These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Best New Moon February 2023

This New Moon occurs during February 2023 in Pisces and serves as a preview of the upcoming changes as well as the significant shifts in the cosmic energy that will occur in 2023.

This event will mark the beginning of an entirely new chapter for the collective, during which we will be finishing up some old stories before beginning some completely new ones.

Some signs are going to feel things a little bit more intensely than usual because the Pisces season of 2023 will bring all of that Pisces energy that you need to appreciate.

This New Moon, which will occur on February 20, 2023, at 2:05 a.m. EST, will focus on the importance of pursuing your dreams and ultimately achieving success in doing so.

A powerful time in the cosmos, the New Moon ushers in the beginning of a new cycle. It grants us a magical opportunity to bring our most heartfelt hopes and dreams into reality.



What's a New Moon and How Does it Affect Us?

The Sun is a star that emits light. The Moon's reflective surface causes sunlight to transform into what appears to be moonlight when viewed from Earth.

Because of the Moon's orbit around the Sun, we always see the side of the Moon that is illuminated when it is facing the earth. The phases of the Moon are as follows: New Moon, crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, New Moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, and waning crescent.

When compared to the Full Moon, which is highly revered in witchcraft as a time of transformation, manifestation, and climax, the New Moon represents a new beginning.



The Secret to the Magic of this February New Moon

Put all of your concerns, anxieties, and questions to rest because the single most surefire way to guarantee that your magic won't work is to think that it won't.

The key to making the most of the opportunities and possibilities presented by this imaginative and creative New Moon in Pisces is to maintain a positive mental attitude and work on improving your self-concept.

When you work on improving your self-concept, you are actually working on improving your internal belief systems about yourself, including who you are, what your characteristics and qualities are, and how other people view you.

Try saying things like “I'm a good friend/person/partner,” or “What's meant for me is coming to me,” to reinforce what it is that you are trying to attract.

It is important to keep in mind that Saturn is also the planet of commitments, despite the fact that Saturn can elicit feelings of doubt or fear of being rejected.

This New Moon in February 2023 will be the most fortunate for those born under these 4 zodiac signs because of the following reasons:




Taurus 1

Taurus, it is a wonderful time to daydream about the future when the New Moon is in your eleventh house, which represents your hopes and dreams.

At this moment, the only thing that will limit what you have is the extent of your own imagination and your ability to believe that whatever you can imagine can actually be yours.

If you compare yourself to others, it will make you feel uncomfortable; however, if it is possible for them, there is no reason why it shouldn't be possible for you.

This New Moon will encourage you to let go of a defeatist mindset and trust that you, along with the universe, will work together to bring you what it is that you want. Simply put your faith in it, Taurus, and you'll see the impossible become possible.

Everything, from the people you associate with to the plans you have for the future, will be bathed in divine energy while this New Moon is set in the 11th house, which is ruled by Uranus.

Your ruling planet, Venus, will also undergo a transit through the final degree of Pisces while simultaneously forming a sextile aspect with transformative Pluto.

You will be guided in the direction of a new beginning in love, with your finances, and/or your self-esteem, regardless of whether it's a project or an outmoded belief that no longer aligns with the truth of your soul.





Gemini 1

Gemini, this New Moon in the tenth house of your chart of public image, will help you plant the seeds to manifest that dream job or vocation if you are considering making a change in your line of work.

You're really good at the job you have now. But would you say that the job you have now is a good fit for you? Aside from that, the stars want you to push any lingering doubts about your abilities, skills, and talents.

Do not let the fear that you are a fraud prevent you from reaching your full potential and achieving the goals that you have set for yourself. The truth is that you can't meet the right time if you don't show up to greet him.

Also, you won't be unprepared. In every way prepared. Gemini, you will soon find yourself with a fantastic opportunity.

Are you feeling spiritually fulfilled in the work that you do right now? If your aspirations and plans for your career aren't at the center of this new beginning, then perhaps it has something to do with a significant parent figure in your life.

If it concerns your professional life, this lunation will also force you to be ruthlessly honest with yourself about the degree to which you are committed to a specific business.

There is hope for recovery even if the offender is a member of your own family and you are having a hard time finding the strength to forgive and move on.

The sextile that Venus forms with Pluto will put an emphasis, for the sake of your spiritual development, on your relationship with financial matters.




Virgo 1

You are the target of Cupid's arrow, Virgo, and a significant change is on the horizon for your romantic relationships. This will begin with the New Moon in February 2023 in your seventh house of close personal relationships.

If the thought of having a romantic relationship or being courted feels awkward or impossible to you, it may be time to reevaluate your ideas about love and what you believe you deserve in a partner.

Are you able to let go of your skepticism and cynicism? You will have the ability to see clearly what you need in love as a result of the mysticism and magic that surrounds this New Moon, even if it is different from what you think you want in a romantic partner.

The feeling of love is magnificent and enchanting. In addition, it will not only be feasible for you during this new time period, but it will also be an extremely likely possibility.

This New Moon, which lands on my seventh house of agreements, compromises, and significant people, will bring a fresh start to the emotional themes surrounding your beliefs about one-to-one relationships, as well as what you value in those you choose to keep close.

Some of you will have an epiphany or an intuitive realization regarding the patterns of your relationships, in which case you shouldn't ignore what needs to be reviewed.

What kind of romantic connection do you picture yourself having with this person for the rest of your life?

Although Saturn will play a role in the manifestation process, Venus' sextile to Pluto will highlight what needs to be transformed and/or purged to move forward.




Pisces, with the New Moon in your first house of self in February 2023, transformation is on the horizon. However, this won't be a change for the sake of change; rather, it will be a transformation for the better.

This is the kind of change that has the potential to radically change who you are as well as how other people see you.

Now it will be time to assess what parts of your life you want and dream about that could be different, and what is preventing those parts from becoming a reality.

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as an impossible task and that any negative response, such as a no or a rejection, is merely a detour on the path to what is actually possible for you, provided that you believe that it is.

Pisces, you can put your concerns, uncertainties, and anxieties in the past because the universe will always have your back. You will gradually advance in levels and find yourself moving into the most fruitful period of your life.

What do you hope to achieve with your efforts? What kinds of things are you focusing your efforts on right now? Venus simultaneously harmonizes with a shadow of Pluto, which takes place through your seventh house of associations, community affairs, and individual freedom.

This lunation also sheds light on your recent transformation in terms of your sense of belonging in the world as well as your aspirations for the future. Strive to become the kind of leader you were always destined to be.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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