These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have a Challenging Summer 2023: Here’s How To Avoid Burning Your Wings

Nobody wants to really be on this list, especially if you've also had a rough Winter. However, you have to realize that astrology isn't just about luck and bad luck.

It is not about the apocalypse and the sky falling on our heads. The planets aren't vindictive or hateful. They're there to highlight the external forces that are currently affecting our lives.

By better understanding and preparing for this, we are able to respond to it and hopefully build the life we want to have.

“Worst summer” only means that the planets will test these zodiac signs a little bit more than the rest. Things may impact some more than others, depending on how the planets are positioned.

If truly want to know how the transiting planets will influence you, ask an astrologer to examine your natal chart.


This Summer, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, and Mercury will be retrograde

Retrogrades are obviously different from the “normal” kind of motion that planets usually have. Planets in retrograde radiate energy differently which can give disturbances in our lives.

When we know a retrograde is approaching, it allows us to relax, take our time, observe ourselves and others, and change our expectations. It can be beneficial to our growth.

When we open ourselves up to these changes, we get to learn more about ourselves. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, art, and money, will go retrograde from July 22 to September 3.

During this time, our finances may suffer, feelings may harden, and exes from their past may unexpectedly reappear. It can be uncomfortable, but it's a time when our eyes are opened to the truth of our relationships and what we really need in love.


Mercury retrograde

From the 23rd of August until the 15th of September, Mercury will be retrograde. Expect those annoying little mistakes in life to come up again and again.

You might, for example, misread the date on your airline tickets and arrive a day late at the airport. Or you could wake up a day during the big road trip and find our you've left the car lights on all night and the battery is dead.

Since Mercury rules communication, technology, and travel, try to be more compassionate with yourself and others during this time. Give yourself time to review, revise and rethink, so you can fine-tune things.

The retrograde of an outer planet lasts longer and more effects on the structures of our lives. With so many retrogrades overlapping one another, it is obvious that things are about to change.

I hope we'll all be better off. Find out which zodiac signs will suffer during this Summer season:




Cancer 4

Since Cancers are so empathic and protective of those they care about, they have a hard time dealing with disruptions, especially if those disruptions threaten their sense of safety.

Venus will be retrograding through your second house of values and finances during the Summer of 2023 so you may experience some challenges in these areas. A feeling of lack may overwhelm you from about July 22.

Venus challenges you to thoroughly analyze what matters to you and what you're looking for. You may feel like your resources are depleted, but this time will demonstrate that you are ready to reconfirm your values and pursue what you really want.

Your seventh house of partnerships will be ruled by Pluto during this time, with the planet of the underworld highlighting the dark parts of your personality and transforming the structures of your personal relationships.

It is time to confront your anxieties regarding intimacy and relationships, as well as your own power. Being completely honest with your loved ones and yourself can be scary.

It may be difficult at first, but in the long run, it will be worthwhile because you will have more opportunities to form fulfilling relationships.

Expect the unexpected on August 23, when Mercury goes retrograde. Try to be flexible, as your friends' availability, schedules, and opinions will definitely change.

It's not you, so breathe it all in and try to manage diplomatically to remove the obstacles in your way.

Even though this planet will challenge you, you will still have time to have fun, so make the most of the Sun this summer.




Virgo 4

It's frustrating for perfectionist Virgos when things don't work out the way they want them to, but there could be a lot going on this Summer.

Mars, the planet of action and aggression, will move into your first house of self on July 10th. This may help you establish your authority and move your projects forward.

On the other hand, you will most likely feel angry and combative. What can really help with the complicated frustration and energy of this transit is physical activity.

This will come in handy on July 19, when Saturn will be opposite Mars, making it even harder for you to express the indignation you feel.

Your confidence will suffer as a result and you will be more susceptible to jealousy and resentment.

Try to avoid conflicts whenever possible. Put this energy to good use by focusing on your goals with determination, patience, and discipline. You will be impressed by your resilience.

Beginning on July 22, Venus retrogrades through your twelfth house of secrets, prompting you to reflect and look back on past relationships.

Some people from your past will come back into it. It is best to avoid making very important choices during this retrograde period and instead focus on truly listening to your inner thoughts.

What has worked for you in the past in terms of love and is it working for you now? You won't really like this transit. Make sure to acknowledge, notice, and listen, and allow yourself to go through the feeling even if you are not sure what is going on.

When Venus goes direct, a lot of things will become much clearer. Since Mercury is Virgo's ruling planet, those born under this sign are very impacted by this planet's retrograde.

Mercury retrograde will pass through Virgo's first house of self, making it seem like everything's going wrong. You shouldn't worry though; you're adaptable and able to deal with the unexpected challenges and experiences that life throws at you.

Spend as much time as you can reviewing and analyzing what you've learned, and give a second try to things you may have put off.

Rediscover, reconnect, and always keep a smile on your face in spite of the challenges you face because life is beautiful.




Aquarius 4

Since it's hard to destabilize Aquarius, you will definitely ride the waves of this turbulent Summer with an objective view.

You will be put to the test this summer as Pluto makes its way through your twelfth house of the subconscious. It will ask you to look into the depths of your psyche and learn how to control the hidden things within.

Even if your instinct is to keep things to yourself, it's definitely not the right time to keep secrets. Radical honesty about your past will help you grow spiritually and psychologically.

You will see the ways in which you have penalized yourself and will enjoy a new kind of freedom.

Saturn in your second house will be opposite Mars in your eighth house on July 19, causing tension with your sense of confidence, security, and finances.

Investments you were counting on won't materialize or a person you thought you could rely on will betray your trust, which will be frustrating.

This will definitely affect your sense of self-worth and general energy levels. Focus on your goals and don't let the misfortunes of life get you down.

This challenging aspect will eventually go away, and when it does, you will be able to consider how you stood through it all.

The planet of love, Venus, will go retrograde through your seventh house of partnerships on July 22. With Venus retrograde, we'll have the opportunity to see what isn't working in our relationships, and sometimes this can mean that we are ready to move on from them.

This Summer, you are going to question your relationships, especially the romantic ones. It's not really about being reckless and running away from your problems, on the contrary, it's about confronting them.

What do you want the most? Have you asked for the wrong things in love? Do old habits no longer bring you joy?

Reflect and articulate what your desires really are and make room for your partner to do the same. When Venus goes direct and the tension dissipates, you'll start to look forward. Allow yourself to blossom and grow.




Pisces 4

Do not be afraid because you made it into this list, Pisces. You're flexible and intuitive and way more resilient than you think.

This summer will motivate you in ways that you didn't even know. Saturn, the planet of responsibility, will move through your first house of self.

This will introduce you to the reality of who you are. While you may be thinking you're an adult, Saturn will make you reconsider.

After you have accepted complete responsibility for who you are and your actions, you will have a new sense of self-awareness, self-discovery, and self-confidence.

You'll probably feel exhausted with Saturn in this position as you may be overwhelmed with work and forced to deal with failure and insecurity.

Mars will enter your seventh house of partnerships on July 10, which will raise the temperature of your intimate relationships. Your relationship with your partner will become more dynamic, energetic, and even conflicted.

There will be a disagreement, but it will be settled in a very short time. On July 19, Saturn will be opposite Mars, making you more vulnerable than usual.

You might even feel at odds with your lover. Try to settle disagreements peacefully, and whenever it's possible, channel any excess energy you have into something productive.

Mercury will also go retrograde on August 23 in your seventh house, which will amplify any problems that already exist and lead to many misunderstandings.

Setting healthy boundaries is the solution. Stay balanced within yourself and try to keep a broader perspective when possible.

Take some time and breathe. Don't be so hard on yourself; there's always room to laugh and enjoy the Summer.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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