Three Zodiac Signs Will Experience a Major Confidence Boost in Leo Season 2024

Leo season begins on July 22 and lasts until August 22. Known for its confidence, Leo’s influence can manifest in unexpected ways. The season kicks off with the Sun entering Leo on July 22, joining Mercury and Venus. This celestial alignment illuminates areas of life that allow us to speak and connect with others with radiant confidence.

We benefit from this power trio for a few days until July 25, when Mercury moves into Virgo, offering us a more focused approach to our conversations.

On August 4, Venus transitions from fiery Leo into practical Virgo, prompting us to view love and beauty from a more conscious perspective.

On the same day, we also experience the New Moon in Leo, providing a chance to start anew and determine what we want from life, with a clear focus on perfecting what we have already been generously given.

On August 5, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo and will return to Leo on August 14.

Though retrogrades can seem intimidating, this period encourages us to slow down and reflect on our lives, helping us identify areas that need nurturing and growth.

Embrace Leo season’s vibrant energy to connect, reflect, and refine your path forward.




Aries 1
Sparks are flying for you this Leo season, Aries! The coming weeks will challenge you to enjoy life to the fullest and use that joy to enhance your daily routine.

With the Sun entering your 5th house of creativity and joy—where the Sun is especially happy—alongside Venus and Mercury, you'll find inspiration in all the right ways.

Whether you're exploring new creative outlets or taking bold steps in your romantic life, there's plenty to discover if you're brave enough to pursue what excites you.

As we move into August, Venus transitions into Virgo and your 6th house of routines, habits, and health. This shift will prompt you to focus on maintaining your physical well-being and achieving short-term goals that boost your self-esteem.

The New Moon in Leo on August 4 will compel you to reevaluate what self-love and self-care mean to you today.

Then, on August 5, Mercury enters your 6th house and begins its retrograde journey, eventually returning to Leo on August 14.

This period encourages you to slow down your impulsive nature and carefully examine what truly brings you happiness and how it enriches your life.

While the season will have its ups and downs, you'll gain a clearer understanding of what makes you feel alive and how to embrace those moments rather than blindly stumbling into them.




Leo 1
Welcome to your season, Leo! It's your time to shine, and the coming weeks will see you gaining more confidence than ever before.

The Sun, your ruling planet, enters your 1st house of self and identity along with Mercury and Venus.

This alignment urges you to embrace yourself and all you have to offer.

Don't be surprised if people feel more drawn to you than usual, especially with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, in play. If you're feeling confident, embrace it!

As August begins, Venus moves into your 2nd house of income and values, bringing more financial opportunities and a stronger sense of security.

The New Moon in your 1st house on the same day that Venus enters Virgo will draw your attention to how you can perfect your life rather than starting over.

Mercury's retrograde cycle, which begins in Virgo and moves back into your sign on August 14, will ask you to slow down and redefine your values and your perception of yourself.

These moments may require focused intention, but you'll feel more confident in who you are when Virgo season begins.




Buckle up, Scorpio, because this season is your big moment!

You've been waiting to show the world what you're made of, but expect some unexpected turns. As the season begins, the Sun enters your 10th house of career and public image along with Mercury and Venus, casting a bright light on you.

This alignment could mean recognition and even financial blessings as you showcase your worth and gain confidence in your steps.

The end of July is a prime time to speak your mind and present new ideas that turn heads. Remember, people won't know who you are unless you grab their attention.

As August begins, Venus moves into Virgo and your 11th house of friendships and networking, urging you to connect with others instead of tackling everything alone.

Even if you are fiercely independent, everyone needs connections and support from time to time, especially when advancing in your career.

The New Moon in Leo on the same day allows you to set intentions about your goals and honor the work you've already started.

When Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, be mindful not to let your ego get the best of you. Avoid claiming the center of attention if it risks burning bridges with those willing to help you.

Use this retrograde period to reflect on your true path and assess what works and what doesn’t in handling career opportunities.

By the end of Leo season, you will have a renewed understanding of what you need to reach your goals.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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