These 6 Zodiac Signs Are Particularly Superstitious

Do you leave the house on Friday the 13th? Do you avoid approaching black cats at all costs? Do you believe in bad luck charms? You might be more superstitious than you realize.

The irrational superstition of good or bad omens has been prevalent in almost all cultures for centuries. It is founded on individual experiences and beliefs.

Since superstitious practices offer people a sense of control and help them feel less anxious, we see an increase in the prevalence of these beliefs and practices during times of high stress and anxiety.

Some examples of superstitious practices include good luck charms, dressing in certain clothes or colors, and relying on specific numbers.

And even though these behaviors and actions might appear to be trivial, for some people they can have a significant impact on the decisions they make in the real world.

Many are at least a little superstitious and think that some practices can protect them from bad outcomes.

It might seem silly, but for a lot of people, it's been so deeply ingrained in their minds that they do it even when they don't realize it.

Each zodiac sign is associated with a unique set of traits, which can range from a strong will to an anxious nature.

Since some signs are particularly intuitive and spiritual, and because they often have bad luck, they avoid certain bad luck charms.

Read on to find out the 6 most superstitious zodiac signs:




Leo 2

Leo is considered to be one of the most superstitious signs due to its predisposition to lucidity and clairvoyance. He is one of the first people to avoid a black cat.

Even if Leos don't think of themselves as superstitious, it's clear from the way they react to certain things that they believe in superstitions enough to work hard to avoid them.

They don't go to psychics and other types of spiritual advisors, not because they think they are con artists, but rather because they are anxious about what they might tell them.

They take their dreams extremely seriously, believing that they are messages not only from their own subconscious but also from loved ones who have passed away.

They are superstitious, regardless of whether or not they admit it.




Scorpio 2

Listening to their intuition and paying close attention to their surroundings are two ways of superstition that Scorpios practice. They keep a safe distance from everything, observing it all while trusting their hunches.

To a certain extent, Scorpios are New Age superstitious. They enjoy having crystals in their home and will perform a ritual to cleanse their aura and get rid of any negative energy in their home.

Amber necklaces are another option for them to protect their health and their well-being. If there is any sign that is attracted to witchcraft or the occult, it is Scorpio.

Most of the time they are trying to help others and make things better. Unless, of course, you decide to betray them; in that case, this water sign will become vengeful and dark.

Scorpio is a firm believer in the existence of a non-tangible reality. This sign has a list of everything to avoid so that life does not get out of balance.




Cancer 2

Cancer's suspicious and insecure nature is what makes it superstitious. Since he is overly sensitive to everything, but also overly affectionate, he tends to get stuck in a routine and cling to things.

They have items they consider to be “good luck charms,” and they don't want to part with them. If it works, it's good enough for them. These beliefs and superstitions are also what drive their practical and protective side.

Cancer needs an amulet or object that will protect him from bad luck. These lucky charms provide him with protection and make it possible for him to ward off negative energies.




Libra 2

Libras tend to be anxious and hesitant. Since they are true traditionalists who do not wish to take chances with their luck, they follow age-old rituals and traditions.

She makes sure her husband doesn't see her in a wedding dress before the wedding. However, this is not all. They make sure none of the wedding gifts is a knife, because that could result in a broken marriage

Abandoning such traditions is considered extremely unlucky, and doing so would throw off the balance of your entire life.




Aries 2

Aries are fearless and confident, and they believe their talents and qualities make them very lucky in life.

They do not take their joy for granted and are constantly looking for new ways to make themselves happier. Aries believe they have complete command over their lives.

They avoid unhappiness and become less likely to get caught up in chaotic situations by strictly following a set of rituals. This strong-willed fire sign is always ready to conquer anything that comes its way.

It is said that those born under Aries tend to believe the superstition that if someone talks about them, their ears burn or itch.




Pisces 2

Spiritual Pisces tops the list of the most superstitious zodiac signs since they're easily influenced and convinced. They are intuitive individuals who follow their gut instincts.

Since he is familiar with all rituals and superstitions, he always looks for positive or negative signs before acting or making a choice.

If they notice certain signs that indicate bad luck or something else unfavorable, they will do whatever it takes to avoid it.

When misfortune befalls them or they have a run of bad luck, they see it as proof that their intuition was right.

Pisces are not the type of people to disobey bad luck charms. They always try to look on the bright side of things, whether it be their good fortune or their bad luck. Pisces are the type to knock on wood to drive away evil spirits.


These 6 Zodiac Signs Are Particularly Superstitious Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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