These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Flourish in May 2023

At this time of year, growth is coming, so if you feel like things are moving more quickly for you, then you are on the right path.

Now that the Taurus season has begun, not only are you evolving, but you are also building the foundations for long-term security in your life.

However, before you can fully step into this fruitful chapter, the Scorpio Eclipse arrives to cleanse what no longer serves you.


Important astrological dates in May 2023

  • May 5: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
  • May 15: direct mercury stations
  • May 16: Jupiter turns into Taurus
  • May 19: New Moon in Taurus
  • May 21: Sun in Gemini



May 2023 Astrological Overview

The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse will take place on May 5, kicking off the month of May on  an emotionally intense note.

This eclipse, which will occur in a fixed water sign, is sure to reawaken long-dormant feelings and bring to the surface ideas associated with fear, restraint, and control.

This eclipse will provide you with the opportunity to break free of many of these recurring themes that have worked against your desire for comfort, pleasure, and genuine intimacy.

Since Scorpio is a sign that dislikes drastic changes, it may be challenging for you to accept these endings, but doing so is absolutely necessary for your own personal development.

Since April 21, when Mercury entered Aries, you have been making revisions to the Taurus-ruled house in your natal chart However, on May 15, Mercury will move directly in Taurus, putting an end to these revisions.

Since Mercury will no longer be retrograde, you will no longer be subject to the same kinds of delays and roadblocks that have been preventing you from moving forward with any plans or ideas you have been considering for the past month.

You can also expect to experience a much greater sense of being understood, as clarity will be much easier to achieve.

On May 16, Jupiter will move to Taurus, signaling the start of a period of expansion in the area of your chart where long-term stability and comfort are a priority.

When the Taurus New Moon finally arrives on May 19, it will usher in a period of tranquility and the discovery of previously unknown sources of pleasure in your life.

Because Jupiter is also present on this day, the new beginnings initiated in the Taurus-ruled house of your natal chart will be hopeful, enjoyable, and beneficial.

The stagnation will be breaking up and you'll have more time and energy to devote to building something productive.

Around the 21st of May, when the Sun moves in Gemini, the mood will brighten. The focus is now being on mental stimulation and the open sharing of thoughts and ideas.

Now is the time to search for an interest that will motivate you. This is not the time of year to take yourself (or others) too seriously; rather, you should ignore your fleeting thoughts.

Here's what the month of May has in store for these 4 zodiac signs:




Aries 2

Before you can start reaping the benefits of this month's new financial opportunities, Aries, the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on May 5 will help you create something much needed.

This eclipse may coincide with your decision to pay off some debt or to release a scarcity-centric mindset in relation to your finances and resources.

As this eclipse progresses, you will be able to cut out any and all unnecessary expenses in order to make room in your budget for more and better opportunities.

On May 15, Mercury will enter your second house of money and resources. This will bring you greater insight into your perspectives on money, resources, and possessions.

Since April 21, you have had to renegotiate some things, but on this day, you will be endowed with the lucidity you have been waiting for, especially when it comes to working toward long-term stability. You will be able to see things more clearly.

When Jupiter travels through this same sign on May 16, it will signal the beginning of a period of rapid expansion that will last for the following year.

Be wary of the activities you are currently partaking in involving your assets, as they are likely to be permanent and reliable in nature.

When the New Moon in Taurus arrives on May 19, it will usher in a revitalizing energy that will surround your possessions, your values, and your achievements.

You place a high value on safety, and the upcoming New Moon presents an excellent opportunity to initiate a more substantial endeavor. It won't be easy to achieve what starts now, so make sure you choose your battles carefully.

On May 21, the Sun will move into your third house of communication, skills, and academics. You are going to make having chatty exchanges and conversations a priority right now, and as a result, you are going to learn a lot, especially from the people and places around you.

You’ll start listening to podcasts more frequently or start reading new books, depending on what makes you happy.




Cancer 2

The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will bring up important topics about how you allow yourself to experience pleasure, particularly how you resist or have exercised too much control.

Cancer, you don't need to hold on to everything, let go. Your ability to be vulnerable is your greatest strength, and the more you engage in activities that bring you pleasure, the stronger that ability becomes.

Let go of any anxiety you have in relation to pleasure, and give yourself permission to enjoy yourself.

On May 15, Mercury will go direct in your 11th house of friends and social groups, which will gradually put an end to any communication difficulties between your peers.

You now have the opportunity to make changes in your community, particularly with regard to ideas and plans for the long term.

You will now be able to execute some of these ideas with less resistance; however, due to the slow and deliberate nature of Taurus, their development will still be slow.

The very next day, Jupiter will move into the sign of stability, bringing a good level of growth and durability to the social groups that you are a part of.

You could find yourself developing new relationships by May 2024 that are guaranteed to stand the test of time.

The Sun and the Moon will align in Taurus on May 19, bringing regular new beginnings to your friendships and alliances. During this time, you may be more generous than usual.

This will be the beginning of a new collaboration. On May 21, the Sun will move into Gemini, ushering in a period for you that is characterized by withdrawal and introspection.

Cancer, you are entering a period of intense reflection, but this does not indicate a period of inactivity. Your thoughts will be filled with potential ideas and plans, but until your season arrives, you might not be ready to carry out their full implementation just yet.

For the time being, give yourself permission to withdraw into your mentally stimulating bubble. Isolation can be a great teacher.




Scorpio 2

The month of May will be an important one for you and your relationships, Scorpio, and the Lunar Eclipse that will occur in your sign on May 5 will be an excellent way to get things moving in the right direction.

In order to fully lean into the intimacies that your relationships have to offer, you will be asked to let go of some of the aspects of yourself that are rooted in self-preservation and caution.

You cannot bring a fear-based mindset where you are going, and this eclipse will invite you to let go of aspects of your identity that are no longer beneficial.

Even though it may be challenging, once you understand how much the baggage you were carrying was preventing you from moving forward, you will experience a sense of instant relief.

On May 15, Mercury will go direct in your seventh house of romantic relationships, providing you with clarity regarding the direction in which you want to move forward.

If you have been experiencing any confusion or uncertainty regarding how you want to proceed, this will help. You are looking for consistent forward motion, and Mercury will show you that you can now proceed with clear goals in mind.

And the day after that, Jupiter will move into Taurus, which will bring you opportunities for gradual growth in this area.

On May 19, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction, new beginnings will begin to unfold in your partnerships. These new beginnings will be primarily focused on bringing you pleasure, satisfaction, and comfort.

Scorpio, you will have the opportunity to begin a new chapter in your love life, especially now that you've overcome some of the fears that were holding you back in the past.

The Sun will enter your eighth solar house on May 21, shedding light on how you manage your responsibilities and the shared resources, boundaries, and assets that you have with others.

Think about how far you are willing to go for other people and if you are comfortable with how much of yourself you give.

You are having deep conversations with others, and those people might even be more willing to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets to you.




Aquarius 2

Because of the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, you will be asked at the beginning of the month to let go of everything in your professional life or career that is no longer beneficial.

This eclipse will provide you with the opportunity to break free of a mindset, job, or role that has been holding you back in this aspect of your life, and you should take advantage of it.

Staying in a job that doesn't satisfy you anymore is a much bigger challenge than making the decision to switch careers, especially if it prevents you from growing professionally.

When Mercury moves into your fourth house of family on May 15, it will be moving in direct motion, which should answer any questions you may have had  about stablishing stability in this area.

Even though Mercury's retrograde may have shaken things up, you are now experiencing a moment of clarity that will help you move forward.

Maintaining a sense of safety and stability in your environment will be very important. In addition, once Jupiter enters this sign on May 16, you can slowly build a strong, unbreakable foundation in your home.

On May 19, the Sun and the Moon will align, providing you with an opportunity for a new beginning in your personal world and focusing on bringing new energy to your home.

Now that the Mercury retrograde will officially be in the past, the time has come to place an emphasis on the ease, comfort, and contentment you experience in your current living situation.

The tone of the month begins to change on May 21, as the Sun moves into the playful and curious sign of Gemini.

Aquarius, this time of year is all about living in the moment, so try not to worry too much if things don't last.

Instead, you should try to focus on having fun through activities that mentally stimulate you, such as writing, learning a new instrument, or getting into associations,  anything that allows you to relax while keeping you busy and productive.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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