These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Be Very Lucky in January 2023

Congratulations and I hope you have an amazing 2023! What would you like this year? Know that you'll start moving with new momentum.

There is a lot to know, so let's take a closer look at this month's astrological weather before we tell you about the zodiac signs considered to be the luckiest in January 2023.

At the beginning of January, Venus will form an alliance with Pluto and the Moon will shine through the sign of Taurus.

Venus, a symbol of abundance, pleasure, and relationships, joining forces with Pluto will highlight the dark side of both our personal and professional relationships as well as our financial situation.

Something will definitely change in this area of life, just in time for Venus' entry into Aquarius the next day. The energy will shift from being traditional and realistic to being innovative and out of the ordinary.

In addition, Venus will be challenged by the Nodes of Destiny, which has the potential to stoke the flames of an already volatile situation with people you regularly interact with.

Therefore, it is in your best interest to refrain from making any commitments, at least for the time being.


The January 16 Moon Will Peak in Cancer

This Moon will heighten our intuition while bringing us closer to our emotional world and deepest feelings. Think back to the New Moon that occurred in Cancer in June 2022 as a point of reference.

A word of advice: the sign of Cancer is about the home, which symbolizes what makes us feel safe and nurtured.

Mars has been in its retrograde motion in Gemini for the past two months. On January 12, the red planet will finally finish its transit through Gemini, ushering in a return to direct motion.

Mars will transit the same degrees it originally retrograded through, bringing energies, exchanges, and thoughts from the past for a second look.

However, it is important to keep in mind the post-retrograde shadow period, which will last until March 15th. On January 18, Mercury will also conclude its retrograde in Capricorn, providing us with one more reason to look forward to Aquarius season.

On January 20, the Sun will complete its journey through Capricorn and enter Aquarius. The following day will also bring about the New Moon in this fixed air sign.

Grab your notepad and write down whatever you want, as you will undoubtedly want to set your intentions, particularly those pertaining to your sense of individuality, your friendships, and your aspirations for the future.

On January 26, Venus will enter dreamy Pisces, making it easier for us to thrive. Good luck in January 2023 is predicted for those born under the following 3 zodiac signs:



Aries 1

Aries, you have a lot of reasons to be optimistic about the month of January. On January 12, your ruling planet, Mars, will finally go direct in Gemini after spending a few months in retrograde motion.

Mars will do this via your house of communications and house of immediate surroundings. You're in luck if you've ever felt as though you weren't understood, as Mars is going to unlock things for everyone.

Mercury will conclude a retrograde cycle in Capricorn on January 18, and this will take place at the same time that the Sun will be joining Pluto in your tenth house of authority, reputation, and inheritance.

You should talk to a superior about promotion if you are thinking about changing jobs or are currently in the process of switching jobs.

During the Full Moon on January 6 and 7, you may experience an emotion or a sense of inner achievement, which may be accompanied by the occurrence of something significant in your personal life.

This is the month in which you are most likely to form important new friendships and relationships, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there and socialize.




Cancer 1

Cancer, are you prepared to take things to the next level? The month of January begins with Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, highlighting the shadowy aspects of your romantic relationships.

As Venus moves into Aquarius via your eighth house of intimacy the following day, this event may also mark the beginning of a significant personal transformation.

On January 6th and 7th, the Moon will peak in your sign, which can be a time that is emotionally charged as well as profoundly liberating.

Mars will finally go direct on January 12, when it will pass through your twelfth house of healing, loneliness, and unconscious patterns. This may feel very liberating, especially after it has been retrograde for two months.

Your higher self is speaking to you and will enlighten you, so pay attention. On January 18, Mercury will go direct in your house of relationships, which means that you can anticipate a great deal more clarity with someone important to you or with your relationships.

January will come to a close with Venus making its debut in Pisces via your ninth house of expansion and travel.

As you step into the unknown, you can expect to find harmony and prosperity in all aspects of your life, including your personal and professional lives.




Capricorn 1

Capricorn, enjoy this new year and celebrate your solar season Capricorn. January is your month, but the intense Venus conjunct Pluto in your sign does not just mean sweet things.

you are also likely to embody the darker attributes of your personality, whether in terms of your finances or the relationships you have.

Shortly afterward, Venus will move into Aquarius via your second house of finances. This will usher in a period of peace and abundance for all matters pertaining to money, particularly for those of you who are looking to make money off of your talents.

On January 6 and 7, you will experience a significant emotional uplift as a result of the Full Moon in Cancer. This is it will bring confidence and clarity to your seventh house of compromises, contractual agreements, and other significant things.

On January 12, Mars will enter your sixth house of daily rituals and begin moving in a direct direction. On January 18, Mercury will enter your sign and begin moving in a direct direction.

If you've been hesitant to speak up or draw a conclusion about something, or if you've been feeling disorganized, this indicates that things are about to improve in a positive way.

In addition, after the Sun enters Aquarius on January 20, Venus will move into Pisces on January 26, which will make things in your house of communications more pleasant and attractive.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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