Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! April 20, 2023

Today, The New Moon Solar Eclipse takes place. In the last degree of Aries, this Moon shifts our focus to our personal projects, courage, independence, and assertiveness.

There will be changes and new beginnings on these issues. This eclipse can highlight and test our issues of independence and personal courage.

We are in a better position to understand the fact that changes or endings are essential to our development.

The New Moon is square Pluto, which indicates that we may have to overcome some obstacles as we struggle with our fears and ambitions. It also aligns with Jupiter, which inspires originality, bravery, and good opportunities.

Mars, Aries's ruling planet, is in harmony with Uranus, which indicates a positive outlook on opportunities for growth, innovation, and improvement.

This evening, the Sun will move into Taurus, where it will remain until May 21. During this cycle, our focus shifts more toward the tangible, the material, and the sensual aspects of life.

The Sun in Taurus encourages us to be patient and open to new experiences. Our need for safety is great, and as a result, we tend to be possessive.

When the Sun squares off with Pluto in the afternoon, it will be challenging to trust others. This aspect, while it may divide us, helps us identify areas of over-attachment.

We might come into conflict with those in positions of authority, or we will experience frustration because our sense of responsibility or fear of loss in our professional or public life conflicts with our personal plans.

Circumstances force us to find our own power, the kind of power that originates from having a solid sense of self. as opposed to the superficial energy that comes from coercing other people into doing what we want them to.

Work on your self-control right now. Stop trying to force things that should develop organically. A little bit of paranoia or suspicion could also be working against us.

This transit brings phobias and buried things to the surface. Mercury will enter its retrograde phase tomorrow so the events of today and tomorrow could leave us feeling confused.




Aries 6

Aries, the Sun will move out of your sign tonight and into your house of values and resources. During this cycle that lasts a month, you will be in an excellent position to take control of your financial situation.

You might decide to take some precautions to protect yourself, figure out what to do with your natural talent, and figure out how to make the most of your resources.

You could also amass more possessions if you find that to be the path that makes the most sense to you at this time.

When the Sun is challenged in the coming month, you may start to exaggerate, overspend, or become obsessed with your financial situation as well as your material possessions.

With the Sun and Pluto squaring off, there may be some conflict regarding matters of respect, ownership, or methods.

People may be more touchy, sensitive, and defensive during this time, and they may be less likely to readily accept your help or input.




Taurus 6

Taurus, tonight, the Sun will make its first appearance in your sign, where it will remain until May 21. This new solar cycle encourages you to make a positive impression on people as you move into the next month.

If you want to change your image, now is a good time to do so, and if you want to push the boundaries of your ideas, your project, or your personality, you will have more success at this time of year.

In the coming weeks, your personal appeal, attention, and power in general will all be at high levels. However, today there is a conflict between the Sun and Pluto.

There can be an increase in tension whenever there is a demand for performance, whether at work or in a competitive setting. Make a list of your priorities or discuss them with someone you can rely on.




Gemini 6

Gemini, tonight, the Sun will enter its twelfth solar house, where it will remain for the next thirty days. At this time of year, there is more emphasis placed on rest, relaxation, detoxification, and finishing up projects and situations that have become excessive or stale.

This time of year is one of reflection and organization, with an emphasis on feelings and details. It is not the best time to push yourself or advance your projects when you are in the midst of a period of rest and rejuvenation.

This cycle helps you avoid overloading. As the Sun and Pluto square off today, latent frustrations or fears may resurface and negatively impact your mood.

You should deal with the issues that you left unfinished in order to prevent guilt from interfering with a healthy life.

Since these things will best serve your interests both now and in the future, you should try to refocus your attention and think about more effective ways to deal with aggravating circumstances.




Cancer 6

Cancer, tonight, the Sun will move into the social sector, and it will remain there until May 21. This influence has a positive effect.

You are focusing on new beginnings, projects, and ideas, and this gives you cause for optimism regarding your life path.

Instead, it is a time for experimenting with new ideas and plans or for new visions of where you would like to go with your life in terms of the bigger picture.

There will be a stronger emphasis placed on social activities, group dynamics, friendships, and community ties. This week will see a lot of different changes take place, some of which may be confusing but also interesting.

Opportunities in your life may present themselves through friends, networks, or groups. Tensions can arise for a variety of reasons, the most likely of which is power and control games.




Leo 6

Leo, tonight, the Sun will move into your tenth solar house, ushering in a period of the year that is marked by more drive and determination.

You will feel a stronger need or desire to perform well, take care of your business, and take responsibility until the 21st of May.

You will discover that you are in higher demand than normal, both in your personal life and in your professional life. Your accomplishments and the responsibilities you've taken on can garner a lot of attention.

You're more aware of the responsibilities you have and the effect you have on the world. Take charge of your life and make sure you know your long-term goals.

Since this is such a goal-oriented time period, you should treat it as a kind of analysis of your performance and achievements.

The Sun is square Pluto today, which can make matters relating to your career and close personal relationships heavy and charged.




Virgo 6

Virgo, the Sun will spend the next month traveling through your ninth solar house, which will stimulate your desire to live a life that is more than just a routine.

You will find yourself in a position to take advantage of opportunities, and most of the time, these opportunities will pertain to the pathways of creation, work, transportation, promotion, or education.

It is a wonderful time of the year to investigate new ideas, participate in novel activities, and travel to areas that have not previously been explored.

Anything that expands your understanding of the world around you is attractive. A square between the Sun and Pluto is active today, and as a result, feelings of insecurity may appear out of nowhere.

The pressures to meet health and work goals can cause tension, as you also want to experiment with new ideas and projects, but can't find the time for all your activities now.

Utilize your self-control and direct your energies toward something that will be beneficial to you.




Libra 6

Libra, tonight, the Sun will move into your eighth solar house, marking the beginning of a cycle lasting one month during which you might make personal transformations.

This time of year encourages a more reflective, deeper, and strenuous state of mind. You are about to reach the end of a solar cycle that has placed an emphasis on your relationships.

During this cycle, which will continue until May 21st, you will have a greater interest in going beneath the surface of things as opposed to just skimming over them.

You are about to gain a great deal of insight into your inner workings, motivations, and desires, as the Sun is about to shine a light on some of the things that are normally hidden from plain view.

Your personal life will become increasingly important, and you will pay closer attention to the complexities of the surrounding environment as well as the people in it.

A deeper and more passionate attitude towards life is now emerging. During this time of year, you may find that you are undergoing a process of personal transformation in some form.

However, in today's world, a square between the Sun and Pluto can indicate concerns or disagreements regarding the dynamics of money and power, sharing, or the level of intimacy.




Pisces 6

Scorpio, tonight, the Sun will enter opposition to your sign, and this 30-day cycle may be all about achieving a more balanced state of being and gaining a broader perspective on what you need and what you desire.

There may be a greater focus on camaraderie or partnerships in the weeks ahead, and you may benefit from the insights of someone important to you.

Some of your personal plans require some adjustment, or you might find yourself devoting slightly less effort to them as you focus on other aspects of your life, particularly the social aspects.

Up until the 21st of May, this cycle will show you that you need a new perspective on life and that you have an innate need for others' company.

You're willing to adapt to the important people in your life. However, a square between the Sun and Pluto is in effect, and your efforts to make peace may lead you to try to prove yourself, which helps no one.

When dealing with challenging energies that stimulate the fear of losing a position, title, or person, it will be helpful to have self-awareness.




Sagittarius 6

Sagittarius, the Sun is moving into your sixth solar house, which means you are feeling more confident about your work. As a result, your performance will continue to improve over the course of the next month.

This cycle is great for getting a handle on your day-to-day affairs; it's a good time to improve your work, your health, and your regular routines.

This transit will awaken the need to lead a life that is more productive, organized, and healthy than it has been in the past.

In spite of the fact that you may have to complete some laborious tasks during this time, on the whole, it will be a good opportunity for you to look for opportunities to grow and excel.

With a square between the Sun and Pluto in effect, today's energies may feel a little more tense than usual.

The pressure can begin to mount if you feel as though you have no control over your day-to-day activities.




Capricorn 6

Capricorn, the Sun will begin its transit through your house of individuality and creative expression tonight and will stay until May 21.

In the weeks ahead, it will be easier to express your talents, abilities, and affections. You have a greater desire to create, to put your skills to use, to show what you are capable of doing, to have romantic experiences that you can enjoy, and to take part in many of life's pleasures.

It is a fluid and beneficial cycle that encourages a more spontaneous and free approach to your life and helps you make the most of the opportunities.

Self-awareness will be useful with difficult energies stimulating the fear of losing a position, title or person.




Aquarius 6

Tonight, the Sun will move into your house of home and family, where it will remain until May 21. You will invest more of your heart and pride in your personal life.

As a rule, aspirations related to the outside world are going to take a back seat right now. You worry more about the state of your home and the security of your family.

Pay special attention to your loved ones, your home, and your household routines for the best results in the coming weeks. Restoring your energy and bolstering your ce can be very present needs.

If you want to get the best results in the coming weeks, you need to pay extra special attention to the people you love, your home, and the routines you follow.

While outside interests and responsibilities are always important, this is a time to honor your need for familiarity or routine.

When it comes to personal relationships, a more gentle approach is required. However, today you should be on the lookout for a tendency to either gain weight or become preoccupied with problems.




Pisces 6

Pisces, the Sun will spend the night in your house of communications, which will initiate a new cycle of increased mental activity, learning, and curiosity.

This year, Mercury will go retrograde shortly after the Sun begins its transit, which may indicate some complications. Although you may feel the urge to reach out and communicate more than usual, there may be obstacles in your path.

In spite of this, the rest of this cycle will be an excellent time for testing out new ideas, learning new things, or expanding.

Today, however, hidden feelings of frustration or guilt may emerge and disrupt the flow until you deal with them.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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