This is How Every Zodiac Sign Flirts With Body Language

It is not hard to flirt with someone through words or eye contact; in fact, it is very easy to do in most situations. But did you know someone can flirt with you even if they don't talk or make eye contact with you?

To successfully flirt through body language requires a high level of subtlety and the ability to read between the lines.

Therefore, if you want to know whether or not a particular person is flirting with you, this article will tell you exactly what things to take into consideration.




Aries 5

Aries flirt with the body that God has given them. Due to the fact that they are direct, there is not much subtext to read. Take a good long look at them. Their eyes never lie about their feelings.

They are revealed by their obvious body language. They wrap their arms around you, give you hugs, kiss you on the forehead, and give you kisses on the cheek.

They will pick on you and make fun of your new outfit as well as your haircut as a way of subtly letting you know that they have noticed even the most subtle of changes.

They will make jokes about your most recent post on Instagram with a “friend,” which is a clear indication that they are jealous.

They might give the impression that they don't care what you do, but the truth is that they really do. Therefore, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to you that an Aries finds you attractive.




Taurus 5

When looking for a partner, a Taurus heavily uses its eyes. Taurus is slow to open up to new people because of their reserved nature.

When determining whether or not someone would make a good partner, they need to think about the situation rationally. Taurus has a reputation for being very monogamous.

This is a sensual earth sign. When you are in a relationship with someone, you will touch them quite frequently. They might greet you at the door, accompany you when you go for a walk, or hold your hand.

They prefer to sit with the people they like. Being in close proximity to someone makes it easier to determine whether or not they are good enough.

Taurus is drawn to those who have a fresh and pleasant smell. When their surroundings are pristine, consistent, and nourishing, Taureans feel most at ease.

Wear something traditional, use some delicate perfume, and maintain a pleasant demeanor if you want to impress a Taurus. They will respond positively.




Gemini 5

If a Gemini likes you, they will seek to get physically close to you. They are constantly staring at you and enjoy flirting with their bodies.

When you are with them, they will want to hug you, kiss you, or hold your hand. They may not make their desire clear to you, but you can be sure that they are thinking about it.

You can expect Geminis to make fun of you, tease you, and argue with you in a playful manner. They will make physical contact but in a non-flirtatious way.

They will shower you with gifts. When it comes to flirting, Geminis are lively, spontaneous, and full of fun.




Cancer 5

Cancer will want to be lost with you. They will look you straight in the eyes and laugh in an adorable way.

They snuggle up with you in the middle of it all. Cancer is a sensitive sign that expresses their love or desire for you quickly and easily.

They are highly emotional individuals who, when in the presence of someone they care about, can become socially clumsy and lose control of their physical movements and gestures.

They will sit next to you, want to hold your hand, look at your eyes, and focus on the way you talk.




Leo 5

Leo is known for being extremely friendly, affectionate, and open. This one is a dominant sign. When it comes to body language, they have a somewhat aggressive demeanor.

Leos will make an effort to establish their presence at a party. As soon as they walk through the door, you will be able to tell that they are there.

They are often very busy people because they are attempting to get to know everyone, please everyone, and start the party off on the right foot.




Virgo 5

When flirting with you, Virgos will use powerful body language. Through her touch, you will acquire all of the information about her that you need.

They will approach you directly to ask you out. They will make you feel like you are the only one in the world and will shower you with affection.

When you are too worn out to walk, Virgos will grab your hand and lift you up with their strong arms. When they are in love, connecting with them will be much easier.




Libra 5

Libra can't help but lose their minds. They will be clumsy in every sense of the word. When Libras get excited, their minds can get ahead of them and they forget what their body is doing.

They'll be strangely comfortable and anxious with you. A Libra will want to spend the entire evening by your side and will figure out the best way to kiss you.

They are always looking for new ways to impress you. They may dance on the furniture, quote long passages from plays, and maybe skip along beside you.




Scorpio 5

Scorpio will charm his crush through his techniques of seduction. His hugs are guaranteed to be the most comforting hugs you've ever experienced.

They can be extremely sensitive but in a very innocent way. Scorpio will touch almost every part of your body, including your hair, fingers, nose, cheeks, shoulders, knees, and back.

When they are flirting, Scorpios do not smile openly. Instead, they grin seductively and sneakily all the time. They also have a tendency to be very territorial in romantic relationships because they do not like to share the things that bring them joy.

You will be authoritative, but at the same time warm, cuddly, and affectionate.




Sagittarius 5

Another of the physical zodiac signs is Sagittarius. They make extensive use of their body in order to charm their crush.

They will move closer to you so that they can sit next to you, laugh at your jokes, and dance so that you can see their muscles, meshing with your body.

Sagittarians enjoy talking to a variety of individuals. They enjoy sitting right in or on someone's seat. They love snuggling together.

Sagittarius love making out and fooling around.




Capricorn 5

When it comes to flirting, Capricorns are typically reserved and good-natured. They will prioritize spending time with you and will work hard to maintain positive energy around them.

They may present a more reserved persona in public, but when they are alone with you, they have the potential to be very sensual. They will keep their promises and will not forget any details about you.

You will be able to tell when they find you attractive because they will pay you close, undivided attention. They include you in their social group and would love to hang out with your friends.

Their methods of flirting are typically understated, and they maintain a lot of eye contact. They will go to great lengths to get your attention and establish themselves as someone important.




Aquarius 5

Reading the body language of an Aquarius can be very challenging at times. They love being in your company.

However, because they are shy, once you become aware of it, they may feel nervous and walk away.

When talking to you, Aquarius avoids making eye contact, bites the inside of his lower lip, fidgets with keys, and plays with his clothes.

They won't be able to find the words to adequately convey the range of emotions they are experiencing. An Aquarius will seem attractive, lost, seductive, confused, and in control all at the same time.

You will feel the intensity of attraction when they make eye contact with you, and as they smile dreamily at you, you will see it in their eyes.

If you don't let them know that you're interested, they will keep their distance and give you your space.




Pisces 5

This is perhaps the most romantic sign of the zodiac. When a Pisces is flirting with you, it will be obvious from both their behavior and their reactions.

When you are most in need of comfort, this sign will gaze deeply into your eyes, gently hold your hand, and offer you their support.

They will make you feel like a special person and laugh at your jokes, even if they are terrible. Pisces have the ability to be extremely demanding and protective but in a lovable way.

When they feel attracted to someone, they act in a way that is very loving, kind, and gentle toward that person. When a Pisces flirts with you, you will undoubtedly feel wanted.


This is How Every Zodiac Sign Flirts With Body Language Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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