These Zodiac Signs Are Attracted To Each Other Like Magnets

Love or attraction cannot be explained. When lovers' hearts race, they love without understanding the ins and outs of their feelings. And very often, it is not a deliberate choice.

Love or attraction is not something that can be intellectualized, but it can be said that the ambiguity it creates helps to make the other person even more irresistible.

On the other hand, we may believe that the person we need has more or less specific qualities and we then represent them in our imagination.

But despite the list of qualities that we can draw up in our minds, we can fall in love with a person who is far from these famous “criteria”.

The same is true when it comes to our zodiac signs influencing who will win our hearts. In astrology, certain signs of the zodiac seem to inevitably attract each other. Who are they?



Aries and Libra

Aries and Libra

Between Libra and Aries, there is an inevitable attraction, even though everything opposes them. However, they are remarkably complementary. Libras are rather subtle in their interactions, delicate and full of lightness, while Aries are much more energetic.

They are very dynamic and full of passion, ardor, and audacity. One might even have the impression that this last quality turns into rudeness and then wonder why Aries and Libra are so attracted to each other.

The answer is simple. They complete each other. Aries do not resist the character of Libra who needs someone to guide them and clarify their doubts.



Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini finds Sagittarius irresistible because they are adventurous and playful, something that fits perfectly into the sociable lifestyle of Gemini.

The two share a lot in common since the free spirit that is Sagittarius marries perfectly with Gemini's taste for change of scenery, adventure, and new experiences.

But because both of them always like to try something new, they are not always promised to stay together despite a particularly passionate start to their relationship.



Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces

The sensitivity and delicacy of Pisces is sure to capture the hearts of Virgos. Virgos hardly resist the aura they emanate and their intuitive and dreamy side.

Their differences are, however, quite obvious because of Pisces' indecisive side. As for the question of the durability of their relationship, it will depend on the vagaries of life.



Scorpio and Taurus

Scorpio and Taurus

Here is a couple where everything opposes and yet attracts. It is precisely the radical differences between Taurus and Scorpio that make them so attracted to each other.

Taurus is more pragmatic and stable, unlike the more passionate Scorpio. Scorpio's mysterious side is also one of the reasons why Taurus falls under its spell.

Unfortunately, this does not always result in a relationship that is promised to last.Their story, essentially one of passion, may come to an end after a series of misunderstandings.



Capricorn and Cancer

Capricorn and Cancer

Capricorn can see in people born under Cancer all the qualities that they lack.

Ambitious, stable, and particularly hard-working, they do not seem to be able to express their sensitivity, their emotions, and their benevolence as Cancers do.

Admiration then arises from this observation. Conversely, Cancers see in Capricorns the dedication and consistency they lack.

It is thus the mutual wonder that makes them signs inevitably attracted to each other.

Besides this shared admiration, Cancer feels safe alongside serene Capricorn. Both give an important place to the family and the comfort of their home.

It is very likely that their relationship will be strong and lasting.



Aquarius and Leo

Aquarius and Leo

Aquarius has something so mystical about him that Leo can only see him as an object of desire, a kind of prize to be won in the image of the merit he feels he has.

Fortunately, the relationship between the two signs can go beyond this narcissistic dimension of Leo and lead to something more.

However, while it is likely that love at first sight was born between the two, their union is probably not meant to last.

And for good reason, Aquarius is not a sign that will caress Leo for validation, something that could end up upsetting this recognition-hungry sign.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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