These are Your Luckiest Numbers According to Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone has a lucky number. It could be the number of the house or apartment where you lived when you were a child, or it could be a few digits from an old phone number that you still remember.

Or, it could be a part of the license plate from an older car that you found particularly appealing. No matter the circumstances, having a lucky number can be beneficial.

People all over the country who play the lottery frequently bet on their “lucky number” hoping that it will bring them success and good fortune.

Maybe you always play the lottery, but you have no idea why you never come out on top. Either you have an incredible amount of luck in love, or you are going about things completely the wrong way.

Perhaps you don't capitalize on the opportunities presented by your zodiac sign and the day you were born by taking risks. There is a strong correlation between your zodiac sign and your level of good luck. 

It doesn't matter if you are a professional gambler, a lover of casino games, or a lottery player; the truth is that every zodiac sign has its own lucky numbers that can help you win in these games.

Even though there is no guarantee of anything simply because you use these lucky numbers, the fact remains that knowing your zodiac sign can be of great assistance to you when it comes to betting on the right numbers.

Discover the lucky numbers associated with each zodiac sign:


Lucky Lottery Numbers for Each Zodiac Sign

Why not let your horoscope serve as a source of motivation if you are looking for that extra something that will boost your chances of winning the lottery?

Astrologers believe that your zodiac sign can give you clues about your personal lucky numbers, days of the week, and times of the day.

If you play the lottery and keep your lucky numbers in mind, you'll become successful.




Aries 4

Impatient Aries will be the first in line to purchase their tickets for the next lottery because they cannot wait. Gifted with a strong sense of ambition, they enjoy a good challenge are drawn to big jackpots.

Mars, the god of war and the ruling planet of Aries, gives this sign a healthy appetite for the excitement of competition. This ambitious sign views making money as an adventure, and they will approach it with the same level of commitment.

With its fierce independence and energy, Aries could use a big win to start its own company.

Lucky Numbers for Aries: 5-8-16-24-37-43-51

Lucky days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday

Happiness time: 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.




Taurus 4

Taureans are known for their diligence and patience, and they take great satisfaction in watching their wealth grow as a direct result of their careful planning.

Taureans are known for their dependability, and if they were to win the jackpot, they would put their money to good use by investing it with caution and patiently managing it so that they and their loved ones would always have enough.

Taurus, on the other hand, is ruled by Venus, which not only gives them a penchant for indulgence and luxury but also gives them a desire for the good life.

Make sure they don't know of this aspect of your personality.

elves, of course, at the helm of the ship!

Lucky Numbers for Taurus: 5-8-10-11-23-34-45.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday

Happiness time: 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.




Gemini 4

Bright Gemini enjoys conversing with others and has many hobbies and interests. Those born under this zodiac sign have a sense of adventure, and they like to try their luck at a variety of different lotteries and strategies for winning.

If you were born under Gemini, you have a tendency to make hasty decisions, focus on the big picture rather than the details, and become bored easily.

Gemini are known to be restless and like to have fun, so they will gladly use their wealth to travel and further their varied interests.

Lucky Numbers for Gemini: 6-9-11-19-25-35-60.

Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Happiness time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.




Cancer 4

Cancers are known to be compassionate, emotionally sensitive, and intuitive. Being a water sign, Cancer is adaptable and can alter its personality depending on the circumstances.

They are also sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. On the other hand, this sign is not a pushover as it is self-aware and knows exactly what it seeks.

Cancer's personality detests changes and taking unnecessary chances, as they place a high value on predictability and safety.

He won't feel the need to branch out and try anything new, so you can expect him to stick with his tried-and-true lucky numbers and lotteries.

Compassionate Cancer might decide to give a portion of a substantial profit to a charitable organization that helps children or animals.

Lucky Numbers for Cancer: 8-10-21-28-29-47-48.

Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Happiness time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.




Leo 4

Leos have faith in their good fortune and are not afraid to take risks. Leos have a lot of drive and energy, in addition to their ambitious and laborious natures.

They may spend more than they should, but they aren't concerned about their financial situation because they know they'll always have enough.

They also have a very charitable nature, and if they were to come into a significant amount of money, they would use it to help those who are less fortunate, but only after a luxury shopping spree.

Lucky Numbers for Leo: 2-3-4-17-18-37-44.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday

Happiness time: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.




Virgo 4

Effective Virgos are likely to keep a spreadsheet that details the games, locations, and times at which they participate in the lottery, as well as the winning numbers and jackpot amounts, and of course, whether or not they have won a prize.

This methodical zodiac sign will check their numbers three times and keep their tickets safe, so they won't have any unclaimed jackpots.

Since Mercury is Virgo's ruling planet, people born under this sign are very good at carrying on conversations. Virgos are also devoted, hardworking, and love the challenge of finding solutions to problems.

However, those born under this zodiac sign have a tendency to strive for perfection, and because of this, they can be overly critical of both themselves and those around them.

However, when it comes down to it, they are a helpful people who are eager to get involved in order to find a solution.

Lucky numbers for Virgo: 6-7-26-30-35-38-53.

Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Happiness time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.




Libra 4

Libra is symbolized by the scales of justice, and those born under this sign are constantly seeking harmony and equilibrium.

They have a passion for communication, and they are outgoing and sociable. Diplomatic Libras are interested in building relationships and making connections.

People born under this sign exude charisma, are skilled negotiators and networkers, and constantly work toward achieving their ideal of harmony.

Because of the balanced nature of their sign, they are able to see all aspects of a problem.

This has both benefits and drawbacks, for while they do have a balanced perspective, it may give the impression that they cannot make up their minds.

It comes naturally to Libras to play with their friends and family, comparing their numbers and strategies with one another and ensuring that the prizes are distributed fairly among all participants.

Lucky numbers for Libra: 6-7-26-30-35-38-53.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday

Happiness time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.




Scorpio 4

People are drawn to charismatic Scorpios because they have a quiet attraction to them. On the surface, a Scorpio might give off the impression of being a little chilly and distant, but deep down, they are fiery and passionate.

This sign is dedicated and thrives on a challenge, despite the fact that they can be demanding and loyal. They are able to overcome challenges thanks to their tenacity and the fact that one of their primary characteristics is determination.

Scorpios are lucky with money and enjoy having a comfortable financial situation. This sign will be the one who only needs one job interview to land a fantastic position or win a trip to a tropical destination.

Enigmatic Scorpio will remain silent about his lottery games and winnings, and he will undoubtedly be prepared for the possibility that he will win the jackpot.

Nevertheless, people born under this sign are prone to experiencing financial setbacks, such as making and losing significant sums of money, sometimes even twice or thrice.

Therefore, it is beneficial for Scorpio to carefully plan their finances.

Lucky Numbers for Scorpio: 4-8-10-17-19-41-49.

Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

Happiness time: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.




Sagittarius 4

People born under this sign have an air of superiority about them; they exude self-assurance, optimism, and a carefree spirit.

Sagittarius has an unshakable faith that everything will turn out for the best, which allows them to always be willing to challenge themselves and take chances.

This outgoing zodiac sign is known for its infectious enthusiasm for life as well as its hilarious sense of humor. They are good at making friends and are generous and kind to the people they care about.

Sagittarians have high goals; they are always interested in expanding their horizons, and this aspiration extends to their pursuit of greater self-awareness and development as individuals.

Because those born under this sign are spontaneous and love to have a good time, it's likely that they will experiment with games.

Sagittarians have a tendency to overspend, despite their love of big dreams and abundance of creative ways to make money.

If they win the lottery, they will create a budget and stick to it. As an active sign that places a high value on freedom and discovery, traveling is one of the things that bring you the most joy.

Lucky numbers for Sagittarius: 1-5-8-22-29-33-44.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday

Happiness time: 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.




Capricorn 4

Capricorns, who are associated with the element of earth, are ambitious individuals who, true to their zodiac sign, begin their climb to the top by building a secure base for their growing financial empire.

This sign is dedicated to its work and puts in a lot of effort, so it takes its time and strives for perfection in everything it does.

Goats are cautious and realistic animals; before getting to know someone, they may be shy and suspicious due to their wariness.

Even though they may struggle financially and be perceived as being materialistic at times, people born under this sign are reliable and trustworthy.

Their incredible fortitude, ability to persevere, and triumph despite obstacles are all hallmarks of their independent nature.

When goats believe that they are contributing to a worthy cause, not only are they generous with their financial resources but also with their time.

Lucky numbers for Capricorn: 7-10-18-21-24-36-59.

Lucky days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Happiness time: 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.




Aquarius 4

The life of an Aquarian is likely to be unconventional and forward-thinking, and it is likely to offer a number of thrills and unexpected twists, perhaps a big jackpot win.

When picking lottery numbers, Aquarians might try out a variety of approaches, such as drawing ideas from license plates or phone numbers to come up with original combinations. This sign isn't afraid to be odd or unconventional in any way, shape, or form.

The opportunity to work on a project with other people can be very appealing, and Aquarius is an expert at bringing people together to collaborate on their endeavors.

This sign enjoys being in the lead, but rather than becoming mired in the particulars of a situation, they would rather take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

They have a tendency to spend a lot of money, which means that they need to be watchful about how their money is spent.

Because Aquarians are known for their progressive and forward-thinking ideas, it is likely that they will put their success toward making the world a better place.

Lucky numbers for Aquarius: 6-7-13-16-27-34-47.

Lucky days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Happy time: 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.




Pisces 4

Many people who have won the lottery have described the day they won as one in which they “felt lucky.” Pisces, who are naturally intuitive, should listen to their gut feelings when deciding which lottery numbers, games, and days to play.

Because of their charitable nature, Pisces would put any money they won in the lottery to good use, whether it be through the establishment of their own organization, the donation of money, or time to existing organizations.

And of course, Pisces would help family and friends with their windfall – loved ones are probably the first thing Pisces think of when they hear they've had a life-changing windfall.

However, sensitive Pisces should take precautions to protect themselves so that they are not drained by an excessive amount of requests for financial support.

Lucky Numbers for Pisces: 3-8-17-17-33-38-44.

Lucky days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday

Happiness time: 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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