These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Reconcile With an Important Person on The New Moon September 15, 2023

With the arrival of a new moon, we find ourselves in the beginning stages of a transformative journey that has the potential to shape the trajectory of our lives.

It is during this time that new ideas take root within us as we embrace and adapt to these new concepts.

As we progress towards the full moon, we may find ourselves on our way to manifest whatever we set in motion during the new moon.

This special new moon graces us on September 15, its energy forcing some of us to reconnect with our true love.

There are moments in life when chaos and turmoil become overwhelming, prompting a desire for simplicity.

In this enlightening phase, we have the opportunity to embrace the beauty of simplicity and explore the paths that allow us to lead a more uncomplicated existence.

Within the influence of the new moon, we are given the ability to recognize our mistakes and correct them. If this corrective journey leads us to embrace a loved one, then the potential for a joyful reunion becomes even more promising.

This is a moment of reconnection and reconciliation with old flames, a time we truly define as a reunion with the love we hold dear.

Three zodiac signs, in particular, find themselves closely intertwined with the energies of this new moon on September 15, forging a path to reconciliation with their true love.




Pisces 4

The love you hold for this extraordinary individual has always burned passionately in the depths of your heart, overcoming any distance, years, or other romantic entanglements that may have come your way.

As the upcoming new moon graces the skies, thoughts of this person will almost inevitably become prominent in your mind. It's as if the universe is leading you to believe that your intense contemplations might just be reciprocated by them.

And you know what? You are absolutely right. Now it's a matter of translating these thoughts into reality, mustering the courage to let go of the past and resist the urge to reopen old wounds. Embrace the present moment, dear Pisces.

Are you ready to start the next chapter and give this person your forgiveness? Desire stirs within you and rest assured, your deep love will surely be reciprocated.

Now, it is up to each of you to take the monumental first step and propose a new way forward. Given your compassionate and empathetic nature, you will most likely be the one to extend the olive branch of reconciliation.

Trust us, this decision will be worth every bit of fear you'll have, opening the doors to true happiness. You, dear Pisces, deserve unconditional love.

Express your emotions with unflinching honesty and pay close attention to the words your loved one has to share.

By doing so, you will lay the foundation for renewed trust and strengthen your relationship for the long term.




Cancer 4

In the realm of true love, there is only one person who can truly live up to the high standards you hold dear.

However, the journey with this individual has been filled with so many trials and tribulations that the mere thought of reconciling seems almost impossible.

It's as if you believe the situation is completely hopeless, leaving no room for a chance for reconnection. The bond between the two of you seems irreparably damaged, making it seem unthinkable to mend what once was.

As a result, you made the conscious choice to cut this person out of your life and went to great lengths in an attempt to forget them completely. But deep down, is this really what your heart desires?

During the next new moon, the desire to reach out to that special someone becomes more and more intense.

Suddenly, seemingly insurmountable obstacles don't seem so scary, and you can even imagine a shared future with this person, filled with hope and renewed love.

The Universe will present you with an opportunity during this time – an opportunity to convince these special individuals of your heartfelt project.

Reflect on the many fond memories you two shared—the easy communication, and the unspoken understanding—that truly made your relationship extraordinary.

With the new moon improving communication, expect it to become more inspiring and fluid between you, creating an incredible atmosphere of fluidity and harmony.

Seize this stage to go after what you really want; natural harmony is at the forefront of your focus.

A rekindling of your relationship can have a profoundly positive impact on your life, potentially becoming the missing piece that completes the puzzle of your happiness.




Scorpio 4

Among the three zodiac signs destined to reconcile with their true love, you find yourself on the verge of reconnecting during the upcoming new moon.

While the road to reconciliation is not without its challenges, you gather all your inner strength and courage to approach this special person who still holds an important place in your heart.

You have never truly banished or given up on this person, even during your separation period. It is as if there is an invisible thread that still binds you, constantly reminding you of their presence.

The deep bond you share with them remains evident and now, you crave their closeness once again. The arrival of the new moon signifies a new beginning, as you both have had deep feelings for each other for quite some time.

To get what you want, you may have to make some concessions. However, as long as your wish is sincere and sincere, the universe will conspire to make it a reality.

This person is definitely your true love – the one who inexplicably occupies your thoughts and stirs your emotions. You feel an unwavering connection, almost as if it is meant and meant to be.

Despite the temporary separation, their presence lingers, and truth be told, they feel a similar attraction to you. This moment holds the potential to rekindle the flame between the two of you.

If you both really want to be present in each other's lives again, one of you needs to take that crucial first step. Gather the strength within you and embrace the courage.

The energy of the new moon will help calm your fears and push you closer to your great love. Trust in the wisdom of the universe because it knows exactly what it's doing.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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