These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Drastically Change Their Lives in March 2023

March 2023 will usher in some of the most monumental and consequential astronomical events of the year, Saturn moving in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius.

The March Equinox, which marks the beginning of the new astrological year, will take place during this month as well.

Mars will also emerge from the shadow it cast after its last retrograde motion and leave Gemini, bringing to a close a cycle that we have been experiencing since August 2022.

All of these significant events that are going to take place in March are going to lay the groundwork for a new stage in the evolution of our soul's journey.

They will take us to the next level, bring us into new states of being, as well as open new doors and close old ones.

Since March is such a potent month, and because there is so much going on, we may feel disorganized and even a little frazzled, but regardless of how we feel, we will all be propelled forward in some way.

Venus and Uranus will be in alignment in Taurus as the month comes to a close. How can you harness this energy to fuel your powerful love for yourself?

Take care of yourself and your body, and maintain an attitude that is receptive to the opportunities that lie within your heart.

With this aspect, love can appear in the most unexpected and improbable of situations; therefore, you should keep an open mind.

We should all be directed to level up, get rid of things that are no longer helpful, and make room for new things, no matter what the month brings.


Astrology of March 2023

March 7-8 – Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces

March 10 – Jupiter conjunct Chiron

March 11 – Venus conjunct Eris

March 15-16: Triple Conjunction Sun + Neptune + Mercury

March 17 – Mars in Gemini will leave its shadow phase and Venus in Aries will be in square with Pluto in Capricorn

March 20 / 21 – Equinox + Sun in Aries + beginning of the Astrological New Year!

March 21 – Aries New Moon

March 23 – Pluto in Aquarius

March 25 – Mars in Cancer

March 30: Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

The following zodiac signs will experience significant and illuminating shifts during the month of March 2023 for the following reasons:



Gemini – You'll have the power to advance your career

Gemini 1

Your professional life will take up a lot of your attention this month. As you continue to make uninhibited progress toward your objectives, get ready to shake things up and push the limits!

Since Mercury and the Sun are currently traveling through your tenth house of career and reputation, anything you do now will be taken notice of.

Now is the time to formulate a plan for your professional advancement and communicate your ideas in a manner that exudes confidence and competence.

On March 6, Uranus will bring its passion for novelty to your Sun, which will make you more inquisitive and bring you flashes of insight.

You can turn this circumstance to your advantage by demonstrating to those in positions of authority that you are innovative and thoughtful in your approach to problem-solving.

Around the 16th of March, Mars, and Neptune will attempt to complicate your reputation by using their energies to influence the Sun and each other.

Someone is trying to damage your public reputation, or at the very least, that gossip is being spread about you. Someone in authority will try to get in your way for reasons that are beyond your understanding.

As a result of the influence of Neptune, both your intuitive abilities and your empathy will be enhanced. As a result, you are going to be extremely sensitive to others during this time, especially if they are trying to put you down.

Establish boundaries, and put your attention on yourself and the things you already know to be true. Do not allow your anger to take control of you; instead, stand up for yourself through your actions and find constructive ways to deal with your frustration.

Put aside your pride and take responsibility for the things in which it is within your power to do so. It won't matter what you do, as long as you don't compromise your honor or the facts when trying to solve the problem; everything will turn out okay.

When Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, it activates your tenth house of career and public image. This happens to be Saturn's favorite house, so this is a very significant event.

Everything you have been working toward will eventually become clear to you. Now is the time to put in a lot of effort and accept responsibility for your actions.

As Saturn travels through this house over the next few years, you should start to see the fruits of your labor if you've been working towards an important goal and putting in a lot of effort towards achieving that goal.

Saturn is about to go through some transitions, so you should get ready for a new phase in your professional life. Gemini, you are unstoppable thanks to your dogged determination and consistent effort.



Capricorn – You're ready to achieve your goals without hesitation

Capricorn 1

Since Saturn, the planet that rules your sign, will be moving into a new zodiac sign this month, a significant new phase of your life is about to start.

This shift will have a significant impact on your activities and thought processes. On March 7, Saturn will move into your third house of communication, ushering in fresh mental energy.

You won't be wasting any of your precious time. In fact, you may feel an incredible amount of pressure to meticulously plan out how you will spend your time because you will be inundated with interruptions from friends and coworkers, as well as errands and other events that occur on a daily basis.

Keep in mind that this feeling of immediacy and worry is all in your head; there is no need for you to torture yourself over the fact that you are not doing enough.

The lessons you learn throughout this cycle will, in the end, assist you in developing a deeper understanding of both yourself and the wider world.

On March 17, Venus will send positive vibrations to Saturn. These vibrations will melt cold hearts and fill you with a greater desire for intimacy.

You don't want a fleeting love that fades away with the changing of the seasons because you want a love that is genuine and long-lasting.

You might start a new relationship, perhaps with someone more experienced and knowledgeable than you, or at the very least, someone who seriously admires you.

This will not be the time for simply spending time with one another as a group. If you reach a point in your relationship where you feel like you've hit a brick wall, you'll be ready to take whatever steps are necessary to end things in a level-headed and reasonable manner.

Because of the harmonious relationship between these planets, love will be intense, devoted, grounded, and collaborative. You will be able to forgive others and find a peaceful solution to any conflicts that arise.

Mars will form a favorable aspect with Saturn toward the end of the month. This will provide you with a surge of energy that enables you to complete any task in a manner that is both efficient and disciplined.

You will be prepared to start working on the things that you are most interested in doing. You will have the opportunity to achieve genuine success in the business relationships you cultivate.

It is going to be an excellent time to start new romantic or business relationships. Capricorn, you don't need to be afraid of this new cycle; instead, maintain your composure and seek support from your loved ones.



Pisces – You'll be forced to change for the better

At the beginning of March, Pisces season will be in full swing, and you will face some challenges in the coming months. You are completely capable of handling anything that comes your way!

With the Sun currently in your first house of self, the way you express yourself is in the spotlight. On March 6, the Sun will make a favorable aspect with Uranus, prompting you to take the opportunity to experiment with new activities and approaches.

You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and make new discoveries regarding the topics that pique your interest through sudden flashes of insight.

On the other hand, on March 13, the planet of action, Mars, will challenge Neptune in Pisces, leaving you feeling suspicious and exhausted.

It will be challenging to determine who you can trust, and you may experience a sense of disorientation. If there is something in your past for which you need to take responsibility, don't lie about it.

Instead, take responsibility and work on improving the situation. Criticizing yourself or placing blame on others won't help you in the long run.

Maintain a low profile, don't let your anger get the best of you, and channel this unsettled energy into improving yourself and/or your projects.

Your sensitivity and intuitive abilities will be heightened on March 15, when the Sun in Pisces will be in conjunction with Neptune.

Surround yourself with people who can give you a sense of security, and steer clear of those who can give you cause for concern. Put your faith in your instincts, and establish positive boundaries whenever you can.

When Saturn moves into your sign on March 7, it will exert pressure on your first house of the self immediately after the Full Moon that occurs in Virgo on March 7.

This will kick off a cycle that will dispel any delusions you have about who you are as a person. In the beginning, you may experience feelings of confusion and lack of confidence, and you may look to others for reassurance.

You will have a profound awareness of who you are on the most elemental level, both on the inside and the outside.

The first day of the Aries season is March 20, when the Sun moves into your second house of values and self-esteem. As a result, new creative energy and focus will emerge.

This'll happen as Pluto will move into your 12th house of the subconscious, and Mars will move into your 5th house of creativity. If you make the most of these chances for development and expansion, you will progress in a positive direction.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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