These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have a Great Christmas 2022

Everybody loves Christmas. The atmosphere created by twinkling lights, the sound of gifts being opened, and Mariah Carey's “All I Want for Christmas Is You” being played loudly in every store you go into pretty much sums up the general atmosphere.

There is something indescribably magical about this time of year, and a large part of that has to do with the fact that everyone comes together for the purpose of fellowship and to take pleasure in the company of one another.

Everyone's to-do list is jam-packed with last-minute goals before the year ends due to the Capricorn season; however, 3 zodiac signs will have the best Christmas in 2022.

On the 25th of December, both the Sun and the Moon will be moving through signs that are ruled by Saturn. While the Sun will keep moving through the sign of Capricorn, the Moon will be moving through the sign of Aquarius.

Due to the fact that Saturn is a planet that is all about structure, discipline, and limitations, the Christmas celebrations that take place this year are likely to feel pretty gloomy for many people.

However, there are 3 signs that are likely to be in good spirits regardless. Discover what this holy time has in store for them:




Taurus 1

On December 25, the Moon will move through your tenth solar house, which is associated with your career and public image. This event will bring recognition and focus to your public persona.

It doesn't matter if you're throwing a holiday party or spreading holiday cheer on social media; on this day, everyone will be looking to see what you have planned.

However, as someone who is more interested in bringing awareness to your humanitarian pursuits, this moment is the perfect time for you to direct the attention that you're receiving to issues that really matter.

Your natural inclination will be to use your platform for the greater good, whether you decide to lend a helping hand to those in need or to highlight a charitable organization on your Instagram stories.




Capricorn 1

Capricorn, since it's your season, you have a greater number of responsibilities than usual. On December 25, the Sun will continue to transit through your first house of self.

Because of this, the 25th is an excellent day to get clear on your personal goals and where you should focus your efforts.

Despite the fact that Christmas is the ideal time for you to get your priorities in order, you shouldn't let the pressure of getting things done prevent you from taking time to enjoy the holiday with your loved ones.

You still have time to spend a calm and soothing holiday with the people you care about before getting back to your packed and hectic schedule.




Aquarius, on Christmas Day, the Moon will remain in your sign, putting an emphasis on the need for you to spend some time by yourself.

You are the type of person who enjoys their own company, so you have a tendency to be fairly selective when it comes to being social. Because of this, you may discover that you would ultimately prefer to spend the holiday by yourself this year.

During the time that the Moon is moving through your first solar house, you will receive the message that you should prioritize your own requirements above those of others, regardless of what others may be expecting from you.

Even though many people may find your conception of the ideal holiday to be unconventional, the most important thing is that you enjoy yourself to the fullest, even if that means cutting short the Christmas party in order to spend more time on your own pursuits.

Even during the holiday season, you should not feel bad about putting your own needs first.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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