This Is The Greatest Fear Of Each Zodiac Sign

Have you ever wondered what scares each zodiac sign most and keeps them up at night? Some fear change. Other zodiac signs fear losing their freedom.

In fact, every sign has at least one thing that scares them to death. Here are some of the things that the zodiac signs fear more than anything.




Aries 2

The fear of being forgotten or going unnoticed.

Aries are driven by the desire to leave a lasting impression on the world, but they secretly worry that they won't be able to leave the kind of imprint that they envision for themselves.

They have a strong desire to leave behind a legacy, and the fear that their accomplishments and contributions might one day be forgotten keeps them up at night.




Taurus 2

Fear of unexpected change.

Taurus craves stability, organization, and structure in their life; as a result, they can often be afraid of significant or upsetting changes.

They are creatures of habit and have a harder time than other signs adjusting to sudden and unexpected changes; as a result, they tend to worry a lot about the future.




Gemini 2

Fear of losing their freedom or succumbing to routine.

Geminis are restless; in addition, they are fiercely independent beings who enjoy being on the go and who are insatiably curious about trying out new things.

For this reason, they often have a significant fear of being confined and losing their freedom, and as a result, they do everything in their power to avoid falling into a dull and repetitive routine.




Cancer 2

Fears rejection and that people will not like them.

Cancers are known for having a sensitive souls, and as a result, they tend to take negative criticism and rejection personally.

As a consequence, they may not speak their minds out of fear that others will dislike them or judge them negatively.




Leo 2

Fears of being forgotten or ignored.

Leos cannot stand to be ignored, and they hate it when they are made to feel as though they do not exist.

Their worst nightmare is that they will have a falling out with the people who love them the most and that those people will either forget about them or cut them out of their lives completely.




Virgo 2

Fear that they will not be able to live up to their own high expectations.

Virgos tend to be perfectionists, which is why they often hold themselves to extremely high and unrealistic standards, and then they are quick to point out when they fall short of meeting those standards.

They really do themselves a disservice by being so critical of themselves, especially considering that all that worrying isn't helping them in the least.




Libra 2

Fear of making the wrong decision.

Libras are rational, analytical beings who think a lot about the consequences of their actions before acting on important life choices.

One of their greatest fears is that one day they will make an error in their calculations or choose the incorrect path along the way, which will result in the loss of everything they have worked so hard to achieve.




Scorpio 2

Fear of being betrayed.

One of the greatest fears that Scorpios have is the possibility that a trusted friend or family member will betray them. They take betrayal very personally.

They find it extremely challenging to regain trust in anyone, and once it has been betrayed, they are not the type to simply “forgive and forget” so easily.




Sagittarius 2

Fear of losing their freedom.

Sagittarius is an independent sign that, in order to be happy, needs to have the freedom to act however they please.

Their worst fear is being pigeonholed or trapped into a lifestyle where they have no say in how their life is led, and they will often go to great lengths to avoid this.




Capricorn 2

Fear of failure and that they will not achieve their dreams.

Capricorns never stop working toward their goals and have extremely high standards for themselves in terms of what they want to accomplish and how far they want to go in life.

One of their biggest fears is that they won't be able to have the kind of effect on the world that they have always dreamed of having.




Aquarius 2

Fear of losing their individuality or having to compromise their character.

They fear that one day they will have to compromise on their values or conform to society in a way that they just don't want to. Aquarius likes to do things their way.

They place a very high value on their independence, and they cannot stand it when other people try to impose their own norms and principles on them.




Pisces 2

Fear of rejection and loneliness.

When Pisces commit to a relationship, they do so with all of their heart because they have a lot of love to give.

On the other hand, one of their greatest fears is that they won't come across anyone who is able to love them back in the same way.

They often struggle with low self-esteem, which causes them to question whether or not they will ever find the person who will complete their lives.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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