These 4 Zodiac Signs Will be Affected the Most by the Last Mercury Retrograde of 2022

Be prepared to experience feelings of indecision. Mercury's decision to go retrograde comes right after we all thought that the year was coming to an end.

However, before I tell you who will be most affected by the most recent Mercury retrograde of 2022, let's take a closer look at Mercury because there is never a dull moment with Mercury.

Mercury, the planet of communication and never-ending curiosity, is the ruler of the spirit and is responsible for everything from how information is processed to how it is communicated.

Its infamous retrograde transits take place three to four times a year, providing us with the opportunity to contemplate, evaluate, and reevaluate our next moves.

Mercury's final retrograde phase of 2022 will begin on December 29, and as a result, there will be an unprecedented number of misunderstandings and accidents during this time.

It will cause everyone to rethink their New Year's resolutions. However, there are 4 signs that will be most impacted by this particular retrograde.




Aries 2

As someone who is always eager to move forward, this retrograde will be the perfect time for you to slow down and clarify the direction in which you want to take your career.

After Mercury's current retrograde phase is over, you will be happy that you took the time to deal with it, even though it may require you to make some changes to your routine.

Aries, it will soon be time for you to finish what you started. This is about unfinished business, as Mercury retrograde will sit alongside Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, via your tenth house of authority, career, and inheritance.

During this month, you will also be given the opportunity to review and make adjustments to your long-term professional goals. Although the delays that this transit will cause are not ideal, they will provide you with an opportunity to reevaluate your objectives for the following year.

You need to give yourself some time to formulate a strategy, Aries.




Cancer 2

Cancer, if you are getting ready to finalize a significant business transaction, you should probably double-check the current situation.

For instance, the structure of an essential partnership will undergo significant change as a result of Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus in Capricorn, which also involves Pluto. These planets are located in your seventh house of individual relationships.

As Mercury moves through its retrograde phase, you will be given the opportunity to have meaningful conversations within the context of your romantic relationships and partnerships.

If you've been feeling uncertain about the trajectory of a relationship, now is the ideal time to get all of your questions answered.

Even though Mercury's retrograde phase can result in misunderstandings, it will put your ability to communicate clearly with your significant other to the test.

Are you both able to communicate what you're thinking to one another? You can count on this transit to shed significant light on the dynamics of your relationship, and those insights are sure to be eye-opening.




Libra 2

You are in the process of building your own foundations, but there are still a few things on your to-do list that need to be completed.

For instance, with Mercury retrograde alongside your ruler Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, which transits your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings, you may become aware of an old project or belief system; however, it is up to you to make the necessary adjustments.

Mercury's retrograde motion in your fourth house of home and family will begin on December 29, prompting you to have significant conversations with members of your family or roommates.

You'll be looking for structure and better harmony in your living spaces, and if things have been disorganized for a while, now is the time to speak your mind.

Because retrogrades are a time when it is common for people to misunderstand one another, you need to pay close attention to the manner in which you choose to get your point across.

Be mindful of how you express yourself because you don't want to end up in a contentious situation.




Capricorn 2

Capricorn, because this is your season, you will feel its impact the most. You are going to sit down at the end of the year and reevaluate your personal objectives and aspirations for the coming year.

Given how highly you value information and details, you have every reason to be concerned about this transit. Reconsider your decision before making it final.

This is of utmost significance right now because Mercury is in retrograde and Venus and Pluto are all moving through your sign at the same time.

It could have something to do with a mix of your personal and/or professional partnerships, as well as the basis of your communication style, which is currently in a state of flux. Do not turn a blind eye to the things that are brought to your attention.

Because of this retrograde, it will be a good time to rework any ideas or efforts. It may be difficult to share your plans with other people at this time; therefore, you should concentrate on getting your affairs in order rather than trying to share your plans with others.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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