These 4 Zodiac Signs Have the Best Sense of Humor

Sometimes, even when everything is bad and there's no light at the end of the tunnel, a joke just makes everything easier to bear. Laughter can really relieve anything.

Gemini, Leo, Virgo, and Sagittarius are the zodiac signs known to have the best sense of humor. If you're having a bad day and want to know who you should hang out with, look no further than these 4 signs.

You can be sure that spending time with them will be enjoyable. Laughter has been shown to affect a person's state of mind, so choose these people when you're feeling down.




Gemini 4

Be honest, did you think you'd make it on this list? Gemini, due to your naturally cheerful nature, you can lift everyone's spirits wherever you go.

Is there anyone who's more entertaining than Gemini? Even those who are normally shy and reserved can't help but let loose and laugh when they're in their presence.

They are the kind of people who are naturally hilarious, so they don't even have to make an effort to crack jokes. Geminis are rightfully confused as to why everyone always laughs at them when they do the simplest of things.

Their outlook on life may seem normal to Gemini, but to everyone else, what you just said is the funniest thing they've heard all day.




Leo 4

Do you know why it's impossible for Leos to avoid attracting attention wherever they go? It's because they are so entertaining to watch and have no trouble performing in front of an audience.

It should come as no surprise that the stage is the ideal place for a person with a strong sense of humor. Why not bring Leo onto the stage to see how he can make everyone in the room laugh until their belly aches?

Leo doesn't have the same inhibitions as the rest of us, that's why they're such a funny sign. Many of us would be too embarrassed to try something they do.




Virgo 4

Do you know the person who, without fail, tells the funniest and most intelligent jokes, that you always envy his way with words? It is probably Virgo.

Virgos are probably not aware of how much their friends value their genuine sense of humor.

They may not have the most “obvious” sense of humor that immediately attracts attention, but they are the type of person who is able to make the right comment at the right time, and everyone ends up laughing.

The best part is that Virgos don't really care whether or not others find them funny.




Sagittarius 4

Do you ever find yourself in one of those uncomfortable situations where everyone thinks the same thing but no one has the guts to actually say it?

A Sagittarius never stops to wonder if his wit is taking things too far or if he should save his humor for later.

When he speaks, he truly does not censor what comes out of his mouth, so if he thinks of something amusing, you can be sure that everyone in the room will hear about it.

Nobody can compete with their unfiltered, blunt, and honest sense of humor.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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