These 6 Zodiac Signs Will Meet An Old Love Again In April 2023

You said that you deleted his number, but in reality, you couldn't really do it. Perhaps you ran into him at one of your old hangouts, and ever since then, you've been unable to stop thinking about him.

Regardless of which zodiac sign you were born under, you may experience a strong urge to get back together with an ex-lover despite the fact that the previous connection was full of problems.

Nevertheless, in April 2023, some people are more likely than others to consider reconciling with their former partner. Discover whether or not your zodiac sign is one of them.




Gemini 5

Although you might be taken aback by being on this list, it shouldn't really come as much of a shock.

When you first get together with someone, you might be very willing to let down your guard, but once you realize that you have developed true feelings for that person, things change a bit.

When a relationship ends, you find yourself trying to fix what went wrong and not wanting to accept that the relationship could really end after all the time, love, and patience you put into it.

If your ex-partner gets in touch with you in April 2023 with the intention of making amends and giving the relationship another shot, you'll probably agree.

This time, you should avoid making the same mistakes you did last time.

It's not hard to get stuck in a pattern of unhealthy behavior, like repeatedly getting back together with the same person even though you know they aren't the one for you.

Therefore, put your own well-being first and foremost.




Leo 5

Even though Leos are more than capable of ending a relationship when it becomes necessary, they try to not cut ties completely with people unless they do something unforgivable.

As a Leo, you love with passion and intensity, and as a result, the people you attract tend to share these qualities. When a relationship ends, for whatever reason, these memories stay with you.

Therefore, if your ex-partner reappears in your life during April 2023 and sincerely expresses a desire to try again, you will most likely comply with their request.

The intensity of your feelings for this person was unparalleled, and you know very well that you don't experience feelings of this magnitude very often.

On the other hand, you know you want what you can't have; so if your ex reappears in your life, you may experience a strong desire to get back with them.

However, there is a possibility that you will get bored of your relationship after some time passes.




Sagittarius 5

As a Sagittarius, you have an admirable desire to look for the best in others, and this trait deserves praise.

When you are in a committed relationship, you often make big investments, and you may find that you aren't very comfortable on your own.

When a relationship ends, it can definitely throw everything else in your life into chaos while you want things to be peaceful and calm.

If your ex-partner comes back to you in April 2023 and asks for forgiveness and another chance, you might give it another shot, regardless of how hurt or upset you may be.

Now you're trying everything to solve what went wrong in your relationship.




Capricorn 5

It takes a lot for you, as a Capricorn, to fall completely in love, and when you finally do, you imagine it will be for the long term.

After you've created a routine that works well for you in your life, you probably won't want to deviate from it.

You feel everything is too chaotic and that nothing really makes any sense when things change unexpectedly, such as when a relationship comes to an end.

Because you care about them so much and would rather fight for a relationship than step outside of your comfort zone and start over with someone else, you will be ready when your ex shows up in April 2023 and wants to try again, even though you may be hurt or upset.




Aquarius 5

As an Aquarius, you love with all of your being, and the moment you meet someone who makes your heart skip a beat, you simply cannot stop imagining what the future holds for the two of you together.

When you first fall in love, you tend to think that it will last forever. Therefore, a breakup can feel like the end of the world to you.

On the other hand, you have an uncanny ability to look past people's faults and are exceptionally forgiving.

Therefore, if your ex decides they want to get back together with you in April 2023, there is a good chance that you will be standing there with your arms wide open and waiting for them, knowing that the two of you were meant to be together.




Aries 5

As an Aries, you have a lot of passion, and when it comes to love, you feel pretty much everything to the extreme.

You are someone who loves deeply and falls in love very quickly, and this can be an extremely thrilling experience for you.

Despite the fact that you experience all of the negative feelings that are associated with the breakup of a relationship, however, your memories of your ex and the time you spent together are usually happy and positive.

You have a tendency to look back on the relationship with a sense of nostalgia, only remembering the good times, and refraining from fixating on the issues that arose during the relationship.

If your ex decides to make a comeback in April 2023 and asks for a second chance, there is a good chance that you will be happy to give it another shot, in the hopes of reuniting with all of the happy memories that you cherish so much.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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