This Is Your Biggest Fear, According To Your Zodiac Sign

We are all driven by different fears and anxieties. And as is the case with our character traits, astrologers agree that our fears are also influenced by the impact of the stars.

If we are willing to admit that everyone's personality is intimately linked to astrological signs: better understanding and detecting our fears could help us face them in the best way.

Although we are all different, there are characteristics that unite people born in the same period. Often, fears arise precisely as a direct result of a particular characteristic that sets us apart.

Depending on one's attitude and temperament, they can thus reflect our deep nature and say a lot about our personality. Discover what your biggest fear is, according to astrology.





Passionate, excessive, and impulsive, Aries are terrified of being overly sentimental and betraying themselves too quickly.

In the same way, as he often gets off to a fast start, he is afraid of exploding and revealing his raw nerves in no time.

This is why he tries as much as possible not to reveal himself too openly, in order to keep a part of the mystery. On the other hand, the fear of failure, in any field, constantly haunts Aries.

Aries is a zodiac sign that likes to take up challenges and multiply them: not feeling up to it or failing outright will paralyze him for a long time.





Taurus' biggest fear? Socializing with people he doesn't know. Taurus doesn't like change: he can't stand stepping out of his reassuring and soothing comfort zone.

He is a rather stable person who is afraid of the unknown, who does not like surprises, and who is not necessarily excited by novelty.

Admittedly, he just needs to open up a little more to better enjoy life. But before starting this work, he prefers the peace and security of his own little world.





Gemini hates being rejected or abandoned by others. When he gives himself too much in a relationship, he is blinded and trusts that person so much, that he can fall off the wagon if he is betrayed.

However, he is too real and authentic to be suspicious or not to confide in the people he loves. The big fear of Gemini, therefore, revolves around these sometimes false relationships that he cannot detect.





Extremely sensitive and always looking for love, this zodiac sign tends to make bad choices in their relationships, both romantic and friendly.

He is therefore particularly afraid of toxic relationships: he has been through so much disappointment and heartache that he is terrified of being hurt again and again.

In his eyes, deception or infidelity are unforgivable.

This is the ultimate betrayal that Cancer really struggles with. But if he wants to calm his mind, he must learn to manage his anxiety, stop focusing on the past and move forward by following his instincts a little more.





Self-centered and proud, Leo has an irrational fear of failure. He always aspires to succeed and if he does not succeed, he goes into a rage.

But be careful, there is no question of lecturing him or questioning him. Let no one dare to come and question his abilities or offend his ego. That would be a disaster!





Virgos are very perfectionist people. They have a morbid need to control and master everything around them. The loss of control is thus one of the biggest anxieties of this sign.

At the same time, intimacy also scares Virgos. And, it's quite paradoxical: because as much as these people can't stand the idea of ​​being rejected or sidelined, they have trouble sharing their feelings and preserving a romantic relationship.

Virgo must really learn to open up to others and break their shell so as not to find themselves alone…





This is a very talkative and loquacious sign that constantly needs to express its opinion. Paradoxically, he is often beset by stage fright and is afraid to speak in front of everyone.

Not that he doesn't have an opinion to give, it's mostly that he lacks self-confidence. This is why you probably know some who stay back and seem fairly neutral in the debates that take place.

Another great fear is loneliness. Not finding true love would be insurmountable pain for Libras. This also explains why they are very diplomatic in their romantic relationships. They do everything not to scare their partners away!





Scorpio is on the move and never stays still. He always feels the need for change in his life: changing jobs, cities, hobbies, partners, or at least meeting new people.

Unlike Taurus, for example, he does not support stability, routine, and the comfort zone. He is an enthusiast who quickly suffocates on a daily basis if he perpetually repeats the same activities.

This is why, when they do not have the opportunity to move around as they wish, they tend to become irritable, aggressive, or even sad and gloomy.





If there is one thing this Sagittarius fears, it is abandonment and disengagement. It's as if he feels a bit contradictory in every way because he can't bring out his being and his personality.

He also worries about having his pride hurt. He doesn't like violence, but he won't hold back at anyone who tries to poke his ego!





Capricorn is very concerned about the gaze of others. He worries that people have a bad image of him or that his reputation is no longer in good shape.

For fear of disappointing others, he is always ready to exceed his limits. However, he is a very suspicious person who is always on his guard.

Nothing is more difficult for him than trusting others. This is precisely one of his greatest fears: his lack of trust in people he does not know. Feeling judged or unloved can make him sick.





This zodiac sign hates socializing. He is a self-sufficient person who usually only relies on himself to get ahead in life. He rarely needs to call on others.

Very independent, Aquarius is initially very selective in his relationships, but in addition, he needs a lot of time to get to know people and integrate them into his circle.

One thing is certain, one of his greatest fears is not being able to control certain situations where he has to depend on someone else. Feeling powerless is a real nightmare for Aquarians.





Pisces' greatest fear: suffering, in every sense of the word. This big sentimental dreamer, often on edge, has a real fear of having his heart broken.

He always has this feeling that he will not be able to recover. Naturally, he cannot stand the idea of someone betraying his trust, especially in love. This causes him great pain.

As a general rule, Pisces is anxious about all these complicated situations that make them vulnerable. Highly emotional and easily tearful, he does not like to show his weaknesses to others.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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