These 3 Zodiac Signs Will See Their Careers Take Off And Will Experience True Love In November

Mercury makes its fourth retrograde of the year in Sagittarius. The planet of sociability and communication favors your intimate relationships and your professional exchanges.

As for Jupiter, it passes through Pisces and since it embodies fulfillment and success, this will benefit you both personally and professionally. This combination of cosmic events will bring 3 zodiac signs opportunities that will lead them down a star-studded path this November.

With Venus in Sagittarius from November 17, this transit will allow certain zodiac signs to attract love and start a new beginning with the loved one.

The Sun also arrives in Sagittarius on November 22, this movement will mark the beginning of the season of this fire sign and therefore, the opportune time to involve yourself with dynamism in all that you undertake.

Ambitions to start a new business, new career opportunities, new beginnings in love… the stars come together in this period and seem to answer with a “yes” to all your ardent desires.



Gemini 1

Eclipses often bring change and the Taurus Lunar Eclipse on November 8 will be no exception! Indeed, a career prospect could suddenly open to you, otherwise, it could also be that you have an interesting promotion in your current job.

Rewards and recognition will be there. Structural changes may take place in your company, which means that power could change hands and you will be called upon to take on new responsibilities. Believe in yourself, that's all the stars are asking you to do this month!

Recommended: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Affected the Most By The November Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse.




Virgo 1

Mercury, your planetary ruler, enters the sign of Sagittarius, it's your chance to redefine your personal and professional priorities. In this month of November, you will rather be in a phase of self-acceptance and this is essential for your well-being, whether mentally or emotionally.

On the work side, do not resist internal changes and go with the flow. Don't worry, Virgo, it will give birth to new opportunities, which will certainly make you happy.




Sagittarius 1

Sagittarius, the month of November will be synonymous with optimism and happiness for you, in almost all areas of life. On November 22, the Sun will move into your sign, so expect to wow everyone around you with your creativity.

You're in your element, so don't be afraid to show your curiosity at work and experiment with everything. Jupiter, your ruling planet, continues its stay in the sign of Pisces until November 23, which will allow you to plant new seeds in your relationship.

And from the moment when the planet Mercury will be present in your sign, you could finally express yourself better and have more depth in your relationship.

In addition to that, this planetary movement will have a particular influence on you, especially in terms of career and business. Of course, opportunities are not found, they are created and the stars will do it for you during this month of November.

Recommended: The November 8 Full Moon Brings An Unexpected Flow Of Positivity For These 4 Zodiac Signs.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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