These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Solve All Their Problems In October 2022

According to astrology, the way to face difficulties depends on your birthday but also on the position of the stars in the sky. During the month of October, the Full Moon in Aries, as well as the Sun in Scorpio, offer certain signs of the zodiac the possibility of surpassing themselves to solve problems and overcome many obstacles. Find out if you are one of the lucky ones!

Life can be filled with unexpected changes and more or less disturbing moments. In any case, a resilient and optimistic state of mind makes it possible to better manage such situations rather than running away from them.

This is the case for certain signs of the zodiac who will choose to take action during the next three weeks instead of ruminating on negative thoughts and ideas.

Four signs of the zodiac will be favored by the stars in October. With the positive influence of the Full Moon, they will be able to restore order in their professional and personal life and also in their finances.



Leo 6

The month of October will be loaded with twists and turns for Leo. This native of the zodiac, a hard worker, will have to face unforeseen events of all kinds on the professional level.

For example, they will have to relaunch a suspended project without having all the means to achieve it. Until October 23, the Venus/Mars binomial is positioned as support and provides good ideas to move forward.

They will thus succeed in reviewing their objectives, in structuring their actions by drawing up an ambitious plan.  Although the situation is difficult most of the time, this Fire sign will find appropriate solutions fairly quickly.

On the other hand, they must leave aside certain susceptibilities so as not to put themselves in difficulty again.

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Libra 6

The sign of Libra will experience a boost of energy this October. Thanks to their developed sense of communication, this Air sign will find the right words to reconcile with people in their close circle.

This favorable atmosphere of the Full Moon will thus have a positive impact on their professional life. More open, Libra will be able to forge new bonds at work.

They might even emerge as the winner of a major financial transaction. Venus will also have a good impact on their love life. After a very complicated phase or a romantic separation, they will finally be able to find happiness in this second month of autumn.




Taurus 6

The month of October increases the practicality of Taurus tenfold. This Earth sign, who likes to do things according to the rules, will show rigor and organization in everything they do.

Supported by the stars during the month of October, Taurus will be able to change all the difficulties into relevant and thoughtful solutions. Pluto invites them to give the necessary time to each of their actions to obtain promising results in the short term.

On a personal level, this zodiac sign after a long wait will finally be able to realize a common project with their half. A move or a trip will be in preparation.

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Aquarius 6

Finally, the sign of Aquarius will also be able to stand out this month with a free and creative spirit. The binomial Venus and Jupiter, associated with the positive energies of the Full Moon, will bring them all the necessary means to realize their dreams.

Despite the setbacks encountered during the previous period, Aquarius will be able to get closer to the right people to streamline its financial and administrative operations.

Everything will work like clockwork for this Air sign who has a habit of giving up at the slightest constraint. Their responsibilities will increase over the next few weeks, thanks to their unfailing determination.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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