These 6 Zodiac Signs Are Dominated By Their Right Brain

People who lean more heavily on their right brain have unique personalities. Their minds are full of new ideas and imagination, and they usually have many artistic talents.

They may work in the entertainment industry as musicians, painters, draftsmen, or actors. They can write beautiful poems or design cutting-edge collections.

Research has shown that the right hemisphere of the brain is very creative and responsible for a person's emotions.

If someone is right-brain dominant, it means they are the type of person who thinks with their heart and soul.

A sensual character who empathizes and acts according to his innermost being. His instinct plays a big part in his life, and the choices he makes are often determined by it.

Left-brained people, on the other hand, are the complete opposite of this. They are highly analytical logicians who think a lot and plan every decision.

Their plans are well prepared and never would they let a feeling take control of anything important. Therefore, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that the majority of these people are math geniuses.

For people that are right-brain dominant: your zodiac sign tends to be very instinctive, emotional, and creative. Find out whether you belong to this group:




Aquarius 2

People born under Aquarius are very imaginative. They can create wonderful works of art if they choose to implement the many ideas in their heads.

Left-brain dominant people cannot understand this unique ability and can only dream of having it. Unfortunately, Aquarians are also extremely self-harming.

They quickly destroy their art again. They have a hard time dealing with numbers. They are definitely not the math geniuses among us.




Gemini 2

The strong connection that Geminis have to their emotions is clear sign that they're right-brained. You have a lot of energy and a deep appreciation for art, beautiful things, and captivating people.

Their interest and curiosity are quickly aroused and they love everything that is unusual and imaginative. They have a lot to offer for stimulating conversations and wondrous encounters.

They follow their heart's guidance and listen a lot to their inner voice. They take impulsive actions and are attracted to beauty in the same way that moths are drawn to the light.




Leo 2

Leo makes strong decisions based on his emotions rather than using logic. Therefore, he leans more toward the right and emotional side of the brain.

He is unfazed and does whatever he sets his mind to. His feeling finally advises him to do so and he trusts his inner voice.

He is courageous and confident, and he acts in accordance with his inner voice. He is also an outstanding actor, which can be seen in the way he tells stories.




Aries 2

There are Aries who are left-brain dominant and analytical and also those who are creative and right-brain dominant. Usually, Aries act impulsively and instinctually.

However, they're also very concerned with doing what they do 100% right and well. They tend to be perfectionists as they put a lot of effort into their projects.

Therefore, Aries is a zodiac sign that can be on either side, even though they naturally lean more toward the right.




Sagittarius 2

Many Sagittarians are talented artists. They're usually good with words, and it is not rare for them to become authors and publish books.

They also have a talent in the field of music, which why they often work with their voices, are on the road as musicians, or process their feelings in rousing song lyrics.

One of your greatest passions is creating beautiful things. Mathematically speaking, you are as bad as it gets.




Pisces 2

People born under Pisces are very emotional, sensitive, and intense, so, of course, they are right-brain dominant people.

They are emotionally sensitive artists. Their talent lies in the fact that they can see with their hearts and actively seek out beauty in all situations and settings.

Pisces have a kind heart and are always willing to help others, shaping their lives like a canvas into which they bring color.

Since they feel more than most other people, many people born under Pisces describe themselves as being extremely connected to their senses.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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