These 3 Zodiac Signs Need to Learn to Ask for Help

Each of us has friends who are willing to go to any lengths for us and who never expect anything in return.

It's not that they lead a drama-free life or have no need for help; rather, they are unwilling to ask for help because they are too proud, too embarrassed, or possibly too sensitive to do so.

What does astrology have to say about the zodiac signs that are the most likely to be their own emergency contact? Read on to find out:





Nobody else seems to have the same level of composure and focus as an Aquarius. This air sign is always happy to be invited to a party, but once there, they prefer to keep a low profile and observe the drama rather than get involved in it.

Even though a trustworthy Aquarius friend may have given you some of the best advice you've ever received in your life, when in a bind, Aquarians are likely to walk away.

In spite of the fact that they may come across as cold or as having an excessive amount of pride, Aquarians are actually quite sensitive.

When they are going through something, only a select few people are allowed to see them in such a vulnerable state. Send a message to an Aquarius friend or colleague who has been unusually quiet recently to find out how they are doing and if they need any help.

Even if they keep ignoring your texts, there is still a chance that they will eventually realize that you are someone they can put their confidence in.





Pisces is known as the “emotional sponge” of the zodiac. They are so sensitive and intuitive that they can't help but take on other people's problems and worry about them as if they were their own.

While Virgo, another sign on this list, shows their support by advocating for their own opinions, Pisces is more likely to follow others' lead.

Despite the fact that their generosity is often taken advantage of, they always keep being empathetic. When Pisces needs assistance, they have a tendency to wait until things are completely out of control before opening their mouth.

The inability of Pisces to reach out to others can cause unneeded disaster-level drama and, in the end, makes those born under Pisces feel let down.

Stop yourself the next time you want to dump all of your anxieties, worries, and fears on a Pisces friend, and instead ask them how they are doing.

Pisces have a tendency to forget about themselves from time to time, so you may have to remind them.





Your Virgo friend is always there for you whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation. Are you looking for a job? She will give you the all contacts necessary.

Are you looking for a house? She will send you a big list of recommendations. Do you feel lonely? She has a plan to introduce you to her attractive but shy ex-colleague who has recently relocated to the area.

If you are in need of help, a Virgo will move mountains to get to you, and once they do, they will act as if nothing has happened. What happens if this reliable and hardworking earth sign finds needs help? Silence.

It's not that Virgos don't value what you have to offer; it's just that they prefer to handle things in their own manner.

Therefore, the next time you see your Virgo friend struggling, ask them what the plan to solve this problem is and they might give you a role.


These 3 Zodiac Signs Need to Learn to Ask for Help Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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