moon moves back into your sign, reaching for the stars, Venus will participate in an invigorating trine with Uranus, which will decorate your world with spontaneity and unconventionality. This will take place just before the Moon moves back into your sign.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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