These 4 Zodiac Signs Will be Positively Affected by the Winter Solstice

It is hard to believe that Winter is finally here, but it becomes impossible to ignore as the temperatures continue to drop and Christmas draws closer and closer.

The upcoming Winter Solstice is a reminder that time isn't just standing still, which is encouraging considering that 2023 is just around the corner.

While it is bittersweet to say goodbye to Autumn until the following year, on December 21, when the Sun is about to enter Capricorn, many people's thoughts will turn to future endeavors and plans.

There are 4 zodiac signs that are likely to be the most affected by this cosmic shift.


When is the Winter Solstice

On December 21, at 4:49 p.m. Eastern Time (ET), the beginning of the Winter Solstice will occur in the Northern Hemisphere. On this day, the Sun will move into the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn.

As this occurs, everyone will be encouraged to work toward long-term goals that are aligned with success, as well as to set their sights on newly discovered structures and disciplines.

Capricorn season is all about actively seeking to refine your intentions and putting together a plan that invites you to effectively begin the process of gradual achievement.

Capricorn will have the most influence, in particular, on cardinal signs, which is to be expected given that all of these signs have Capricorn located in important areas of their birth charts.

Read on to discover what the cardinal signs can expect from the Winter Solstice of 2022:




Aries 2

On December 21, the Sun will enter your tenth house of career and public image. This will highlight your desire to achieve success in your professional realm.

Because the Winter Solstice is the ideal time for you, Aries, to roll up your sleeves and get to work, you should make sure to put the increased productivity you'll experience to good use and make the most of this opportunity.

As an ambitious fire sign, you are always looking for your next endeavor, and as the Capricorn season rolls around, you'll feel equipped with the necessary tools to pursue your professional goals before the year 2023 begins.




Cancer 2

On December 21, the first day of Winter, the Winter Solstice, you will be eager to put together a plan regarding your romantic relationships and partnerships in order to prepare for the coming year.

You have a tendency to make decisions based on your feelings rather than on logic, but this time of year encourages you to take a more practical approach to evaluate the relationships in your life.

This time of year is going to prove to be exceptionally fruitful for you if one of your goals is to increase the number of social activities you partake in or to talk with your significant other about the goals you share for your shared future.

This time of year will open your eyes to the possibility of a secure future in a way that you may not have considered before.




Libra 2

On December 21, the Sun will move into your fourth house of home and family. This event will signal the beginning of Winter and highlight your obligations and commitments related to your private life.

Because you're a connection-focused sign, you have a natural tendency to give bringing people together a high priority. However, as Winter approaches, you will be shifting this focus to the dynamics within your own family.

This holiday season is sure to be a fruitful one for you. The good news is that you won't need to leave the convenience of your own home to enjoy it.




Capricorn 2

Capricorn, the time of year has come when you will be under the most pressure, so prepare yourself. On December 21, the Winter Solstice, the Sun will enter your first house of self and personal identity.

Do not be afraid to make this holiday season all about you because the current season is encouraging you to reevaluate some of your personal goals in preparation for the coming new year.

You are an individual who places a high value on achievement, and as the year draws to a close, you will be eager to get a head start on endeavors that require a significant amount of self-control and consistency.

You are at your best when under some degree of stress, and the Winter Solstice will give you just that.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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