These 3 Zodiac Signs Need to Follow Their Hearts in 2023

2022 probably didn't go exactly how you planned, but the next year could be the turning point in your entire life. You only need to pay attention to what your gut feeling is telling you and you'll be able to control your destiny.

If you put in the effort, there is a chance that you will achieve everything you have ever desired. However, this requires taking some risks.

It also means having faith in yourself and being confident in your judgment. These zodiac signs should follow their heart rather than their head:




You are a perfectionist, Virgo, and as a result, you always try to make decisions that are calculated. Choices that, in the long run, will lead to increased levels of happiness or success for you.

However, one must always bear in mind that life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Taking the path of least resistance does not necessarily mean that you have made the best decision.

Because things can happen that you have no way of knowing about in advance, this option might not even be a safe one. Do not completely ignore the advice of your heart if it tells you to move in a certain direction.

Pay attention to what it is that it has to say. It's possible that the choice that seems best on paper won't end up being the best choice in the real world.

Instead of insisting on doing what is morally and intellectually sound, you should start listening to both your head and your heart in equal measure. Logical considerations are irrelevant to happiness.





Your pessimism is preventing you from achieving success, Scorpio. Because you are so preoccupied with the possibility of something negative occurring, it has prevented you from actively seeking out relationships and experiences that could bring you joy.

This needs to change if you want a happier and more fulfilling 2023. You won't suddenly develop an optimistic outlook overnight, but you can begin to give yourself permission to consider alternative courses of action rather than opting for the one that seems the most risk-free.

Do not automatically conclude that pursuing a particular course of action is fruitless and that it will never be successful without investigating it first. Try to have a little more faith in yourself and the abilities you have.

Give yourself a genuine opportunity. If you don't even make an effort, you'll never get where you want to go. You can improve your odds by trying new things.





Pisces, your choices are always affected by the opinions of others, including your friends, family, partners, and peers. You want to please them.

You want to earn their admiration and respect. You want to cause as little disruption as possible and strive to maintain the status quo. However, that is not the healthiest way to go about life because it's your life that's at stake.

It is not appropriate for you to make decisions for other people. You need to focus on yourself a little bit more and live your life. Be a little bit more self-centered in 2023.

Put an end to worrying about how other people will evaluate the decisions you make and instead consider what you would do if no one else had an opinion or if you weren't being watched.

If you do everything that other people tell you to do, you run the risk of ending up with their version rather than your own version of the perfect life because happiness and success take on different forms for different people.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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