These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Undergo Major Changes During The October 25 Eclipse

This year, the October 25 New Moon will also be a partial Solar Eclipse. The powerful energy of this configuration will act as a revealer for certain signs of the zodiac.

They will finally realize that their past actions have not been in vain and that they are already bearing fruit. Here are the 3 astrological signs in the spotlight.

The partial Solar Eclipse is an important astrological event. For many signs of the zodiac, this will be synonymous with rebirth, questioning but also an opportunity to move forward and sort out your emotions.

It is therefore a real opportunity to transform all suffering into a powerful weapon to face the future with strength and optimism.

Four astrological signs in particular will feel the positive effects of this partial Solar Eclipse. This unique configuration offers them an opportunity to ask themselves the right questions and bring concreteness to their dreams.



Taurus 4

Taurus is one of the signs favored by the Solar Eclipse. He will succeed this week in taking stock of his past actions to rectify all the mistakes made on the professional level.

The Venus-Jupiter duo will take part in this transformation project and put a qualified person on their way who will be ready to lend a hand in all circumstances. On the heart side, this earth sign will be able to distinguish between love and attachment.

Taurus will nevertheless have to scrutinize the smallest detail of his love life beforehand. Despite some confusion, he will manage to get all the answers to their questions. He will finally know that the feelings are sincere and that he can take an important step in the relationship.

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Cancer 4

Cancer will also have to take advantage of this astral configuration to sort out their relationships. He will thus go through a short period of introspection which will help him to better understand his feelings.

Knowledge from the past could resurface unexpectedly. The reunion will thus be warm and can give rise to a serious relationship and passionate love. At work, the Sun-Mercury alliance will be of good advice to achieve outstanding objectives.

It will nevertheless have to redouble its efforts to progress effectively. His strong intuition will be a real asset for making good deals from October 25th. One thing is certain, with this partial Solar Eclipse, this water sign will have an eye for detail and won't be able to make any risky decisions.




Leo 4

As for the sign of Leo, the partial Solar Eclipse will be particularly beneficial financially. The many past efforts will bear fruit both in his professional and sentimental life.

At work, this fire sign will be able to receive bonuses or benefits that will help them maintain their budget balance and improve their comfort. He can also count on his teams to advance his projects and progress in his career.

The return of Mercury promotes access to a position of greater responsibility and greater income. On a personal level, this fire sign will finally be able to look into his romantic future. When finances are good, so are family plans.

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Scorpio 4

The sign of Scorpio is one of the signs most affected by the partial Solar Eclipse. Just like Cancer, this water sign will have to stir up its past to erase its doubts and start a new chapter in its love life.

Thanks to the planet of love, Venus, he will have only one idea in mind at the end of the month: to take an important step in the relationship.  It can be a new commitment taking shape or a breakup needed to move forward.

The same goes for his professional life. The Scorpio will dig for new avenues to improve his career. Changes can then be made before the end of the month.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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