Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! April 14, 2023

Today, Saturn forms a sextile with the North Node of the Moon, and we are putting more effort into our personal development and desire to improve.

We are willing to engage in strategies and attitudes that serve our purpose, while we are willing to let go of things that are no longer serving our progress.

This transit improves both our ability to recognize opportunities and to collaborate with others.

With Venus squaring off with Saturn, we focus on negative outcomes; this may be the necessary first step prior to arriving at a place of realism.

We may experience feelings of dissatisfaction, isolation, or unlove, all of which can make us defensive or suspicious regarding our emotions and attachments.

If we do not receive the feedback that we need, we'll likely feel socially discouraged. For the time being, we are more cautious and less likely to be free or generous with money or our hearts.




Aries 6

Aries, the Venus square Saturn today may cause you to hold back, feel uncertain, or feel the need to reevaluate a situation. Now is a good time to investigate the worries or concerns that are preventing you from living your life to the fullest.

Even if the timing isn't quite right, or if you're dealing with disapproval or hesitation, slowing down a little bit can help. Keep things moderate.

There's a chance that people won't be very open or generous, and while this is probably due to fear or insecurity, there are better times to ask for favors or make your case!

If you try to take stock of what you already have and what you need, you might discover that what you have is more than enough for now.




Taurus 6

Taurus, if you have been overworked or taken for granted recently, you will feel the effects of those situations much more acutely today.

This is a significant checkpoint, but at the moment it may seem much more negative than it actually is.

It is common for flaws to become more pronounced during a Venus-Saturn transit. A problem with your relationships or with your emotions can make you feel burdened and prevent you from expressing yourself effectively.

You should try to conquer any anxieties you might have and learn how to slow down. Consider the areas in which you feel you could use improvement, and be honest with yourself about whether you have ever held self-limiting attitudes.




Gemini 6

Gemini, you feel freer during this time; however, a responsibility may have arisen that is preventing you from moving forward or an obstacle may have appeared just when you felt like you were unstoppable.

These will only be temporary setbacks. In addition, it may be time for you to acknowledge the limitations that certain projects place on you and work out what needs to be done to move forward.

Although there may be some unusual or uncomfortable feelings today, slowing down will likely benefit you. Criticism can be tedious, but it could show an interesting grain of truth that you could use to your advantage.

Try to organize your responsibilities so that you have more time to devote to less taxing pursuits.




Cancer 6

Cancer, since Venus and Saturn are in square aspect today, you might need to go back and make some adjustments before moving forward with something.

There could be worries and looming obligations that need to be dealt with, or perhaps you may have a reality check. The first half of the day provides a better environment for introspection than for taking decisive action.

It may be hard to relate to each other during this transit because criticism or the fear of criticism can lead to a defensive attitude.

People may not be supporting you. Since relationships, finances, and careers are complicated, it is not always easy to say what you need.

If things don't go as planned or move more slowly than expected, try to learn from it. Find ways to free yourself from the unnecessary worries and attachments to the past that have been holding you back.




Leo 6

Leo, while transits are generally favorable for experiencing greater freedom, the energies of today bring about some complications.

You may have to respond to an unexpected emergency and might experience anxiety. You want friendships and sharing, but something or someone is preventing you from doing so or is at least temporarily standing in your way.

Try not to take the highs and lows too seriously. When people protect themselves, emotional displays can be less than generous.

Nevertheless, obstacles and restrictions can slow you down for long enough to allow you to make better plans, which is probably for the best.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the day may call for some changes to be made, which can be viewed as an opportunity to get things in order before moving on.

As Venus and Saturn form a square today, worries about your career, long-term goals, life direction, and partnership come to the surface.

Even if you are optimistic, there is still a possibility that you will receive negative feedback; therefore, your best bet may be to make a plan to deal with it in the best way and to learn from any delays or setbacks.

If you get the impression that someone is envious of the attention you are receiving, try not to take it to heart as you can get through it.

Focusing on work and business matters can be helpful, but you may have to solve some problems along the way.




Libra 6

Libra, since a Venus-Saturn transit will have a significant impact on the first half of the day, it is in your best interest to take things easy, be flexible, and think things through.

If you try to move too quickly, you might run into some frustrations, and you might also experience some emotional strain. Recent plans or initiatives will run into an obstacle.

A project or even a relationship might reach a point where it needs to be reevaluated. Try not to let the fact that you are unhappy or disillusioned weaken your resolve. 

Revise your plans so that they are more suitable to your needs and more in line with reality. It gets easier to deal with or get around your limitations or shortcomings as the day goes on.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, since Venus is square Saturn today, even a minor setback, an obstacle, or your own stubbornness could derail your plans.

Nevertheless, you can quickly get back on track by making a few simple adjustments here and there. During the first half of the day, there are some worries, concerns, or emotional distance that need to be addressed.

A delay or disapproval will momentarily slow things down or demotivate you. Dissatisfaction in relationships or with creative output can stand out, and differences in preferences, styles, or attitudes can seem particularly disruptive.

Even though you may be temporarily lacking the necessary amount of energy to combat self-destructive thoughts, this is simply a sign that you need to take a break and readjust.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, sensitive and complex energy will dominate the day as a result of a Venus-Saturn square. You'll get a dose of reality or experience disappointment.

When weighed against your other relationships and your social life, family members or responsibilities at home may seem burdensome or restrictive.

You might be frustrated by a certain aspect of a relationship, but in all likelihood, your instincts are trying to tell you that you need to take things more slowly and adjust.

You tend to keep certain things to yourself, but at the same time, you are extremely focused on getting things done.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Venus-Saturn square of today can temporarily amplify certain flaws in a situation. You'll need to conduct a review of details of a project or a relationship.

This kind of review can be beneficial if it doesn't amount to dwelling on the problems. There is a tendency to be insensitive, which may require some attention.

Or, there is a challenge to be met, which may bring to light disapproval, blockages, and self-destructive attitudes. In either case, rather than moving forward with the plans, it would be best to start over or give it another shot.

Take it easy and try not to let delays or restrictions get to you, but if they do slow you down, it may ultimately help you get back on track.




Aquarius 6

Aquarius, today, the Moon will spend the day in your sign, which may make you feel as though you are starting over completely.

Nevertheless, a square aspect between Venus and Saturn can bring about difficulties in your relationships with others or a natural withdrawal that enables you to take a step back, slow down, or speed up.

There may be times when you feel vibrant with passion and creative energy, but there may also be times when you feel blocked or frustrated.

Obstacles can be related to finances or can take the form of inner apprehensions or fears of not achieving something. Keep in mind that obstacles are only there for a short period of time, but they can teach you very important lessons.

At this moment, rather than moving on to other things, pausing to reflect is the best course of action.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Venus-Saturn square of today suggests that you take things more slowly and reconsider your priorities. You see what aspects of the situation require change before moving forward.

You will need to let go of the negative in order to embrace the positive, but before you can do that, you will need to deal with the flaws.

During the first half of the day, you'll be especially sensitive to how other people perceive you or to any circumstance that makes you vulnerable to rejection.

Love is challenging, and the primary reason for this is that it requires some degree of self-education. Instead of seeking happiness from others, try to find it within yourself.

As the day progresses and your perspective change.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

1 Comment
  1. I always enjoy your astrological messages, they are of true insight to my soul journey,real and fabulous, kudos and more cosmic more it be.

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