These Are Your Best Friends, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Finding a best friend is hard. As time passes, we start to pull away from others as a result of negative experiences we've had in the past. This makes it even more challenging to form new friendships.

However, there are some people with whom you have an instant connection. I'm sure you're familiar with that sensation you get when you're having a conversation with someone and it just seems to flow naturally; as if you've known them forever.

There are also situations in which things don't go so smoothly. In spite of this, it's important to remember that first impressions aren't always accurate.

When we have questions about love and relationships, we frequently consult astrology to find the answers we need. Why don't we also look to the stars when it comes to friendships?

Astrology is a fascinating field of study that can improve our understanding not only of ourselves but also of those around us. In this article, you will discover who your best friend is, based on your zodiac sign.

Don't get me wrong, friendship can develop between people from any zodiac sign combination. Therefore, you shouldn't let this “friendship guide” constrain and influence your social circle. Astrology, like life, is never as simple as black and white.

When we have a deeper understanding of who we are, it is much simpler for us to show compassion, generosity, and love in each and every one of our friendships.




Aries 1

Mars, the planet of activity, energy, passion, and fun, is the planetary ruler of Aries. People born under this fire sign are likely to enjoy spontaneous activities, such as socializing, parties, and anything else that goes against the grain.

It is immediately apparent that you approach every facet of life with confidence and directness.

Gemini: An air sign that has a reputation for being extremely curious. They are always prepared for the unexpected and enjoy the fast pace of life.

This combination constitutes a true powerhouse, and it is already clear that they are destined to accomplish some hilarious memories together.

Sagittarius: Like Aries, Sagittarius is free-spirited, direct, and independent. As a fire sign, Sagittarius can follow all of Aries' follies. These two signs of the zodiac are always looking for new and exciting ways to live life to the fullest.




Taurus 1

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and wealth, is the planetary ruler of Taurus. When it comes to his friendships, he is extremely selective. This earth sign is known for being stubborn, but also for being loyal, down to earth, and sensual.

Taurus cannot maintain long-distance friendships. They get along well with people who have similar tastes.

Cancer: Because both of these zodiac signs place a high priority on security, a friendship between a Taurus and a Cancer could prove to be unbreakable.

As a result of their friendship, they will provide one another with a significant amount of emotional support whether the times are good or bad. T

hey have a great rapport with one another and will undoubtedly have a wonderful time eating delicious food and watching exciting series and movies while they are socializing.

Virgo: Capricorn and Virgo are both earth signs, and because of their easygoing demeanor, they have the potential to form a close and enduring friendship. They share the same outlook on life, and their priorities in it are parallel to one another.

Both of these zodiac signs are very grounded and thoughtful, which means that they will certainly derive a great deal of satisfaction from tackling day-to-day responsibilities together.




Gemini 1

People born under Gemini are often called the “social butterflies” of the zodiac. This person is definitely someone who is outgoing, charming, and always positive despite the fact that they have a certain reputation for their duality.

They are able to adjust to any situation. Due to the fact that they are very sociable and laid back, they are not difficult to get along with and make wonderful companions.

Aries: These two signs share a connection that is especially magical. Both Gemini and Aries are known for having an insatiable appetite for learning. As a consequence of this, they will never be at a loss for ways to enjoy themselves.

They are very compatible with one another, and their shared goal to get the most out of life will almost certainly result in a friendship that lasts a lifetime for both of them.

Leo: Like Gemini, Leos are very outgoing, constantly on the move, optimistic, and always ready to have fun. Leos are always ready to have a good time. When combined with Gemini, this fire sign is sure to bring a dynamic friendship to the table.




Cancer 1

People born under Cancer find it very simple to get along with others. They are known to be highly sensitive, delicate, and protective due to being a water sign.

When it comes to friendship, Cancers consider it common knowledge that it is best to cultivate long-term relationships with the people you know. They are very affectionate, and they have a wonderful sense of humor.

They need the support of individuals who share a similar level of empathy so that they always have someone to lean on for comfort and companionship, even when times are difficult.

Taurus: Taurus' security and stability fulfill Cancer. Both of these zodiac signs are devoted to their homes and families, and they place a high value on those relationships.

Pisces: When it comes to sensitivity and a strong intuitive sense, Cancer and Pisces are the ideal partners. Due to the Pisces' high level of sensitivity and their innate ability to intuitively read those around them, this friendship is guaranteed to remain peaceful at all times.




Leo 1

Those born under Leo have a lot of self-confidence, a strong drive to succeed, and enjoy being the center of attention. They have a large personality, which is one of the reasons why they are not appropriate for people who are easily offended.

Drama is one of their favorite things, and they are known to be extremely generous and protective of their loved ones. In order to be compatible with a Leo friend, you would need to find someone who is just as one-of-a-kind as they are.

Gemini: The connection between Gemini and Leo is strong. They're both the types of people who are always on the move, enjoy being seen, and are looking to have a good time. Your friendship will never lose its energy or sense of humor.

Libra: Leo makes good friends with Libra. These two zodiac signs get along famously because they respect and admire one another.

They share a passion for luxury and excitement, making them ideal candidates to play the role of hosts at any party they organize.




Virgo 1

Mercury is the planet of intellect and communication; therefore, the sign that Mercury rules, Virgo, is focused on the details, strives for perfection, and is very analytical.

Because Virgo is so self-sufficient and handles many matters on her own, she views a friend as someone who enhances their life in some way and does not cause them unnecessary stress.

The fact that she is so steady can give the impression that she is quite unfeeling at first, but she is, in reality, very sensitive.

Taurus: The relationship between Virgo and Taurus will blossom into one of friendship and harmony. Taurus will be a friend with whom you can talk about the deepest questions that life poses.

This friendship will be an excellent fit for someone who is similarly organized and pragmatic, and who takes pleasure in lending a hand to those in their immediate environment.

It can be strengthened even further by sharing common interests, such as going for walks in nature.

Capricorn: They bring out the best in each other, which is essentially what makes a good friendship. They are going to be each other's greatest support as they work toward achieving their goals because they are both extremely ambitious and extremely hard-working.




Libra 1

Venus, the planet associated with love, beauty, and wealth, is Libra's ruling planet. This air sign has a passion for art, is driven to achieve its goals, is a true romantic, and enjoys having fun.

Since they don't like to remain in one place for an extended period of time and prefer to take pleasure in each moment as it comes, the best kind of friend for them is someone who has a spirit of exploration.

Leo: Both enjoy being in the company of others. They dislike being in a fight, so they will do anything they can to avoid getting into one.

They are the kind of people that everyone would love to spend time with, and together they make a powerful and positive impression on others.

Aquarius: The introverted nature of Aquarians is offset when they are in the company of a trusted friend like Libra, who inspires them to become lively and dynamic in any social setting.

Both love and value their independence, and as a result, they are in agreement that they do not need to be bound to one another at any cost. You take pleasure in being in the company of others, making new friends, and experiencing life with an insatiable intellectual curiosity.




Scorpio, a water sign ruled by Mars and Pluto, is known for its profound compassion and sensitivity, and is guided by its faith.

These are the types of people who are willing to give their best to the friendships they cultivate. Because Scorpios also have a shadow side, they can be very magnetic and attractive.

Capricorn: They would be very good friends. They are equally motivated by their objectives, which means that they will be of great assistance to one another on their journey. Even better, the two of you could launch a brand-new business together.

Pisces: Both are sensitive individuals. They will be more compassionate and understanding toward one another, so this could turn out to be a very successful friendship.

Because they both appreciate spiritual things and a wide variety of works of art, you can frequently find them at exhibitions or concerts.




Sagittarius 1

People are drawn to Sagittarius because they are known for not passing judgment and living carefree lives. Jupiter is the ruler of this fire sign, so they are always upbeat and eager to find a companion who can keep up with their active lifestyle.

Sagittarius has a voracious appetite for new information and is always interested in conversing with new people.

Aries: Both fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius have a strong desire to engage in novel and thrilling experiences. They have a lot of zeal, and once they get to know each other, their friendship grows into something very powerful.

They are always up for an exciting adventure, so there will never be a moment of boredom.

Aquarius: Aquarius, like Sagittarius, values ​​freedom. People are drawn to them due to their unique energy. This is the kind of friendship that travels the world together.

Since both are committed advocates for humanitarian causes, they will support one another in this area as well.




Capricorn 1

This earth sign is known for being dedicated to its work and being unwavering in its pursuit of objectives. This is because Capricorn's ruling planet is Saturn.

The reality is, however, that he gives the same amount of attention and care to both his family and the people who are close to him.

Capricorns are extremely goal-oriented, and as a result, they place a high value on their leisure time. Ideally, they would like to spend this time with people who are able to make a positive contribution to their lives in all facets.

Virgo: Capricorn and Virgo have a relationship that is known for its high level of harmony. Virgos, much like Capricorns, are extremely diligent workers who are laser-focused on achieving their objectives.

On their paths, with a lot of support from one another, they will easily accomplish everything they want to.

Scorpio: Like you, Scorpio places a strong emphasis on achieving success and getting to the top. Nevertheless, there would not be a destructive sense of competition within this friendship.

They are focused on achieving their goals and have a high level of respect and support for one another.




Uranus is the planet that rules this air sign. Aquarius is extremely driven to bring about significant improvements in the world around them.

He is constantly engaged in creative and forward-looking thinking with the goal of locating a solution that is ideal for everyone and does not put anyone in danger.

People born under this sign have a reputation for being unconventional, rebellious, and thinking creatively outside the box.

Libra: This zodiac sign, also an air sign, is in perfect harmony with Aquarius. Both are highly desirable and socially acceptable. They always have a positive attitude no matter where they are.

They don't like feeling obligated or attached to a location, so the two of them are always looking for something fresh to do together.

Sagittarius: They share a deep concern for humanity. They hope to make friends with people from all over the world so that they can go on adventures together and participate in a wide range of charitable activities.




This water sign is compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces are the true creative minds of the zodiac due to their romantic and artistic souls.

Pisces are devoted friends who are always willing to lend a helping hand, two qualities that are essential to a healthy friendship. They have the ability to communicate without bias or misunderstanding, which draws a large number of people to them.

Pisces need a friend who is willing to invest the same amount of time and effort into the relationship as they do.

Cancer: Someone who has the greatest potential to be best friends with Pisces is Cancer. Both of these zodiac signs are highly sensitive and are always able to offer support to one another when times are challenging.

They are drawn to pursuits that are both spiritually enlightening and emotionally gratifying. Their loyalty to one another is unwavering, and they can always count on being there for one another.

Scorpio: Neither are afraid of their emotions. They treat one another with thoughtfulness and consideration.

Pisces can always count on Scorpio to take a step back and give them some space when the time is right. Additionally, he will be able to sense when he needs a hug or some company.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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