This is Your Guardian Fairy, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Fairies are nothing more than pure energy. The forms that fairies take can vary according to their personalities or the environments in which they reside.

Their wings are also made of light, feelings, and energy. The eyes of fairies are said to be reflective of their innermost selves.

It's been said that some of them even have red ears, which is a telltale sign that they have supernatural abilities. There are some people that the fairies adore so much that they begin to shower them with gifts of money or valuables.

However, the recipient must keep his secret. If they don't, they will no longer receive gifts. Similarly, fairies love being showered with gifts, but only when they deem it appropriate.

Miraculous and magical creatures, fairies are mentioned in almost every mythology. They are said to be responsible for a great number of occurrences and to be able to perform a variety of feats.

However, if up until now you believed that a guardian angel was the only thing that would protect you, you should know that you also have your very own fairy who will be with you from the moment you were born and will help you when you are confronted with challenging circumstances.



Aries – Paradise

Aries 5

At the very moment you were born, this powerful and passionate fairy looked at you and said:

“Even in the most trying circumstances of your life, I will look out for you, and you can count on me even when it seems like there is no way out of the darkness that you are surrounded by.”

She empowers you to be driven, passionate, and beautiful, and she uses the power of positivity to help you break down any barriers that stand in your way.

Because of your magnetic personality and contagious sense of humor, you have the ability to win over people of the opposite sex.



Taurus – Vivian

Taurus 5

When you first entered this world, gentleness and sensitivity were radiating from you. This fairy is protecting you in a wonderful way so that you can continue to be the wonderful and kind person that you are.

If you have faith in your fairy, you can rest assured that despite the challenges you face, a wonderful and joyful future is in store for you.

Vivian also assists you in meeting genuine partners along the way and in developing a deeper passion for the art you create.



Gemini – Melior

Gemini 5

If she guards you, then you are extremely fortunate, as she is the fairy who brings you happiness and success.

Even the key to preserving youth for all eternity can be passed on to you; with its assistance, you will never lack vitality or physical fitness.

You possess extraordinary intelligence, and if you are able to establish a shared spiritual connection with this fairy, then you will be able to flourish in every facet of your life.

Melinor will assist you in achieving your objectives by guiding you along a path that is surrounded by a variety of marvels.



Cancer – Melisina

Cancer 5

Melisina is a fairy of pure love, and her presence will leave an indelible mark on your heart. Because of her, children and animals treat you kindly and will always be there to keep you company.

On the other hand, she bestows upon you the ability to alleviate suffering and difficulty, and as a consequence, you become capable of performing miracles.

Therefore, she assists you in the process of creating a wonderful and imaginative world.



Leo – Morgan

Leo 5

The universe knows you possess unique qualities. You should be grateful to it for providing you with a respectable and noble fairy who will always find a way to solve all of your problems.

If you pay attention, you will always be able to recognize her messages, even if they come in the form of a hushed whisper or a vision in your sleep.

You will not only be a wise soul, but also a noble one, and as a result, you will command a great deal of respect from others.



Virgo – Holda

Virgo 5

Holda is a fairy of good opportunities. She communicates with you in a language only she understands, and uses that language to write success and happiness into your future.

If her blessings are with you in whatever endeavor you undertake, then you can rest assured that every one of your hopes and desires will be easily realized.

Rejoice because she has bestowed her enchanted energy upon you since the moment of your birth, and even in the most trying of circumstances, harmony will always be found in your life.

You also inherited your beauty from her, which is perfectly in tune with the goodness that resides within you.



Libra – Elvenia

Libra 5

You owe a great deal of your self-knowledge and upbeat outlook on life to her, and as a result, you have a great deal of enthusiasm and curiosity.

Because of her, you also have a passion for taking long trips, which not only entails traveling from one location to another but also the acquisition of new information along the way; and it is precisely this information that will guide you to the most profound levels of self-knowledge.

But it isn't until then that you'll find out about all of the wondrous abilities that fairy Elvenia saw in you when she decided to start protecting you.



Scorpio – Sol

Scorpio 5

Cunning is one of the most valuable gifts, and the fact that you are protected by the fairy Sol indicates that you have been granted this blessing.

This gives you the ability to attract people to you while minimizing the risk of succumbing to the influence of those people.

This fairy will also protect you from any kind of illusion that could have a negative impact on your life and will keep you safe from harm.

People who have this guardian fairy looking out for them are significantly more likely to get what they want in life and to have a successful career.



Sagittarius – Estrella

Sagittarius 5

Estrella is a fairy who spreads joy throughout your life and makes everything better. You can always expect to bring your best when you're under her protection.

Your fairy will always be watching out for you, so you won't have nearly as many difficulties to deal with in life as others will.

In addition, she bestows upon you the gift of unyielding willpower and unfathomable bravery.



Capricorn – Peri

Capricorn 5

Those who are protected by the fairy Peri are not only stunningly beautiful but also exceptionally bright.

They are also able to pick up on the emotions of other people and can immediately determine whether or not someone is a good person.

In addition, they are able to maintain their individuality while becoming anything they desire with Peri's assistance.

To be more specific, Peri watches their every move and encourages them to set higher standards for themselves.



Aquarius – Selkie

Aquarius 5

Selkie is the fairy of happiness and harmony, and she will watch over you and protect you during the most trying times in your life. Therefore, any wish that you wish will come true.

Because of your humility, you are not always capable of taking on significant challenges; however, there are times when you need to focus on yourself in order for your spiritual powers to reach their full potential.

There is also a significant surprise in store for you in life, and only Selkie can assist you in finding out what it is.



Pisces – Aries

Pisces 5

Ariel is a creative fairy who bestows extraordinary abilities upon you. Because of this, you will make an impression on the world no matter where you go.

She will also, at any point in your life, send you incredible dreams that either contain messages from another world or are related to the fulfillment of your destiny.

Therefore, it is certain that throughout your life you will experience many miracles, which will at times reveal the truth about certain things, and which will make you feel obligated to help others.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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