These 5 Zodiac Signs Are Not Suitable For Long-distance Relationships

When you find the person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with, all you want to do is share every moment with them.

However, this can be challenging for couples where one of them lives in a different city or even in a different country.

Trust, patience, and willingness to compromise are necessary for a long-distance relationship, so it's not suitable for everyone and is often doomed to failure.

There are many partners who have a hard time deciding whether or not a long-distance relationship is the right choice for them.

Each partner is forced to face the challenges of everyday life on their own because of the distance between them, while they wish they had their other half by their side at all times.

There are some zodiac signs that are better suited to long-distance relationships, while others usually avoid this kind of relationship due to the potentially fatal consequences it can have.

Since they are patient, reasonable, and easily adaptable to any situation, those born under earth signs are excellent candidates for long-distance relationships. Others value physical contact too much and can never be in a long-distance relationship.

These 5 zodiac signs will avoid long-distance relationships at all costs because they are unable to tolerate being physically separated from their partners for a long time.




Aries 4

Mars, the planet that rules Aries, is responsible for its fiery and aggressive nature. They act impulsively and place a lot of trust in their intuition.

Since those born under Aries are very impatient and quick-tempered, love at a distance is completely foreign to them.

They simply cannot fathom a world in which they are unable to reach out and touch their partner whenever they feel like it.

Being apart from their partner for extended periods of time can cause them to feel frustrated, and over time, they will resent their partner for every little thing.

Even though Aries can be apart from the person they love for some time, if it lasts for too long, it'll probably be a rocky road.

Since they wouldn't be able to maintain the same level of closeness and intimacy, they don't bother with long-term relationships.




Gemini 4

Because Geminis are both communicative and outgoing, they could maintain a long-distance relationship if the right conditions were met.

This is one of the most essential requirements for a long-distance relationship. Geminis need both mental and physical stimulation from their partners in order to thrive.

They are moody and can sometimes be dishonest, which is literally one of the worst combinations of traits for a long-distance relationship.

With Mercury as their ruling planet, they're somewhat good at virtual communication. However, for Geminis, physical distance is a significant challenge because nothing can take the place of the daily hugs and kisses.

They are at their happiest when they receive a lot of attention and affection from their partner, and when they don't, Geminis don't get angry; rather, they get bored easily and lose interest in things very quickly.




Leo 4

Leos also don't like the idea of being in a long-distance relationship. They can't get enough focus and want everyone, especially their partner, to be have their eyes at them at all times.

You want to be spoiled with affection and presents from your significant other. When you are not physically close to Leos, however, it is very challenging to give them the undivided attention they need and expect.

When Leos can't get what they want from their partner, they can become very unpredictable. Even if they were absolutely head over heels in love with each other, they would never get involved in a long-distance relationship.




Libra 4

This air sign doesn't not even consider the idea of a long-distance relationship. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, Libras are at their happiest when they are with a partner who is equally passionate.

They are constantly looking to strike a balance and maintain harmony in their lives, but at the same time, they want their partners to shower them with affection and spend quality time together.

They need someone by their side who is enthusiastic about life and enjoys having fun just as much as they do.

Because of this, a long-distance relationship in which they cannot physically connect with their partner daily can cause things to become unbalanced, which Libras don't like.

Since Libra enjoys the company of many people, loneliness in a relationship is a big challenge. They also have a tendency to flirt, which means that temptation lurks around every corner.

This causes the partner to doubt them, which can be detrimental to the relationship. Even though they can't stop themselves from flirting with others, they become jealous as soon as they consider the possibility that their partner is doing the same thing.

Because of this, a long-distance relationship is challenging for Libra.




Scorpio 4

This water sign doesn't even consider the option of a long-term relationship. There are two things that a Scorpio needs in a relationship, loyalty and a lot of physical contact.

If a Scorpio doesn't have either of these things, their relationship will quickly fail. Since “Out of sight, out of mind” is their motto, intimacy, and love are unimaginable in long-distance relationships.

Through intimate touch, this emotional zodiac sign expresses how they feel and how much they love their partner. Even in a long-distance relationship, there are disagreements and arguments that need to be resolved verbally.

This is especially challenging for the unforgiving Scorpio, who has trouble putting their emotions into words. Without this option, Scorpio will feel both unfulfilled and insecure, which will bring out their jealous and possessive side.

Sexting and the occasional Skype calls won't cut it for the Scorpio if those are their only options for a long time.


These 5 Zodiac Signs Are Not Suitable For Long-distance Relationships Pin


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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