This is How Virgo Season 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

As the fiery, attention-seeking Leo season draws to a close, we move into the territory of the grounded, analytical Virgo.

It's all about finding the magic in the little things when you're a mutable earth sign, as well as amassing knowledge and disseminating it in a way that's purposeful and focused on helping others.

Mercury, the planet that governs communication, transportation, and technology, is in charge of this region. As a consequence of this, it is not surprising to find that the beginning of Virgo season coincides with the end of summer and the beginning of a new academic year.

During the time that the sun is in the sign of the maiden, you may find that you have a greater interest in performing routine tasks, such as cleaning up your environment or updating your wardrobe in anticipation of the onset of cooler weather.

And regardless of which of the five love languages you speak with your partner, you might feel moved to show your affection through acts of service and thoughtful gestures, such as slipping a heartfelt love note into your partner's pocket.

It's that time of year when you start to appreciate the simple pleasures in life, like gathering around the grill with your loved ones or watching the sun go down.

The following is a rundown of what each sign should anticipate during the Virgo season.

You are welcome to read the information that follows according to your astrological sign and/or rising sign as well.




Aries 2

During the Virgo season, your attention is typically directed toward your daily tasks as well as your wellness routine. This is because the sun is transiting through your sixth house during this time.

Even though it might not sound very exciting, this time was set aside specifically for catching up on doctor's appointments or doing research on local gyms or yoga studios. Taking the time to care for yourself in this way can feel very productive and can help you find your center.

On September 14, the date of the new moon, you should make adjustments to your typical activities in order to achieve greater harmony within yourself.

Just be aware that clarity is difficult to come by right now as a result of the moon's opposition to Neptune, which clouds rational thought, and Mercury's retrograde motion, so make an effort to ease into this new chapter.




Taurus 2

For you, Taurus, letting go of plans and ideas about how things ought to go during the Virgo season is the most important lesson you can learn.

As the self-assured sun travels through your fifth house of romance and self-expression, you may find that you have a heightened artistic sensibility and are more drawn to activities that are carefree and filled with joy.

You will find the inspiration to share whatever is on your mind right now in a carefree and humorous manner, regardless of what it is. (This will lead to a lot of flirting.)

On September 14, when the new moon will fall in that location, you will have the opportunity to easily set a powerful intention to increase the joy and bliss in your love life or creative life.




Gemini 2

As the sun travels through the fourth house of your astrological chart, the Virgo season directs your attention inward, toward your most intimate relationships and your inner life.

One of your top priorities might be to take a relaxing trip at the end of the summer with family and friends, work in the yard or garden, or engage in some other activity that helps you feel more at home in the world.

Because you're usually rushing from one trip, event, or hangout to the next, this might be a little bit different for you than what you're used to doing.

But taking it easy now can be beneficial for both your heart and mind, and it can also better prepare you to deal with your ruler, the messenger Mercury, who will be in your fourth house during the retrograde period (from August 23 to September 15).




Cancer 2

Cancer, you should get ready for a very social few weeks ahead. Your third house of communication will be illuminated while the sun is in Virgo, encouraging you to come out of your shell and engage with the world.

In spite of the fact that you are a homebody, you will be invited to a variety of social events, ranging from weekend getaways to happy hours, which will encourage you to spend more time with friends, colleagues, and family members.

You may also find that you crave more intellectual stimulation than is typical for you, in which case you should make it a priority to read and watch the books and movies you've been meaning to see and then discuss your impressions with the people in your inner circle.

On or around the 30th of August, you will experience a full moon in the ninth house of adventure, which may encourage you to venture beyond your usual boundaries.




Leo 2

Your ruler, the confident sun, is currently transiting through the second house of income during the Virgo season, which directs your attention to matters pertaining to money and values.

You've been in the limelight and given top priority to presenting your pet projects for the past four weeks; now it's time for you to put what you've learned into practice and start bringing in money.

If you are looking forward to working on a project but are concerned that you will not be adequately compensated for your efforts, it may be time to negotiate for a better price.

You also have the option of requesting a conference with a higher-up to discuss the possibility of receiving a pay increase. In either scenario, being aware of your value can increase the amount of what is rightfully yours.

On September 14, the new moon will be in your second house, putting you in a position to take a step in the right direction and setting the stage for future success.




Virgo 2

Virgo, I hope you enjoy your time of year! Since the sun is currently located in the first house of your natal chart, your attention is directed toward how you present yourself to the outside world as well as the pursuit of overarching objectives that are near and dear to your heart.

You should always be thinking of ways to improve your personal brand, but you may find that this time of year is particularly conducive to doing so.

Around the 14th of September, you'll experience your annual new moon, which is a great time to set a powerful intention and then take even the smallest step toward achieving your dream.

Because Mercury will be in retrograde motion in your first house from August 23 until September 15, you should be aware that you might not be able to generate as much momentum right away during this time.

First, go over any projects that have been left unfinished, and then in October get started on new ones.




Libra 2

Libra, this Virgo season could be a little more restful for you than it is for other people because the sun is transiting through your 12th house, which is associated with your spirituality and dreams.

You find yourself daydreaming more often than usual, devoting more time to meditation and other mindfulness practices, and spending more time than usual by yourself.

However, this is for the greater good of achieving greater clarity on your objectives before the start of your season.

Follow your heightened intuition around the 14th of September and plant seeds that have a chance of bearing fruit once the new season begins later in the month. This will give you the best chance of success.




Scorpio 2

During the Leo season, you might have been focused on doing what it takes to gain professional recognition.

However, during the Virgo season, your attention will shift to group projects as the self-assured sun moves through the 11th house of your chart, which is associated with networking and friendship.

During this time, it will be much simpler for you to collaborate with other people to turn a shared vision into a reality.

This may be especially true around the 24th of August, when one of your co-rulers, ambitious Mars, forms a harmonizing trine to your other co-ruler, transformative Pluto, in your third house of communication.

This could be a time when you feel especially motivated to get things done.




Sagittarius 2

In spite of the fact that the Leo season has the potential to encourage you to break out of your routine and try new things, the Virgo season could have you putting in extra effort at work so that you can move up the professional ladder.

Because the self-assured sun will be moving through the 10th house of your chart, which governs your career and public image, you will have a stronger desire to put in the work necessary to be recognized.

On September 14, when the new moon falls in that location, you will be able to get an exceptionally clear picture of what it is that you want to accomplish and start taking exciting steps in that direction.

It's possible that you'll need to spruce up your resume or give a presentation that focuses everyone's attention on you.

From the 23rd of August until the 15th of September, the messenger of Mercury will help you reevaluate your long-term objectives so that you can position yourself for even greater success in the years to come.




Capricorn 2

The Virgo season shines a spotlight on your yearning to break away from the mundane activities of everyday life, Cap.

Due to the transit of the self-assured sun through your ninth house of exploration and higher education, you will find that any opportunity that allows you to spread your wings feels especially rewarding.

You should be aware that when the messenger Mercury goes into retrograde on August 23 and remains in that phase until September 15, you might find it necessary to put your plans for long-distance travel on hold in order to pay attention to the more routine aspects of your daily life.

You may find that you are better able to relax and get ready to take a leap of faith if you slow down and listen to your gut rather than your head.




Aquarius 2

Your attention was redirected to one-on-one relationships during the Leo season, which compelled you to evaluate the degree of mutual obligation that exists between you and your significant other, best friend, or even a close colleague.

As the self-assured sun travels through the eighth house of intimacy in your zodiac chart, you'll be considering the steps you need to take in order to feel more at ease and foster intimacy within your most significant relationships.

On September 14, when the new moon occurs in this sector of your life, you may find that you are ready to commit to an entirely new chapter in this part of your life, whether that means beginning a financial project with a business partner or becoming more emotionally vulnerable with someone you care deeply about.




Pisces 2

During the Virgo season, the self-assured sun will travel through your seventh house of partnerships, putting an emphasis on your one-on-one relationships.

You will feel more prepared and confident in your ability to succeed as part of a team, whether you and your significant other are about to embark on a new adventure together or whether you are working on a business proposal with a friend or colleague.

Due to the fact that the messenger Mercury is currently in the same sign, now is an excellent time to finally bring up an issue that you have been avoiding discussing with a significant other, friend, or coworker.

This is the best opportunity we've had all year to hash things out and plot a fresh course toward recovery through communication.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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