These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Experience Big Changes During The November Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

This time of year is not for the faint of heart because it forces us to confront our shadow selves and opens a gap between this world and the afterlife.

You'll spend the rest of the month reviewing your impulses and identifying the source of your frustrations as Mars continues its retrograde motion through Gemini.

Even though you might be tempted to talk for a long time, watch out for going in circles. On November 8, there will be a total lunar eclipse (also known as a Blood Moon) rising at 16 degrees Taurus.

A Blood Moon in astrology always denotes a significant innovation that ultimately results in an important change. It might indicate that one phase of your life is about to end and another is about to begin.

The universe takes over during eclipse season and adjusts to your reality. Even though it's the last thing we want to do, an eclipse won't hold you back from improving your life if you deviate from your chosen course.

The eclipse season story, which started in the shadow of the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio last month, is complete with this Blood Moon.

You can be confident that no matter what happens, you will be exactly where you are meant to be because the upcoming Lunar Eclipse is allied with the North Node of Destiny in Taurus.

This eclipse may coincide with many unexpected or worrisome events due to its opposition to Uranus. However, there are times when taking action is the only way to improve a situation.

Read why these 4 zodiac signs are at risk of experiencing significant changes as a result of the November lunar eclipse, and trust the universe while navigating these swift eclipse shifts.



Aries 4

The Blood Moon Eclipse will make it easier for you to distinguish between what you want and what you need by casting a shadow over your second house of finances and self-esteem.

What do you require to feel more secure and content? How can you improve your access to abundance while strengthening your foundations? You will adopt a new perspective and realize that you can obtain everything you require (and also everything you want).

Your financial situation may also experience a significant change as a result of this eclipse. Money and other material resources may come and go quickly right now, but you never know when important money-making opportunities or bounties may appear to you.

Although this lunation is undoubtedly turbulent, you'll probably discover that your sources of income are more secure than ever once things have calmed down.

Recommended: The November 8 Full Moon Brings An Unexpected Flow Of Positivity For These 4 Zodiac Signs.




Virgo 4

On November 8, the Taurus Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse will pass through your ninth house of exploration and knowledge, so you may notice something from a different angle. You might come across something that accurately captures your level of development.

There will always be problems to solve, but as you achieve small victories, you might also discover that stepping outside of your comfort zone will benefit you. But that doesn't mean you won't ever turn around again!

You err on the side of practicality because you are an earth sign. However, given this eclipse, it might be time to take a leap of faith and pursue your highest ambitions without holding back.

You'll be forced to step outside your comfort zone and try new things as a result of this lunation. Whether you're ready for it or not, your perspective will change, so try to be flexible and open to new experiences.




Sagittarius 4

The November 8 Taurus Blood Moon Eclipse will highlight some of the steps that can be taken to enhance your life. You'll discover that small adjustments to your habits can have a long-term positive impact on how you feel as you make changes to your sixth house of work, health, and self-care.

Your routine and schedule could be completely upended by this lunacy, but perhaps that's for the best. Old habits are difficult to break, but during eclipse season it can be done quickly.

You should use your natural spontaneity to be open to any new responsibilities or opportunities that may arise. Even though it might be challenging right now, you'll eventually bounce back and resume your normal course.

On November 16, Venus, the planet of love, will enter Sagittarius, and by that time, you'll probably start to feel more attractive and self-assured. On November 17, Mercury will enter Sagittarius, and you may even start to feel happier and luckier.




Pisces 4

On November 8, a Blood Moon Eclipse will cast a shadow over your third house of communication and close friends, making you more sure of your words and your intentions.

You are about to engage in crucial conversations that will encourage you to adjust your responses, ask the proper questions, and voice your opinions when appropriate. Without looking for it, you will never find the information you need.

Under the influence of this eclipse, you will also be a busy little fish because a ton of fascinating new information will enter your consciousness and influence your development.

Conversations can reveal startling truths, fleeting chances, or surreal possibilities about events that are currently happening in your daily life. Keep your antennae up, and your ears open, and don't forget to pay attention to your gut.

Recommended: These 3 Zodiac Signs Must Be Vigilant In November: They Will Have To Change Their Behavior.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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