These Egyptian Cards Will Say Something About Your Future…

For centuries, the Egyptians have been renowned for their ability to see into the future and discover what it holds.

It is believed that their secret lay in the mysterious cards they used which could accurately predict a person’s destiny.

Now, you too can experience the wonders of the Egyptians cards and learn something about your future!

Choose one of the Egyptian cards and you will discover what it has in store for you. Each card carries a message with a special meaning, providing insight into the future.

Once you make your choice, read your message below and see what the card reveals about your future.

Everyone deserves a glimpse into the future, and now you have the chance to access this gift. Step through the time portal and unlock your destiny.

These Egyptian Cards Will Say Something About Your Future

If you chose:




A significant impact is caused by the moon.

Both on animals and on people, because, according to ancient myths, it had the ability to change anyone into a monstrous version of themselves by bringing out their darkest impulses.

This card will exalt and elevate your passion, but it will also elevate your jealousy, and not just toward your partner. Jealousy can be directed toward other people as well.

Under the influence of this card, any feelings of resentment you may have towards another person will become even more apparent.

If you don't give careful consideration to the choice you make, you run the risk of failing at whatever you're trying to accomplish, even though you have a good chance of succeeding overall.

Therefore, the Moon card advises you to clear your mind before tackling any challenge. It will take some time before you start to see the results of your actions, so you will need to be patient.

This card encourages us to think before we act and to understand the potential consequences of our actions. In this way, it can help guide us toward achieving our goals while avoiding any potential pitfalls along the way.

With careful consideration and guidance from this card, you can use its power to achieve true success.





Anubis, Lord of the Necropolis, Protector of Souls and Secrets, and Attendant at the Judgment of Souls, is the God who Symbolizes the Hierarch. Anubis is Present During the Judgment of Souls.

Because he is the one who leads souls to their eternal rest or to their punishment for the deeds they committed during their life on earth, Anubis is also known by the name the Guide.

If you have a propensity for evil and engage in acts of wickedness, your soul will endure an eternity of torment without any form of mercy; on the other hand, if you engage in acts of kindness, the weight of goodness in your heart will increase, and this will result in increased levels of happiness and prosperity in your life.

This card encourages you to take stock of the events that take place in your life and to look for the bright side of any situation.

You are conscious of the fact that every deed has an associated result, but your instinct compels you to seek out the optimal equilibrium and harmony.

This card also serves to warn us against evil deeds, as Anubis examines the heart and takes into account both the intention and result of our actions. He sees what is hidden within us- our past, present, and future.

He has the power to show us the paths we should take and those we should stay away from.

The Anubis card warns us against impulsiveness and encourages us to take a step back and think before we act. If our actions are not based in kindness and positive intentions, then our souls will suffer for it in the afterlife.

The guidance of this card can help us to create balance between our conscious and unconscious motivations, so that we can lead meaningful, fulfilling lives here on Earth.




The play of this card signifies the conclusion of a battle.

You have endured a difficult journey, but have finally arrived victorious, just as it says on your card, where you are crowned by the sun. During your struggle, during which you shed an excessive amount of tears, you were unable to feel anything, and you were dead inside.

However, now that your struggle is over, you have returned to life, and you can find joy and happiness in the smallest of things.

The good times, happiness, and success in the financial realm are all brought to you by this card. At long last, you will receive your reward.

Now is the time when it is in your best interest for no one to stand in your way because even though your sword is worn out and tired, it still has sufficient strength to continue dealing fatal blows. You will be unstoppable.

This card also symbolizes wealth and financial success. It says that the fruits of our hard work and efforts will be rewarded. After a period of struggle and hardship, you can look forward to a prosperous future and many successes in life.

The Triumph card is a reminder of the importance of perseverance and resilience. Even when the road ahead may seem insurmountable, it is important to keep pushing forward and stay focused on your goals.

With enough determination and effort, you will eventually overcome any obstacle and reach your destination.




Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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