These 5 Zodiac Signs Never Forgive: They Don’t Give Second Chances

There are some people who view forgiveness as a sign of weakness. The ability to do so is indicative of a great deal of strength and maturity. Few are able to truly forgive someone's guilt and rid their hearts of resentment.

These 5 zodiac signs will never forget the wrongs that were done to them. Put all thoughts of forgiveness and redemption out of your mind.

If you cause them harm, the game is over. Your relationship will change profoundly as a result. Be prepared for a significant deterioration in your relationship or even a complete break in communication.



Aries 2

Aries are self-centered individuals who have a high opinion of themselves and are also highly sensitive. Even if they decided they wanted to forgive, it would be very challenging for them to do so.

In most cases, they do not. They consider anyone who has harmed them to be an enemy. And it makes no difference what kind of relationship they had in the past.

An insult has the potential to destroy everything. Aries will not forget the wrong that was done to them for a very long time. In most cases, they are unable to move on from the experience because they constantly relive it. They are capable of harboring resentment for a very long time.




Taurus 2

Taureans don't forgive due to their principles. They are of the opinion that every action should have some sort of repercussion. They have very specific guidelines, and everyone strictly follows them.

Even if their gut is telling them to let go of something, they won't bend their rules for anyone. Because people born under this zodiac sign are typically very level-headed, self-assured, and sociable, the response they give may come as a surprise to many.

The fact of the matter is Taurus has horns and occasionally has to show them. If you hurt him in any way, there is usually no way to make up for it.

Your relationship will be damaged beyond repair as a result and Taurus' feelings and attitude toward you will change.




Cancer 2

People born under the sign of Cancer are very sensitive, making it simple to cause them distress, even unintentionally. Any sort of misunderstanding is extremely challenging and distressing for them to deal with.

When they are wronged by another person, they withdraw into themselves. They proceed to avoid any and all contact. They do not want any explanations and will not accept any justifications. It is typically the case that it is entirely over for them.

They are plagued by these memories for a very long time. And even after some of the pain has passed, there is always a significant worry that it will return.

As a result, they frequently struggle with the anxiety of having to forgive and trust once more. They would rather keep their distance in order to avoid going through that pain again.




Virgo 2

They believe, similarly to Taurus, that someone who has wronged them is no longer worthy of their trust. Reason drives Virgos, and reason suggests that the best way to learn is through experience.

They might slip up just once, but if someone betrays them, that person is typically removed from their lives completely and permanently.

Those born under this sign tend to be highly principled and organized. They don't have much room in their lives for harboring resentment. They simply cut ties with the individual they no longer wish to have in their life.




Scorpio 2

They are typically very sensitive people who are willing to go to great lengths for the people they care about and sacrifice a great deal. Scorpios will endure a great deal of pain if another person does not value them, treats them poorly, exploits them, or does not show gratitude toward them.

They will never forgive someone who has harmed them on purpose. In addition, Scorpios are capable of doing everything in their power to ensure that the culprit takes full responsibility for his actions and suffers as a result.

For Scorpio, there is not a lot of room for compassion.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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