These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Best Full Moon in Virgo March 2023

Have you felt a little more delusional than usual lately? If this is the case, it could be due to the Pisces season haze.

This season, which coincides with the end of Winter and falls under a mutable water sign, indicates that changes are now within reach, after a protracted period of being stagnant and inactive.

Your hopes and ideals are being revitalized and it feels as though your dreams are much closer to being within reach.

The good news is that the Full Worm Moon in March 2023 is bringing all the clarity and refinement necessary to make your fantasies a reality, rather than just a pipe dream.

Even though this clarity will be bestowed upon all signs, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, and Sagittarius will profit the most from the Full Moon of March.

The Full Worm Moon will illuminate the sky in the mutable earth sign of Virgo on March 7. This event will bring details, productivity, and the desire for improvement to the forefront.

This lunation brings your focus to structure and details so that you can implement a useful plan of action in order to actualize your visions.


What's a Worm Moon?

The Full Moon that occurs at the end of winter is referred to as the “Worm Moon,” and it is the last Full Moon that occurs before Spring begins.

The name “Worm Moon” originates from the fact that, as Winter gives way to Spring, earthworms begin to re-emerge, thus providing birds with food.

The Full Worm Moon will occur at 7:42 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, and due to something known as a “Moon illusion,” it may appear to the naked eye to be significantly larger than usual.  Make sure you have your camera ready.

Those born under Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will feel the effects of the Full Worm Moon the most for the following reasons:




Gemini 5

On March 7, the Full Moon will shine a light on your fourth house of home and family. This will prompt you to evaluate the various ways in which you can be productive and efficient.

You are the type of person who usually doesn't worry too much about planning and organizing, but on this day, you will be inspired to put your communicative and inquisitive nature to good use in regard to your living space.

On this day, you will be eager to get started on whatever project you have planned, whether it be rearranging the furniture in your home or getting ready for a big move.




Virgo 5

As the Full Moon shines its light on your first house of self, the focus will be on reclaiming your productive nature, Virgo.

You are always looking for new ways to be of service, and there is a good chance that, on March 7, you will have your hands full with many different responsibilities.

Be cautious about how much work you decide to take on right now because there is the potential for high-stress situations.

If you want to avoid becoming disorganized, you should focus on completing one task before moving on to the next and try to keep in mind the bigger picture.




Sagittarius 5

During the Full Moon, Sagittarius, you will be encouraged to roll up your sleeves and get to work, particularly with regard to your career and other aspects of your professional life.

This lunation is going to be a great time for you to focus on the things that you may tend to overlook because you are the type of person who always tends to prioritize the end goal rather than the nitty-gritty details.

If you have been getting the impression that you need to form a strategy for the workplace, now is most certainly the right time to do so.

No matter how you choose to spend your time today, you will undoubtedly be able to cross a significant number of things off your to-do list.




Pisces 5

Your seventh house of romantic relationships will be illuminated by the Full Moon, prompting you to get refined and organized in this area.

On this day, you will most likely be focused on being of service to others, whether you are helping a partner resolve some responsibilities or giving insightful advice to a friend.

Even though now is a wonderful time to be useful in relationships, you should make sure not to ignore your own needs.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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